Various ways that my Father God stirs me!! I want to share God's faithfulness and things that He does in our lives!
Friday, November 21, 2014
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
We are Mirrors
Everyone loves compliments, but very few know how to handle constructive criticism. No one likes to be wrong, which makes it hard when people are uncomfortably honest with us.
But we need to be thankful for honesty in other people. I once heard someone say, "Only two people will tell you the truth about yourself: someone who is angry with you and someone who loves you very much." God uses both types in our lives, but He especially uses the honesty of friends and loved ones.
When someone can, in love, honestly show you how you can improve, the results will be so much more valuable than empty, ego-stroking compliments. It's this kind of relationship that the Bible describes as 'iron sharpening iron.'
I urge you to be thankful for people who tell you the truth about yourself, even if it's not what you want to hear.
When you hear the truth, especially something you weren't aware of, you can change. Ultimately, their honesty will make you a better person.
Prayer Starter: Lord, thank You for placing truly honest people in my life. Their honesty may make me uncomfortable at times, but I know that when I listen to them, You can help me become a better person.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Shepherd's Rod excerpt and 2013 "Shepherds Rod" personal Word
I have been reading a book by Rick Joyner called "The Path (Fire on the Mountain). This section has stirred my spirit man so I wanted to post it. The Lord has been showing me so much about His Fire and preparing ourselves and His Body for HIS GLORY. We must be walking in our gifts and callings to be complete as a body. This is what stirred me.
It is the writer talking to one in the group named Mark and Mark is replying to the question “Where did you get all of this understanding?”
“When I was given my calling as a prophet I was told that one of my assignments was to recognize those who had the shephard’s staff and to support them. I have only see them in visions before, but I recognized that staff right away.”
“Tell me all you know about it, “ I implored.
“You think your rod is new and freshly cut, but it is much older than you can imagine. It seems like it is new and fresh because of the life that is in it, and life will stay in it as long as you walk with God and do not depart from His path. This was cut from the Tree of Life before the world was formed, and it was sized just for you at that time. This is true of every shepherd’s staff given to the shepherds, even those who lead the smallest company of God’s people. Do you know why Enoch was the one who gave this to you?”
“I know a little, but I think you may know more. Please tell me what you know.”
“Enoch represents the path on which all true shepherds will lead God’s people. True shepherds are known by their walk with God. They may be great counselors, healers, and teachers, but the shepherds will be known most of all by their walk with God and their closeness to Him. There are many things that can cause people to follow you, but the shepherds will be known by how they follow God on the path of life.
One thing by which we can recognize shepherds that have stayed on the path of life is by their increasing joy. This was the joy you saw in Enoch. Shepherds who have stayed on the path of life do not seem to have cares or burdens because they are yoked with the One whose yoke is easy. These are not stressed, but are constantly energized by the strength that comes from the joy of the Lord. Their rod, or their authority, will be recognized by the life that is in them. Their rod will always be budding, bringing forth new life, because it comes from the Tree of Life HIMSELF”
As Mark talked, everyone was enthralled, but some more so than others. I knew these were the shepherds. Deep was calling to deep, and their hearts were being awakened. As I watched Mark I could tell that he was also noting those who were being especially touched so that he could speak to them more at a later time. “What a gift he is to us,” I thought, “and so young!”
“I am young, but I have already walked with God for a few years,” Mark said, as if hearing my thoughts. Then he continued: “Some claim to be able to use a ‘diviner’s rod’ to find water under the ground; they are the counterfeits to what you have in your hand. Your rod can find the living waters that are hidden below the surface. Deep calls to deep, and life calls to life. Those who have the shepherd’s rod become increasingly sensitive to what is life and where the waters of life are flowing,” Mark said, and then hesitated as if he had more, but did not know if he should share it.
“Please continue,” I said to him.
“When your rod buds you must GENTLY break the buds off. Then you must give them to those who are being awakened to their calling as shepherds. These buds will grow with them, and each one will become a staff like yours,” he said, again hesitating.
