I am so thankful that the Lord’s grace is so much greater than ALL our sin. The last few weeks or so have been really tough and I have had an onslaught of mental attack. I was doing as much “in my own power” to “try” to do what needed to be done(SO NOT FAITH), but only causing myself to bring more shame upon myself for not being “better” than I ought to be. I had “bitter” things come up in me and I HATED IT! It was like being tortured every day and not being able to walk in any power whatsoever (HIS LOVE, MERCY AND GRACE). I wanted to run and hide and not face anyone for fear of “messing up”. If I couldn’t “behave” in my thoughts then I didn’t want to chance hurting others with my “Stinking thinking”. My family has to put up with me when I get that way and I hate it for them. I can assuredly say though that EVERY TIME I have gotten off track, God uses it and brings blessings to my family (learning to pray for those who are hurting you and forgiveness. I have prayed that HE PROTECT THEM FROM MY FAULTS) andthat far outweigh any “mistakes” I could make. I am also learning to “forgive” more quickly and not to allow hidden frustrations to carry me. I am learning to reject the shame and guilt (not perfect by any means but on my way and doing OK) and learning that it’s ok. I have Jesus and HE IS PERFECT. There are some that would try to hold me to that standard and I have allowed their feelings and attitudes to control me and manipulate me to where I have actually started condemning myself. THAT IS SIN…… I was in SIN and didn’t realize what was happening. I had gotten so wrapped up in seeing myself as never being able to overcome that I was walking in condemnation and NOT JESUS…..
I love how the Lord allows circumstances to come our way and teaches us that He is still God even when we are a mess. It has NEVER been about my performance. HE IS DOING THE WORK AND HE IS FAITHFUL even when I CAN’T PERFORM. I am SO THANKFUL that though people might betray us, GOD NEVER WILL and He will walk with us holding our hand in the midst of persecution and suffering and cause our heads to be lifted up. HE truly is the lifter of our heads. When I couldn’t lift my head, HE LIFTED ME!! Hallelujah!! I can’t thank the Lord enough for rescuing me from the fowler’s snare!! I am still walking this one out and this will be a continual battle, BUT TODAY, I AM CHOOSING LIFE!!! He loves me and He is not sitting back telling me “I told you so” so I repent before God and everyone for ever telling my children or anyone else that. I am going to trust that God will hear the cries of my heart to not walk in that place ANYMORE. I will trust HIM to do the changing and I will keep my eyes on HIM….. I have truly seen the shame that it brings and I don’t want to hurt anyone. Sin brings Shame and Shame destroys the power of God working in me. I am not going to walk in a form of Godliness and deny His power by God’s grace. I am choosing to walk in LOVE. Thank you Lord for being a strong tower to run to when the storms seem to be so overpowering. As always, Be strong in us, Give us YOUR PEACE, and teach us YOUR WAYS in the depths of our souls. Keep us far from sin and hide us in the shadow of your wings when temptations come. YOU ALONE ARE OUR ROCK AND REDEEMER. Thank you for your precious blood! What you have spoken in the dark places, let it be brought to light! Here is a message I received this morning after an attack from the enemy. I love God’s confirming Word. THAT’S MY DADDY!!! HE IS ALL POWERFUL AND HE IS SO FAITHFUL!!!!
The Secret to True Boldness – Bobby Conner
An extremely wise man penned these thought-provoking words:
"The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion" (Proverbs 28:1).
Within this short Scripture, we discover an exceptionally significant truth: The righteous are bold as a lion. This truth helps to unlock the mystery of our chronic, spiritual weakness and daily struggles to become Christ like. What is that mystery?
It is a mystery that the devil, the foe of our soul, knows – and a truth that few Believers understand. If the righteous are bold as a lion, then it follows that purity produces power! What else follows? The corollary truth: If purity produces power, then sin produces weakness.
In light of this truth, what is the devil's strategy? He seeks to sidetrack us into as much contamination as he possibly can to render us powerless in the Kingdom of God. Sin brings shame, and shame produces timidity and fear.
By this sobering truth we may judge our true spiritual maturity: If we lack power, we lack holiness. We may have received Christ's righteousness imputed to us at our salvation, but we are still walking in the flesh as carnal Christians. Take this to heart, brothers and sisters in Christ: A lack of demonstrated power is a testimony to our carnality.
We must walk in purity if we are to walk in real power (see Psalm 66:18).
Once we discover the foremost reason for our lack of genuine power – a lack of genuine holiness – we can move forward with a repentant heart. We can ask the Lord to deliver us from everything that separates us from Him, be it carnal thoughts, bitter root judgments, toxic emotions, or disobedient, ungodly habits and attitudes. Without question, our sin is the principle reason for our continual failure to walk like Christ.
The Word tells us, "As He is, so are we in this world" (1 John 4:17). If we are not Christlike – loving like Christ, behaving like Christ, and thinking like Christ – then we have a sin problem, plain and simple. Don't allow sin to rob you of your joy and fruitfulness.
Never forget the devil always attempts to counterfeit the gifts of God. Therefore, if godly purity results in true boldness, the devil's counterfeit is arrogance produced by human pride. God likewise always resists the proud, but offers outstanding, overflowing grace to the humble (see 1 Peter 5:5).
God's warning is exceedingly clear: "Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord" (Hebrews 12:14 NIV).
We must live lives of radical holiness, no matter the consequences – but don't confuse holiness with man-made legalism. True holiness is born of the law of the Spirit and produces overflowing life and peace, while religious legalism is born of the letter of the law and produces only barrenness and death. Remember, where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (see 2 Corinthians 3:17).
Join me in David's prayer and ask God to create within us a pure, clean heart (see Psalm 51:6), knowing that God is faithful and just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and sin (see 1 John 1:9). He freely gives us the clean heart we desire (see Psalm 51:10).
Lift up your head and rejoice! Reject sin and shame, knowing you have been forgiven. You have been given a fresh start in Christ our righteousness.
God bless you on your journey into Christlikeness!
Bobby Conner
Eagles View Ministries