Wednesday, December 25, 2013

For those struggling at Christmas or anytime for that matter

This morning, I have been struggling with feeling some depression. I have been fighting a lot of things off and have been sick and pretty exhausted for the most part. We celebrated Christmas yesterday with the children in the morning and my family in the afternoon. It is 9 in the morning and my children are still in bed. This is a miracle of Christmas. Either that, or they are just as exhausted as I am. So, this morning I was feeling like I had been when I was when I first was born again. Wallowing in self disgust, feeling not as good as anybody else (who appear to have it "all together" having no one to turn to, etc. I cry out to Jesus because I want to sit in his lap today. There are so many hurting and lonely people. Usually, when I get in these places I go ahead and pray for other people who are struggling with the same things. I have learned that this walk is not just about me and my pity parties. It's about serving each other in the fear of the Lord. So I begin to pray:
"Lord, I pray for strength to rise up in your people. As they wait for you, do not let their hearts grow sick. I speak life over them and ask Holy Spirit to bring comfort to those that mourn today. I pray that they can turn their eyes to you Jesus and see you as our hope. Then our despair is immediately turned to joy as we gaze upon you. This is the day we celebrate you coming down from all your glory and your splendor to walk in the pit of our humanity just for us. For our freedom, oh Lord, you did this. Oh Lord I pray that we would keep our eyes fixed upon you, the author and the finisher of our faith. When we hear your Word may it be mixed with faith and they bring profit to all around us. Happy birthday Jesus! I am so glad and extremely blessed that you came down. For without you, I would stay in the suicidal pits that the devil would love for me to stay in. Those pits that I was never able to break free from in my own strength. But because you came, I can face tomorrow. Not only can I face it, but I can pray for those who do not have the strength to face it alone. That is true freedom! Thank you Jesus! Happy Birthday to you!!! May our lives bring you JOY!! "

I get excited just thinking about how awesome He is now. Here, this day started out to be a day of depression and darkness. But like He always does, He turned my mourning into joy as I looked unto  the author and the finisher of my faith. As I step out and do what the Word says by looking to Jesus and doing what He says (praying for others) the Word is mixed with Faith and brings profit. (Hebrews 4) May His Word (Jesus) bring you profit as it is mixed with faith! Merry Christmas! 

Friday, November 22, 2013


I am so thankful that the Lord’s grace is so much greater than ALL our sin.  The last few weeks or so have been really tough and I have had an onslaught of mental attack.  I was doing as much in my own power to “try” to do what needed to be done(SO NOT FAITH), but only causing myself to bring more shame upon myself for not being “better” than I ought to be.  I had “bitter” things come up in me and I HATED IT! It was like being tortured every day and not being able to walk in any power whatsoever (HIS LOVE, MERCY AND GRACE).  I wanted to run and hide and not face anyone for fear of “messing up”.  If I couldn’t “behave” in my thoughts then I didn’t want to chance hurting others with my “Stinking thinking”.  My family has to put up with me when I get that way and I hate it for them. I can assuredly say though that EVERY TIME I have gotten off track, God uses it and brings blessings to my family (learning to pray for those who are hurting you and forgiveness.  I have prayed that HE PROTECT THEM FROM MY FAULTS) andthat far outweigh any “mistakes” I could make.  I am also learning to “forgive” more quickly and not to allow hidden frustrations to carry me.  I am learning to reject the shame and guilt (not perfect by any means but on my way and doing OK) and learning that it’s ok.  I have Jesus and HE IS PERFECT.  There are some that would try to hold me to that standard and I have allowed their feelings and attitudes to control me and manipulate me to where I have actually started condemning myself.  THAT IS SIN……  I was in SIN and didn’t realize what was happening. I had gotten so wrapped up in seeing myself as never being able to overcome that I was walking in condemnation and NOT JESUS…..