“Mark, please share all you know,” I said
“Okay. Those who receive the buds now and grow up to be shepherds at the end of the age will walk in the authority of the Shepherd. Their rod will be His rod in the earth. They will not just lead God’s people and protect them from the enemy with the rod, but they will strike the enemies of the Lord. They will not just part seas, but they will part nations. They will lead God’s people to the Promised Land.”
“Why were you hesitant to share that, Mark?” I asked.
“Can I tell you privately?” he responded.
“If you think you need to, sure,” I answered, and we walked a short distance from the rest.
“Your rod was a bud that was given to you when you were very young in the Lord,” Mark began. “You did not carry it for long before you laid it down. In a sense, you did what Moses did when he threw his rod down at the Burning Bush. He was being commissioned as God’s shepherd for His people, but did not fee adequate. When he threw the rod down it became a serpent and chased him until he picked it back up. That is what happens when you cast off the calling of the Lord.”
My Theshuvah 2013 Day of Atonement 9/13/13 (SHEPHERDS ROD FOR the YEAR OF THE OPEN DOOR)
7 Mountains (business, government, media, arts and entertainment, education, the family, and religion)These are the areas of influence in our culture.
I am a HOPE REFORMER. I will be brought before leaders during a time of much destruction BUT THE LORD WILL SPEAK!
God’s original intent was for us to have dominion. This is accomplished through obedience. We do this through servant leadership. We preach the gospel of the “KINGDOM” vs “SALVATION”, the governing impact of a king vs. being rescued. Let HIS KINGDOM come and HIS WILL be done! Here on EARTH! Jesus is Lord of All! A gospel that doesn’t deal with the issues of the day isn’t the gospel at all. (JUST A NOTE: Our testimonies should be CURRENT so that we can ALL OVERCOME by the Blood of the Lamb and the LIVING WORD of our testimony)
The higher you go on the mountain, the more demonic attack (1 Tim 3:1-4)
I am bringing you to your place of authority. I provide all you need. I bring you strength. I am your Lord.
The mountains have been on my heart all day. I can’t quit thinking of “influence”. He said we are His ambassadors and He is giving us favor. Beware of traps. Hold firm to what HE has taught us. (Ezek 36) Prophesy to the mountains of Israel. SHOUT GRACE GRACE to the mountains!
Enemies say “they belong to us” but you have been given dominion!
I am bring you back not because you deserve ti, but FOR MY NAME. “I am a friend to sinners. I love the world so much that I died for them. I am filling my Bride with a love that will consume her. Brokenness is being healed and used at the same time. I have carried her in her time of brokenness and she will carry the world as they are broken. (I saw the image of the two 7s mirrored together and wrote UNITY is completeness mirrored)
I am bring you deeper in to intimacy (into me you see) with me this year. The SUPPER is soon. Hold on to what you have. I am coming for you I am bringing you VICTORY in the mountain. I have ALWAYS supplied you with what you need. The more influence you have, the MORE YOU MUST BE CLOTHED IN HUMILITY.
This year there will be more brokenness which will shine more light into the darkness. I am with you. I told you I would NEVER leave you or forsake you until you have finished all the work for my kingdom. You will not quit. No matter how many times you want to quit, all you need is rest. Just continue to trust me. Don’t be afraid of their faces.
Ezek 33- You are called to be a watchman. You are called to warn the people of danger. If you don’t do it from LOVE, the people will not be able to hear you. I am putting a heart with the capacity to love them deeper. Always remember that this comes from me. “I am married to the Prostitue.” Seek me 1stand My Kingdom Righteousness. Things will be given to you as you are in this my order. When you seek out friends for answers and not me, they will advise you, but unless I BUILD YOUR HOUSE< YOU WILL LABOR IN VAIN. YOU ARE MINE AND YOU ARE NOT TO GO TO ANY OTHER. Intimacy between you and me is precious in my sight. You are at the point of resurrection. I have still got you in the palm of my hand. This year I will resotre HOPE. Hold on to what you have. I am coming very soon. Love Mercy and walk in my Peace. I hear “Hezekiah” and wonder why. (Isaiah 36-39- He asked for more time? MERCY?)
