Thursday, January 3, 2013

Taking back what the thief stole

According to Proverbs 6:31, the thief must pay back and restore 7 times what he stole. Now we have but one thief who came to kill, steal, and destroy. If we really are taking back all that he stole, can you imagine what the 7 times greater must look like in our thoughts? My mind has been one of the greatest battlefields, but we are, as TD Jakes said this week "one thought away from a great reformation in our lives" I had been thinking about this scripture over the last few months and how The Lord has been causing me to begin to take back things that were stolen from me (my children's respect being one of the main things). Some because I was an innocent victim, but some of them because I made poor choices and some because I just wasn't wearing the "ARMOR OF GOD" that was given to me.
This week, the focus is in my thoughts. I have been attempting to "think brilliantly"as Graham has told us at "Aglow". TD Jakes is speaking about not becoming a "dumbed down" thinker. The enemy came in and tricked me into thinking that my lack of "analyzing" was a good thing because I used to "analyze" everything. I was full of faith and still analyzed. Over the years, I had some mental attacks on my mind through situations, sicknesses, and sometimes just plain sin. Somewhere in that season, I let my mind grow slow and fell into believing the lie that it might never get any better. However, I am now in the process of taking back what the enemy stole and I really believe that my greatest days are ahead. I am TRUSTING GOD IN THIS SEASON. I know there are rough times coming, BUT GOD has plans and ideas and strategies to overcome EVERY EVIL that comes our way. HE STILL SAYS "LET MY PEOPLE GO".
As the darkness surrounds us in this world, it's almost as if HE is allowing us to see with clearer vision. God is absolutely amazing!!! We really are "one thought away from reformation" HALLELUJAH!!! Anyway, this is exciting to me as I enter lots of changes coming. God is confirming this Word to me nearly everywhere I go and I can't deny that He is really revealing this clearly. He is so good at that!! I love it! Today, I choose to serve my Daddy by allowing Him to expand my mind to make room for the 7 fold return of my "brilliant" mind that God gave me. I KNOW who the thief was and he has been clearly revealed. I require recompense from tge enemy. I know mercy is poured out to flesh and blood, but 7 fold recompense is required from the main thief!

After writing all this, I read the Elijah List for today. God is really doing BIG THINGS IN ME AND MY WHOLE FAMILY!!! I am attaching this if you want to read further. Have an awesome day!!!
How To Possess the Hope of a Good Future
Erase the Borders of Limitation

Memory is the expression of imagination. It is ability to retain or recall things or events that have been imagined or experienced in the past. Memory lost is the obsession or passionate dream one fails or refuses to remember.

Foresight is the act of looking forward with a careful, thoughtful regard for the future. It is the ability to imagine things that can take place in the future. The imagination finds pleasure when it sees something that is new or exceptional. The presence of the Holy Spirit teaches our spiritual eyes of faith to see this way into the invisible. God grants us visionary access to walk into a reality that is superior to the natural realm where we exist most of the time.

Once we gain God's vision for our future, then we are able to prophesy it into existence. If we will take a leap into the future, boldly decree the things we see from God's perspective, He will establish them for us. The Holy Spirit reveals knowledge that supersedes the rationale of carnal reasoning and possesses an internal power that transforms us from the inside out.

Focused faith will cause one to realize the profound possibilities that exist in the invisible realm. Faith gives us access to the invisible realms of the spirit so we can erase the borders of limitation. The fundamental fact of existence is that faith and trust in God is the firm foundation that makes life worth living. The world was called into existence through faith in an unseen God. He commanded creative words to reveal the concealed and bring it forth into being.

Faith is the Spiritual Substance

Faith that is mixed with hope brings forth the fertile ground of a new reality out of the invisible realm of nothingness. Faith reveals the plans God has concealed in His heart. When we maintain our focus on the Lord, we are able to rest in hope, knowing we have a good inheritance. When we bless the Lord, the Holy Spirit gives us counsel and shows us the path of abundant life. Entering God's presence releases the fullness of joy so we can experience the pleasures of God forevermore.

The curious soul yearns to explore innovations and pioneer the unknown. The unknown is an open door that invites us to participate in engineering a new life. In sculpting our brilliant futures, we will encounter the unexpected as we dwell in and walk through dimensions that are beyond our control.

This season of discovery brings us to the realization that our steps are ordered by the only, all-knowing, powerful, loving God. He pours out grace, mercy and revelation knowledge to empower us to embrace the new journey every morning. Creative ideas flood the imagination, bringing gratification and delightful surprise to the ardent searchers, as they behold amazing sights that have never before been possessed, documented or even known in existence.

Faith is the spiritual substance that brings proof to the unseen eternal realm of promise and possibilities. Faith makes real the things we hope for. Faith is the proof of what we cannot see. The things we see were made by God, Who cannot be seen with our natural eyes. Faith must see through the eyes of understanding with an enlightened heart. Faith in God's Word enables our mind to be renewed by the Spirit to think like God. When our minds and hearts are renewed by hearing the words of the Holy Spirit, we become doers of the Word.

Revelation is the meat of the Word, illuminated by the Holy Spirit, that comes to us as rhema, or a "now" expression of God. Faith moves us into the now. God's Word lays a broad, strong foundation in our life for Him to build upon. God dwells in earthen vessels (see 2 Corinthians 4:7). God wants to set up His habitation within us. When God possesses us, we will imitate Him. We reflect or imitate that which we believe. Faith will cause the invisible power of the Kingdom of God to manifest in and through our life.

A Hope and a Future

God the Father grants us the Spirit of Wisdom so we can discern the future. We are instructed to have faith in God. We must also have the faith of God to see mountains removed from our life. God does not doubt. He knows and believes that the things He says will be done – they will come to pass. Therefore we must adopt this powerful, godly life principle.

Whatever we ask, when we pray, believe that we receive it and we will have it. To receive answers to our prayers, we need to pray in the name and character of God. Pray and believe that you have God's answers. See things through God's perspectives of grace. When we agree with the grace in God's heart, He will give us the desires of our heart. When sin abounds the world is terrorized, but when God's grace thrives the world is given a hope in a future.

If we do not agree with God's supernatural ways and plans, our imagination moves out of the higher realms of the Spirit and into the inferior natural realms of doubt and unbelief. When doubt reigns, faith is then limited to the temporal, that which we see with our natural eyes or know in our intellect. Unbelief sets a narrow limit on our achievement by defining what we believe is possible, so nothing great can be accomplished.

When we worship God in Spirit and in truth, we are able to see with the eyes of our spiritual imagination. Faith allows us to access what is available in the realms of the invisible. Once we imagine a thing, it can be drawn into actuality. Holy Spirit opens the realms of vision so we can see His heart's desire and speak them into existence. We become the channel the Holy Spirit flows through to bring Heaven to earth. When we give expression to the move of the Holy Spirit, His presence and power will manifest on earth. The greatest power in the universe is love.

Dr. Barbie L. Breathitt
Breath of the Spirit Ministries

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