I love how the Lord allows circumstances to come our way and teaches us that He is still God even when we are a mess. It has NEVER been about my performance.  HE IS DOING THE WORK AND HE IS FAITHFUL even when I CAN’T PERFORM.   I am SO THANKFUL that though people might betray us, GOD NEVER WILL and He will walk with us holding our hand in the midst of persecution and suffering and cause our heads to be lifted up.  HE truly is the lifter of our heads.  When I couldn’t lift my head, HE LIFTED ME!! Hallelujah!! I can’t thank the Lord enough for rescuing me from the fowler’s snare!! I am still walking this one out and this will be a continual battle, BUT TODAY, I AM CHOOSING LIFE!!! He loves me and He is not sitting back telling me “I told you so” so I repent before God and everyone for ever telling my children or anyone else that.  I am going to trust that God will hear the cries of my heart to not walk in that place ANYMORE.  I will trust HIM to do the changing and I will keep my eyes on HIM…..  I have truly seen the shame that it brings and I don’t want to hurt anyone. Sin brings Shame and Shame destroys the power of God working in me.  I am not going to walk in a form of Godliness and deny His power by God’s grace.  I am choosing to walk in LOVE.  Thank you Lord for being a strong tower to run to when the storms seem to be so overpowering. As always, Be strong in us, Give us YOUR PEACE, and teach us YOUR WAYS in the depths of our souls.  Keep us far from sin and hide us in the shadow of your wings when temptations come.  YOU ALONE ARE OUR ROCK AND REDEEMER.  Thank you for your precious blood! What you have spoken in the dark places, let it be brought to light!  Here is a message I received this morning after an attack from the enemy.  I love God’s confirming Word.  THAT’S MY DADDY!!! HE IS ALL POWERFUL AND HE IS SO FAITHFUL!!!!

The Secret to True Boldness – Bobby Conner

An extremely wise man penned these thought-provoking words:

"The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion" (Proverbs 28:1).

Within this short Scripture, we discover an exceptionally significant truth: The righteous are bold as a lion. This truth helps to unlock the mystery of our chronic, spiritual weakness and daily struggles to become Christ like. What is that mystery?

It is a mystery that the devil, the foe of our soul, knows – and a truth that few Believers understand. If the righteous are bold as a lion, then it follows that purity produces power! What else follows? The corollary truth: If purity produces power, then sin produces weakness.

In light of this truth, what is the devil's strategy? He seeks to sidetrack us into as much contamination as he possibly can to render us powerless in the Kingdom of God. Sin brings shame, and shame produces timidity and fear.

By this sobering truth we may judge our true spiritual maturity: If we lack power, we lack holiness. We may have received Christ's righteousness imputed to us at our salvation, but we are still walking in the flesh as carnal Christians. Take this to heart, brothers and sisters in Christ: A lack of demonstrated power is a testimony to our carnality.

We must walk in purity if we are to walk in real power (see Psalm 66:18).

Once we discover the foremost reason for our lack of genuine power – a lack of genuine holiness – we can move forward with a repentant heart. We can ask the Lord to deliver us from everything that separates us from Him, be it carnal thoughts, bitter root judgments, toxic emotions, or disobedient, ungodly habits and attitudes. Without question, our sin is the principle reason for our continual failure to walk like Christ.

The Word tells us, "As He is, so are we in this world" (1 John 4:17). If we are not Christlike – loving like Christ, behaving like Christ, and thinking like Christ – then we have a sin problem, plain and simple. Don't allow sin to rob you of your joy and fruitfulness.

Never forget the devil always attempts to counterfeit the gifts of God. Therefore, if godly purity results in true boldness, the devil's counterfeit is arrogance produced by human pride. God likewise always resists the proud, but offers outstanding, overflowing grace to the humble (see 1 Peter 5:5).

God's warning is exceedingly clear: "Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord" (Hebrews 12:14 NIV).

We must live lives of radical holiness, no matter the consequences – but don't confuse holiness with man-made legalism. True holiness is born of the law of the Spirit and produces overflowing life and peace, while religious legalism is born of the letter of the law and produces only barrenness and death. Remember, where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (see 2 Corinthians 3:17).

Join me in David's prayer and ask God to create within us a pure, clean heart (see Psalm 51:6), knowing that God is faithful and just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and sin (see 1 John 1:9). He freely gives us the clean heart we desire (see Psalm 51:10).