Friday, June 6, 2014
Thursday, May 29, 2014
When everything surfaces
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
My family and I have struggled for a while with some mentally challenging issues and it has taken quite a toll on us. We have cried out to the Lord together on many occasions. We have been through many valleys and a few mountain tops together. We have all went through the pain of trauma, mental abuse, physical affliction, ADHD struggles, Bad self-perceptions, Grief from loss of two cats, and two parents/grand-parents all within the same year, times of hearing clearly from the Lord and times of not being able to see Him for all the tears that were streaming down our faces, times of rage and anger and such frustration at injustice that seemed to never end, times when we didn’t feel loved by anyone but God Himself, times where everyone around us couldn’t seem to see any good in us, and even times when we knew we weren’t “behaving” up to standard yet everyone around us still called us “good, times when the only thing we could do was in agonizingly call upon Jesus for healing and rescue because I didn’t even have the ability to “believe” for a healing or to proclaim what HIS TRUTH was in the moment. Thankfully, in all of the trials and all of the triumphs, the Lord has ALWAYS been faithful. He speaks gently to us in times of distress as we are able to “Be still and KNOW HE IS LORD”. I would love to say I am the so called “perfect” Christian, but I cannot. I believe God for a lot of things, but all I am is a woman who is doing the best she can with what she has to work with. I am flawed and VERY IMPERFECT and for some reason, the Lord chooses to send favor to use this EXTREMELY BROKEN vessel of His MERCY and GRACE. I am one of the water pots that the Lord used to turn water into Wine at the wedding of Cana. Unfortunately, there are times in my HUMANNESS that I have actually turned the water into WHINE. In all of this, I thank God for His UNCONDITIONAL LOVE that puts no limits on us. In our most broken times of our humanity, HE IS NOT SURPRISED OR CONDEMNING to us even though we condemn ourselves because we hate to be in the mess that we are in at times. We have the enemy speaking lies to us such as “you are a horrible parent”, “you are not a good child” “you will never amount to anything”, “See, you are still just as broken as the day Jesus picked you up and wiped the blood off of you”, “why are you still trying to believe for a miracle, Can’t you see I am going to keep your child?”, “You can do NOTHING right”. Truth is, all of these things would be true if it weren’t for the precious blood of Jesus. We are hopeless in and of ourselves to even understand why we do the way we do sometimes. Truth is: what we do is not who we are. We are valuable even if we are flawed and imperfect. Our actions only reflect what Love we have or have not been able to receive. Have we always received love based on if we were “behaving”? Then, we are more likely to have a performance based behavior system. If we believe we can’t “perform” the duties or tasks that this life requires, we see ourselves as useless and tossed out with yesterday’s garbage. Oh what wretched miserable lives we will live if our identity is wrapped up in what we do. I have been there A LOT (I am ashamed to even admit). No, in these times of our greatest failures and faults, it’s ok to recognize that in ourselves we can fail. HOWEVER, the more important thing to recognize is that it is the LORD who is in you that will rise to the occasion and lead you to the TRUTH that will set you FREE!! There is FREEDOM in JESUS CHRIST because He knows your heart! Man looks at the outside and all the stumbling you do and calls you a failure, BUT GOD sees you and says you see how much you need my salvation? You see that you can’t do it without me? I saw from before the foundations of the earth and already paid the penalty for your sin and the death that it has brought you. I BOUGHT IT with my blood and I CALL YOU VALUABLE and I call you forth out of the tomb of death!! It does not matter what others may think. They have their own issues to bring to the CROSS to be crucified so that they can be resurrected as well. I CALL YOU VALUABLE!!! I call your children BLESSED and their hearts long for me. They have tender hearts and just need a little extra care and tenderness. “I have been longsuffering with you and you will be longsuffering with them”. I have given you the ability to forgive anyone who comes against what I say in your lives. I have placed your family in the palm of my hands and you have become MINE. I will watch over you and will do that which is needed to fulfill my will in your lives. All you need to do is to surrender your brokenness to me and I will give you beauty for those ashes. Let the FIRE OF GOD do the work it needs to do in your lives and you will SEE RESURRECTION POWER fulfilled. I am taking those hearts of stone and giving them hearts of flesh that they may see me! That they may feel the passion as they walk this life and look forward to life with me.
