I have had this happen to my plant on a few occasions. What happens is that my plant doesn't get enough water and it causes the adverse effect of the plant looking to be lifeless. Usually, if I fill it with water, it will bounce back within a few hours of receiving water. This time, however, it had went without water for a couple days longer due to the Thanksgiving holiday. I filled it with water, and it didn't seem to affect it much that first day.
It looked like it was getting the water, but it could not pull it self back up. Several of the leaves were still very weak. It seemed to be hopeless to just put water in the plant in just leave it there. It barely moved the first day. Sherry believed it would come up again but I mist say I thought I killed my Peace Lilly. But, the second day it look like this!
I had a little more hope by the second day that it might come back as it now looked like it was at least able to fight. It had received enough of the water into its root system and was able to strengthen itself. The water had to get deep enough into the root system for it to give the plants enough strength.
The Lord reminded me that this is how we are when we don't spend time with him in relationship. He is the LIVING WATER. We will have seasons in our lives when we might be tempted to think we can do without his nourishment for our soul. When we don't get enough water, we become wilted and weak, inable to support our own strength. We look to Jesus, get filled, filled, and filled again and receiving strength each time. The longer we go without receiving the living water deep down into our root system, the harder it is and the more time it takes to regain strength and bounce back with resurrection life. The best way to avoid this happening is to maintain a steady flow of his living water into our souls into not allow ourselves to stay too dry for too long. The enemy loves to find dry places where he can cause damage in the hopes of destroying us permanently. BUT GOD is greater than his schemes and sends a message in a precious flower that just needed a little pick me up of living water.
Here is what my plant looked like on the third day:
Praise God! She took a beating. She is losing some leaves. She will never be the same as she was before her dry spell.The excessive amounts of water have turned her leaves different colors and in some ways she is more beautiful now than she was before. Such is our lives!! IN HIM WE LIVE AND MOVE AND HAVE OUR BEING (Acts 17:28)