Lift up your head and rejoice! Reject sin and shame, knowing you have been forgiven. You have been given a fresh start in Christ our righteousness.

God bless you on your journey into Christlikeness!

Bobby Conner

Eagles View Ministries

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Story on my sister (I am So Proud)

by Donna Gaddis
Each month we have been spotlighting an employee who exemplifies the true purpose of Falcon Children’s Home. Previously, we focused on our 2012 Employee of the year. In each edition of our Guardian, we would like to continue to focusing on the employees who are the backbone of Falcon Children’s Home; our houseparents.
In this edition, we chose to focus on a houseparenting couple that has heard and followed the call of the houseparent. Below is Jason and Nicole Thomas’ story and their journey to the center of God’s will.
“About a year ago, I was a homeschooling, stay at home mom. My husband, Jason, was working as a foreman for a construction company that he had worked with for over 18 years. We had been praying and seeking God's will in our lives as a family. We felt that God had a different calling for our lives and we were in constant prayer about the direction in which He was leading us. Then, on March 2, 2012, God began to work mightily as an F2 tornado ripped though our community, leaving us homeless. About a month later, Jason be- gan to feel the call of God stronger in his heart. Completely stepping out on faith, Jason began a new job. I became his assistant. The job had very little pay, with no initial pay. Feeling a sense of hopelessness, we began to wonder if we had listened and done as God wanted us to do. Why would He call us to
a job that did not pay? Even in the midst of our despair, however, God still met our needs and even gave us many desires of our hearts. As we were searching in our relationship with Him as to where He wanted us to go and what He wanted us to do, God led us to the decision to become house parents.
We had friends that had been house parents and knew a little about the world of such a tremendous ministry. We had no home, no job, and any move would be a step up...and we knew God would be moving us soon. In our Christian walk, we have learned that He does not take away or allow something to be taken away without something much greater to take its place.
Once Jason and I were in agreement, we started searching, but this time it was through the internet. We came across a job posting for house parents at Falcon Children's Home. Prayerfully, we applied for the job. Within two hours of submit- ting the applications and paperwork, we received our first phone call. Two weeks later, we were on campus, starting our new roles God had called us to. Looking back, I can see how each circumstance God allowed Jason and I to go through prepared us for this moment of our lives and we are eternally grateful to our Lord for such blessings.
Since being here, we have grown closer to God and our relationship with Him has continued to develop. In the short time that we have been here, we have already had so many wonderful moments...moments of confirmation that God has called us to this place He calls His own. As house parents, we have been faced with tribulations that have tested our faith. It is tough to withstand the arrows with which Satan tries to attack...but each attack reminds us that on the other side, lies a healthier, stronger, more beautiful relationship with each child, allowing ministry to take place to each one on a deeper level. It’s those situations that allow our children to see what it is like to have someone stay through the hard times without giving up, as most people in their lives have done. The toughest times are the times when you head into the spiritual battle, but the best times come only after you have withstood
the attacks and shared the love of Jesus Christ throughout the entire trial.”
Jason and Nicole are lead house parents on McCartney cottage, which hous- es middle teenage girls. They have 2 children, Jessica, 15, and Anthony, 10. Thank you, to the town of Dodson Branch, in middle Tennessee for sending the Thomas’ our way.

Thursday, February 28, 2013


Lately, I have been encountering the Lord as THE LORD OF HOSTS. He has been letting me know HE is fighting the enemies of my soul. HE is the one that goes before me and I am to fear NO MAN. I have never encountered Him quite like this before and it was almost missed. I was trying to reason things away. I thank God for orchestrating things in my life. I want to KNOW HIM, REALLY KNOW HIM in a greater way than before. I feel like Job who knew OF HIM with his mind but got greater REVELATION of Him after an encounter with several disasters. It doesn't take too many disasters for me but just a few mental breakdowns. ;) Anyway here is what I got today.

Francis Frangipane:
The Lord Whose Sword Is Drawn
Of all the names that the heavenly Father could have given His Son, it is most significant that He chose the name "Jesus," fAshua." Joshua, you recall, was the Hebrew general who led God's people into war. To be prepared for greater victories, we need a greater revelation of Jesus Christ; we need to see Him as He will be revealed in the last moments of this age: a Holy Warrior, dressed for battle.