So, as I am here broken and in need of strength to even make it through the experiences, I know Jesus holds us in His hands and knows all the valleys and trials I need to go through. I trust Him more (even if I am doing it through gritted teeth at times). If we were all honest and transparent, we would all admit that we are flawed. We tend to judge others and criticize when we haven’t walked a mile in their shoes. May the Lord’s Peace and Forgiveness be received by all those who have wounded us. May they rise from any ashes of bitterness and unforgivenessand see the salvation of our mighty God is ONLY IN THE BLOOD OF JESUS! May all His servants be the Priesthood of all believers and sprinkle the Blood of Jesus on all those who have offended us. Thank you Lord for your tender MERCIES that are new EVERY MORNING!!!
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Bloggers update; This was a previous post from the beginning of the year that I had as a draft. I saw it and have gasped at how faithful the Lord is to reveal His character through precious servants like this one. This has certainly been a catapult year! (7/2/14)
Key Numbers: 70; 444; 44; 67; 111
Key Colors and Mountains: Blue, Indigo, and Religion, Education
Key Scriptures: Psalm 44, Isaiah 44, Psalm 67, Psalm 111
Key Destroyers of Your Personal Catapult: Unforgiveness, Devouring Words, Insincerity
(noun): "a device in which accumulated tension is suddenly released to hurl an object some distance, in particular."
(verb): "to move or spring up suddenly, quickly or forcibly, as if by means of a catapult"
2013 In Review
Before I further delve into the exciting year that is upon us, I want to look back into the year that just transpired. Every year that comes is still an extension of a previous year and provides the platform for what is to come. The age we are in began Rosh Hashanah of 2012, and is the Age of Restoration of all things. This comes from Acts 3:21, which explains to us that Jesus is in fact "held in the Heavens" until certain minimal, millennium- sounding, societal reformations take place.
From Rosh Hashanah 2012 forward, all yearly events fall under the heavenly objectives for this Age of Restoration. These objectives for the Age of Restoration entail seeing more of Heaven on earth. While Protestants and Catholics alike quote and memorize "The Lords Prayer" of Matthew 6, those that are actually attempting to contend for His Kingdom to come on earth as it is in Heaven are considered by many to be "heretics." A great invitation is extended to us in this age to be "Heaven on earth heretics."
My initial word for 2013 spoke into an additional aspect of this new Age of Restoration: that it was all part of an era of "renaissance." Renaissance means "rebirth or revival of culture and learning." I was shown that this was about an explosion in the knowledge of God, where we would begin to know His actual ways and not just His salvation.
Get ready for disruptive revelation, disruptive glory, and disruptive technology. Substitute the word "game-changing" for the word "disruptive" and it will give you an expanded idea of what is coming.
Rosh Hashanah 2013
In September of 2013, I was shown that great angels from the mountain of religion were being strategically sent to break up "mafias" and strongholds that were keeping seekers of God from being able to see Him. These angels were bringing instruction and assistance to enable us to transition to the new wineskin associated with this new Age of Restoration. The new wineskin is marked by an understanding that the knowledge of God's better ways must now infuse the structures of cities and nations.
The Kingdom of God comes to individuals, but it also comes to structures. Heaven is not just made up of "happy people," but represents "happy structures" as well. We have much to learn here on this aspect of Heaven that flows from an expanded perspective of who He is. This is the area of greatest future growth in the knowledge of God. His ways are always connected to who He is.
2014: Catapult
Hebraic Calendar 5774: Ayin Dalet
As you know, the Hebrew calendar operates to a different pattern, both in years and in months. This new year began with Rosh Hashanah 2013 and goes until Rosh Hashanah 2014. In the Hebrew Metonic Cycle, this is a leap year, which definitely goes with the catapult theme.