Will You Recognize Jesus When He Comes?

Now it came about when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, a man was standing opposite him with his sword drawn in his hand, and Joshua went to him and said to him, "Are you for us or for our adversaries?" Joshua 5:13

There is something about the time just prior to a move of God that causes many to wonder if the Lord is for them or against them. He seems confrontational – too intense, too "different" from the One we have learned to trust. Yet during these last few years, this is exactly the situation in the Lord's relationship with the Church. The Lord has stood before us with His sword drawn. He is calling us to follow Him in war.

Perhaps you have been through a time where the tip of Christ's sword seemed aimed straight at your heart. Let me reassure you, God is for you. In fact, it is His expressed purpose to release this same "sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God" (Ephesians 6:17), through your words and prayers. But before the Lord's sword will come through your mouth, it must first pass through your heart.

Do not withdraw or be terrified at this new unveiling of the Son of God, for He is, in fact, fitting you for battle. By the time you are fully trained, you will be a fearless warrior in His army. Yet we must be realistic about our current state: most of us have been pampered and undisciplined. We have not understood the day of warfare that looms before us. Nor are we prepared for the final raging of satan as his time shortens (see Revelation 12:12).

Isaiah tells us that "The Lord will go forth like a warrior, He will arouse His zeal like a man of war. He will utter a shout, yes, He will raise a war cry. He will prevail against His enemies" (Isaiah 42:13). We have known the Lord as our Savior and our Shepherd. These revelations of our beloved Master are no less true because a new aspect of His nature is revealed. It is simply that this new dimension is so startlingly different from how we have known Him. Be of good cheer, this frightening Warrior King, with His sword drawn, with the shout of war upon His lips, is the same blessed Savior who died on the Cross for our sins.

Yet in truth, we cannot soften the shock of this great unveiling of Christ. Our immediate dismay shall be in no way less dramatic than that which was revealed to Joshua on the plains of Jericho. Our concepts will be shaken and fears confronted.

Looking again at Joshua, truly he had already known the Lord in a wonderful, intimate way in the wilderness tabernacle. But here standing before him was a new revelation of the Lord. The Son of God Himself had come as Captain of the Host to lead His people into war.

Ultimately, these refugees from Egypt and their wilderness children would defeat many nations stronger and more numerous than themselves (see Deuteronomy 9:1). They would do the impossible through the power of the Lord.

Though initially Joshua was taken aback, both Joshua and the people with him were more prepared for this battle than they realized. Their time in the wilderness had conditioned them for war.

Likewise, the wilderness for you has not been a time of punishment but a season of preparation and of learning obedience. You have watched in fear the decline and spiritual death of church leaders who repeatedly disobeyed the Lord. But you have not stumbled over their disobedience; you have learned from it. Today you walk in the fear of God and are not blinded by the sin of presumption.

Before Jesus returns, those who have passed the wilderness tests will receive another revelation: Christ will be revealed to them as Captain of the Host. They will be ready to follow the Lamb wherever He goes.

...And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and bowed down, and said to him, "What has my lord to say to his servant?" The captain of the Lord's host said to Joshua, "Remove your sandals from your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy." And Joshua did so. Joshua 5:14-15

This new unveiling of the Lord is holy. Overnight the Lord brought down atheistic communism in the former Soviet Union. Since then, hundreds of millions of people from many nations have found salvation in the Son of God. God is touching many nations. Let us not gainsay nor criticize what we may not fully understand. We are beginning to perceive the Lord as He truly is and as He will be released in the last days. He is the Lord of Hosts.

The promise of the Lord, which we read earlier, is that He "will go forth like a warrior. ...He will raise a war cry. He will prevail against His enemies" (Isaiah 42:13). Within the ranks of the advancing Church, Jesus is raising a war cry. Can you hear His shout in the intercession? There is new authority being raised up, a new generation whose voice thunders with the cry of prophetic prayer. Through the Church, Christ Himself is prevailing against His enemies. Indeed, the gates of Hell shall not stand against the Church Jesus is building (see Matthew 16:18). The hour has come for us "to grow up in all aspects into Him who is [our] head, even Christ" (Ephesians 4:15), the Warrior King!

This message was adapted from a chapter in Pastor Frangipane's book, The Three Battlegrounds published by Arrow Publications, Inc.

Francis Frangipane

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Heart of the Lamb- John Belt

John Belt:
The Heart of the Lamb of God
It is an awe-inspiring thing to think that God came down in the form of a man, Jesus. He came down to our level to rescue us from darkness. Jesus did not come down to promote Himself or start a religion, but to save and deliver mankind from the curse of sin. In this we see God's love manifested through Jesus Christ. He was and is the "perfect man."

Every day Jesus laid down His life to do the will of the Father. He had laid down His life many times before He came to the Cross. His dependency on the Spirit and the Father enabled Him to accomplish the work that He was called to. Because He made Himself a Servant, humbling Himself to serve the Father's plan, He became the Servant of all mankind, ultimately laying down His life as the Lamb of God.

Isaiah 53:7 He was oppressed and He was afflicted, yet He opened not His mouth; He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so He opened not His mouth.

In our own lives God looks for a certain quality that is rare to find. It is the characteristic of a faith in God that is willing to let go and let Him have the reins. Usually when our faith is most tested is when we are tempted to retaliate or say something we shouldn't. A life yielded to the Spirit learns that there is only one response. That is to respond in prayer to God, allowing Him to fix the situation.

When we live a life connected to the Holy Spirit, there is such an overflow of grace that we automatically respond with the love that God gives. Because our lives are connected there is a reservoir of grace to draw from. If that reservoir is empty, there is nothing to draw from; with this people don't respond to things in a way that pleases God. Jesus knew about this reservoir of grace because He lived a life example for us of how to draw from the Holy Spirit.

Tenderized Hearts

At the same time, there are some who have seared their conscience in some areas of life, having justified their actions over and over. Essentially, they have closed the door to the Holy Spirit in those areas, thus blinding themselves to the truth of how they should really live and think.

In a sense, we have different chambers of our hearts. We choose where we are going to allow God to come and where not. When we choose to justify our actions in certain areas for extended periods of time, that area of the heart hardens, thus closing the door to that chamber, where it makes it more difficult for the Spirit to speak in that area. This would be the searing of the conscience where it no longer seems wrong to do this or that.

For this reason, it is important for us to ask the Spirit to tenderize our hearts to receive the "fullness" of Who Christ is within us, not just the aspects we enjoy to look at. The Father had the entire heart of Jesus to work with, not just a portion. That is why He was able to follow the Father's plan fully. Jesus was entirely man and entirely God, but emptied Himself of the divine attributes, making Himself a man completely dependent on the Holy Spirit to accomplish the Father's work.

The yielded life is essential for us to walk in the fullness of what God has for our lives. He has only good things in store as we empty ourselves of the things we hold on to, allowing Him to have His perfect work within us. In this way, we become partakers in "the Lamb of God" who was slain before the foundation of the world.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Blood Makes ALL THINGS NEW!

Bobby Conner:
Triumph Over Your Past - and Boldly Face Your Future
God Restores and Refreshes

Dear Believer, we have entered a new season. It is the season of a fresh start! We are in a divinely appointed time of refreshing and restoring Joel 2:25:

"So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the crawling locust, the consuming locust, and the chewing locust, My great army which I sent among you. You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you; and My people shall never be put to shame."

This is a new day in which you may boldly declare, "Old things have passed away!" (Isaiah 48:6-7).

God Offers Forgiveness

One of the sweetest words in any language is the word forgiven! God promises that even if your sins are red like crimson bright, obvious, glaring, unmistakable they have been forgiven, washed white as snow because of the crimson Blood of Christ (Isaiah 1:18).

Not just a few sins or a handful of mistakes, but each and every betrayal, sin and offense is under the Blood of Christ. Each and every mistake is forgotten and erased. Truly, beloved, it makes no difference how twisted and tangled your life has been or now is: through the shed Blood of Christ at Calvary, God has made all forgiveness and grace abound toward you!