The word ayin corresponds to the 70 in the number, and the word dalet corresponds to the 4. The word ayin also means "eyes" or "to see," and we are in the fourth year of a 10-year focus on learning to see things correctly. When we look at any person or situation based on first "gut" observation alone, we will in fact wrongly discern and thus wrongly respond. The giant in a land will always be more obvious than the amazing fruit also available. In these years we must learn "to see" – as the inheritance we actually experience will be limited to that.
Dalet is the number 4 in the Hebrew calendar. In modern Hebrew, the word for door is delet, and this is a key meaning of this word. Additionally, the writing of it is depicted like a tent opening or flap. As we put together the 70 and the 4 of this ayin dalet year, we see that a door is open so that we can be catapulted into the regions of inheritance we have been learning to see. We have been "in a tent," and that speaks both into the fact that it has indeed been "in tents/intense" and that our catapulting is meant to come from a foundation of intimacy with God.
"70" and Jerusalem's Historic Snowstorm
The Holy Spirit began to immediately speak to me regarding the connection of a 70-year time period being over and a new one beginning. Metaphorically, Egypt represents society and "the nations." We can understand that better as we connect to the story of Joseph: his advance out of the sheep shed and his ascent into maximum influence in Egypt. Jerusalem metaphorically speaks of "religion." The same outpouring of Heaven that shut down "Jerusalem" and its religious norms is the same one that caused wonder and celebration in "Egypt." This speaks into the aforementioned assignment that angels have: to shut down religious "mafias" that don't allow people to see the very God they are looking for.
Additionally, the number 70 has the connection to the ayinnumber in the Hebraic calendar, as well as Biblical references of importance for us to glean from. Abram was born when his father Terah was 70 years old. The man of faith who is a friend of God comes after a 70-year period, and I believe we will see many such spiritual giants begin to manifest. Jeremiah 29:10 speaks of a 70-year period being over, where the Lord can now fulfill His"good word toward you." That, followed by the famous verse 11,"'For I know the thoughts that I think toward you,' says the Lord, 'thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.'"
The end of a 70-year period is always a good thing in Biblical terminology, and so it is today. This leads to another aspect of the 70-year period...
Back To 1944 In Order To See The Significance of 2014
In 1944 the CIA was formed, and essentially so was the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the World Bank. 1944 was the year the United Nations was first proposed in a meeting between the USA, the USSR, and Britain. It was also the year that the first automatic, digital computer was made by a Harvard scientist.
As we look at these events, we realize that these were all monumental happenings which all brought world changes that exist to this day. I am not saying all of these events were positive, but they were all history-affecting. The catapulting of 2014 takes us into a similar seam of history where looking back we will one day note what a ground-breaking year it was. This takes us to Psalm 44, and then Isaiah 44.
Psalm 44: A Song of Deliverance
1 We have heard with our ears, O God, our fathers have told us, the deeds You did in their days, in days of old: 2 You drove out the nations with Your hand, but them you planted; you afflicted the peoples, and cast them out. 3 For they did not gain possession of the land by their own sword, nor did their own arm save them; but it was Your right hand, Your arm, and the light of Your countenance, because You favored them.
4 You are my King, Oh God; command victories for Jacob. 5Through You we will push down our enemies, through Your name we will trample those who rise up against us. 6 For I willnot trust in my bow, nor shall my sword save me. 7 ButYou have saved us from our enemies, and have put to shame those who hated us. 8 In God we boast all day long, andpraise Your name forever. Selah. Psalm 44:1-8
These verses are, in essence, the chorus of a victory song in a chapter that otherwise sighs for help. In verses 23 and 24 the request is made of the Lord, "Awake! Why do you sleep, O Lord? Arise! Do not cast us off forever. Why do you hide Your face and forget our affliction and our oppression?"
444: Commanded Victories (Psalm 44:4)
Most people who know me well are aware that 444 is a number sequence that the Lord uses in my life to signify His fingerprint on something I need to know He is involved in. I know this is true for others as well. This 2014 look for that number as never before, as I believe that often it will be the Lord telling you that you are about to walk into a "commanded victory" that He has set up for you.
What I love about this verse is that it invites us to see the Lord as King over every other situation, challenge, power, or authority. As we can see Him greater than "the giant" (usually a molehill), then we are able to recognize the commanded victory He has for us.
It is so appropriate that we identify with Jacob in this verse, because we often are so much like his nature. His very name means "heel grabber" or "supplanter," and it basically means "over reaching." In Genesis 27:36 Esau says of Jacob, "Is he not rightly named Jacob? For he has supplanted me these two times. He took away my birthright, and now look, he has taken away my blessing!"
444 Victories
What is fascinating about this word "victories," is that in Hebrew it is the word "Yeshua." First of all, when you do the search for its Hebrew meaning, you will find that it is entry number 3444 inStrong's Concordance. Coincidence, I know. Imagine the significance of this verse when seeing it in the Hebrew language! Command "Yeshua" for the Jacobs! Yeshua is of course the Hebrew name for Jesus, and we see this amazing hidden prophetic message on the redemption and inheritance we would receive through Jesus. Jacob, of course, speaks to natural Israel and to natural Jews, but also to all "seed of Abraham" who are so based on agreement with the faith of Abraham – in other words, Christians.
Jacob is then the father of Joseph and the father of Judah, as well as the other 10 tribes of Israel. He was immensely fruitful in his lifetime because inheritance was more important than activity. Appropriately enough, Genesis 46:27 tells us that "the house of Jacob who went to Egypt were seventy." There is that 70 number again. Society gets invaded by Jacobs.
Psalm 44:5-8
These verses give us great insight into how we become victorious on the mountains of society: in government, in arts, in education, in economy, in family, in religion, and in media.
1. Through You = the constant reminder of how we have victories.
2. Push down = Hebrew word nagach, which means "to strike with the horn." Many victories will come accompanied by the sound of the shofar. Blowing the shofar for breakthrough is something a "Jacob" will do as he looks for a commanded victory.
3. Trample = your feet have to go where you want the victory. You want to stay in the tent with Papa until you know who you are and what He is giving you – but then your victory will be on "enemy" soil.
4. Don't trust your bow = trust His bow instead. It is significant that the word qeshethused here for bowis the same word that is used in Genesis, when God told Noah, "I will put my bow (rainbow) in the sky." As we begin to see Him as this expanded, seven-colored rainbow God, it is this expanded knowledge of Him that becomes our weaponry for shooting down the lies and distortions of the enemy.5. Nor your sword = have a strength, an edge, or an ability, but trust HIM.
6. But You saved us from our enemies = Hebrew word for enemies, tsar, which comes from root word, "to bind, be narrow, be in distress, be bound, make narrow, be harassed." He is looking to catapult you from your narrow, distressed, harassed place – as you look to Him.
7. Put them to shame = in the Hebrew it basically reads, "Those who hated us You shut their mouths with astonishment." Think demonic resistance more than people when you think of enemies.
8. In God we boast all day long = Halal is the word for boast, and it means "praise, shine, flash forth light, to be brilliant." Here is the great key. Since it is all about Him and from Him and for Him – we must stay in praise of Him and His greatness – ALL DAY LONG. He commands your victories.
9. Praise Your name forever = Yada is another Hebrew word for praise that additionally means "to shoot arrows" and "to throw down." It is the root word for Judah, and we know He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah. When we stay in focus and exaltation of Him – as we go out and face the enemy on the mountains – "arrows" are released that "throw down" the enemy.
10. Selah = musical rest that means "silence!" and "think about this." Many people we hear from are wanting sophisticated strategies for advancing into the mountains of society. We do have some helpful guidelines, but we really can't improve on this Psalm 44 directive.
Isaiah 44: Fear Not, Jacob My Servant
Psalm 67: You Will Govern The Nations On Earth
We have the same time limitation for this chapter, but it is very key for 2014 and speaks of a great God who governs all the nations and Whose face shines upon us. This chapter should be IV'd into our veins for this coming year as it carries the hopes Papa desires for us at this time.
Psalm 111: He Has Given His People The Nations As a Heritage
44 And 67 Equals 111
For those who don't understand how God works in patterns and sequences that involve numbers, and colors even, you can miss so much. In 2014 pay attention to these three numbers, as they will carry significance and attach meaning to your life and what you are doing. Many of you have been seeing 111 all over the place and it is to draw attention to your assignment through the lens of Psalm 111. Additionally, I have already spoken to you of 444, which is just an extension of the 44. I have highlighted Psalm 44 and 67 and 111 for you, and as you can see, when you add the first two it equals that latter one.
There is also a revisiting of the windows of life of 1944 and 1967 (1944 I have already mentioned). 1967 was another huge year, this one more about a revival called "The Jesus Movement" that hit the hippies and outers of society, and eventually catapulted many new spiritual movements and denominations – Calvary Chapel and The Vineyard being primary. We have winds of 1944 and winds of 1967 that will revisit us in 2014 that all lead into the 111 – which is Psalm 111, but also Isaiah 11:1: "There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse..."
Born In '44 Or '67, Or Age 44 or 67?
Key Colors and Mountains
The key color of 2014 is blue, and the key mountains of heavenly assault are the mountain of religion and the mountain of education. Blue is the color of the mountain of religion and indigo blue is the color of the mountain of education. Blue is also, representatively, the color of the Holy Spirit, and this is His year for breakthrough and catapulting as well.
What He did in 1967 He will do again, but within the guidelines of the new assignment of the Age of Restoration. He is going to capture a bunch of misfits and rejects and start a whole game-changing movement that will spawn off new church models, movements, and denominations. The next army of radicals will not just be revivalists, they will be reformers. Beginning in Rosh Hashanah, a great angelic army comes to war on behalf of the mountain of education.
Final Words: Unforgiveness, Devouring Words, Insincerity
In closing, let me restate what I listed at the beginning, which are the things that could void you participating in this year's catapulting joys in the way you should. This prophetic word is an invitation to participate, more than a declaration of imposition.
Devouring Words?
What do I mean by "devouring words"? It is what actually happens when you give yourself over to negative conversation. Life and death is in the power of the tongue, and you just can not keep speaking out loud words that actually devour your harvest, your inheritance, and your destiny. If you already know that negativity notoriously comes out of your mouth, this is a SELAH year for you. Just be silent. Don't agree with anything destructive that comes from anyone's mouth. If there is a true warning to be aware of, it will come with a built-in hope.
God still has a great destiny for America. This country was given to the world as a gift, and she is not done with her God-given assignment. Stop trying to sabotage it with your presumptive knowledge of God's "holiness." He has been using the highly imperfect from the very beginning and He will for some time. Good news for all of us.
I have been shown that one of the main attributes that the Lord is looking for is simple sincerity. In John 1:47, Jesus praised a man named Nathanael, calling him a man "in whom is no guile."In John 4:23, Jesus talked about the Father looking for "true worshippers." Both of these speak of authentic heart responses that did not carry other subtle motives or agendas.
The message here is "get rid of the wax." Especially the wax around your heart. You, yourself, are the best judge of your own sincerity. If you are aware that you are not transparently living out of your heart – but rather out of agenda – then do business with God and become a sincere person. It can be difficult in such a tough, cynical, agenda-driven world, but we must become as little children in this way. He wants to give the Kingdom to His children. For 2014 may you take full advantage of what He is making available to us. He really doesn't need you to be perfect, and He just wants you to extend that same grace to others.
Now prepare to be catapulted.
Johnny Enlow is a social reformer, international speaker, spiritual mentor, and author of The Seven Mountain Prophecy,The Seven Mountain Mantle, and Rainbow God. He and his wife Elizabeth are focused on awakening individuals to their call to provide practical solutions from the heart of God for every problem in society – until the real God of all of life is displayed in the seven primary areas of culture in all nations: Media, Arts and Entertainment, Government, Family, Religion, Economy, and Education.