Heaven and earth may pass away, but "His compassions fail not" (Lamentations 3:22). Why? Because Christ Jesus already bore our sins and iniquities!

"Because He poured out His soul unto death, and He was numbered with the transgressors, and He bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors." Isaiah 53:12

God Forgets Your Past

Through our repentance, God always makes a way to free us from our past. Brothers and sisters in Christ, take this encouragement to heart: do not let your past failures keep you from experiencing your future victories! Remember this vital promise:

"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death." Romans 8:1-2

The Lord has already lavished you with abundant, extravagant forgiveness and grace to empower you to leave behind every single past sin and failure in the days of regret, doubt and fear, the many missed opportunities and failed relationships, the seasons of backsliding and passivity, the detours of the works of the flesh.

As we believe His Word of forgiveness and set our heart to seek the Lord, we will find overwhelming grace and mercies for each day (Jeremiah 29:12-13). Never give up; never give in again to a mindset of guilt and failure (Hebrews 10:35). You were created by your Maker to carry His glory and Presence into a lost and dying world. God has confidence in you (Deuteronomy 28:13). Remember, you are His choice (Ephesians 2:10), chosen for "such a time as this" (Esther 4:14).

God Redeems Your Wounds

Truly, it was by the stripes of Jesus Christ that we were healed (Isaiah 53:5). Take comfort in this, dear Believer: even the wounds that you have suffered will become great avenues of healing. When we are healed from our wounds, then we receive grace for healing others!

We bring Christ's healing and comfort to others in the areas in which we ourselves have been afflicted (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

God Brings Breakthrough!

God is even now releasing divine favor to us for accomplishing great exploits for His glory. In Psalm 84:11 (NLT), we learn how He lavishes His blessings of grace and glory:

"For the LORD God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory. The LORD will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right."

Even if you have not succeeded in previous days and years, do not lose heart! God is saying, "Try again!" It is time to regroup and try again, knowing that failure is never God's plan (Jeremiah29:11). You will see doors open that were closed to you previously. God is granting breakthrough.

I pray that your entire family will experience the overwhelming love and favor of God as you leave the past behind and boldly take hold of the blessings and promises of God!

Bobby Conner
Eagles View Ministries

Friday, February 1, 2013

Song "Storm" by Lifehouse

The other night as I was crying out to the Lord, i kept saying "If I could just see Your face, I know it will be ok" This song has melted me to tears today. Here are the lyrics:

how long have i been in this storm
so overwhelmed by the ocean's shapeless form
waters getting harder to tread
with these waves crashing over my head

if i could just see you
everything would be alright
if i had to see you
this darkness would turn into light

and i will walk on water
and you will catch me if i fall
and i will get lost into your eyes
and everything will be alright
and everything will be alright

i know u didn't bring me out here to drown
so why am i ten feet under and upside down
barely surviving has become my purpose
cause i'm so used to living underneath the surface

if i could just see you
everything would be alright
if i could see you
this stormness would turn into light

and i will walk on water
and you will catch me if i fall
and i will get lost into your eyes
and everything will be alright

and i will walk on water
and you will catch me if i fall
and i will get lost into your eyes
and everything will be alright
and now everything is alright
everythings alright

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Jesus Calling and Jesus Today devotional

“Jesus Today” by Sarah Young
Hope for What you DO NOT SEE; EAGERLY wait for it with perseverance. Among the five senses, sight is often the one that people value the most. I created the world gloriously beautiful, and I want you to appreciate beauty when you see it. However, even more beneficial than sight is hope, which is itself a kind of vision. It enables you to see—through the eyes of your heart—things that are NOTH YET. The most stunning example of this is the hope of heaven. Your ultimate destiny is to share in MY GLORY! This is MY PROMISE to you, secured through MY FINISHED WORK on the CROSS and MY RESURRECTION. Practice hoping for things you do not see—both for this life and the next. Ask Me to guide you into hopes and dreams that are in line with My will. Train the eyes of your heart to “see” these blessings, while praying for My will to be done fully and ONLY. Discipine yourself to wait eagerly—with your focus on ME and the longed for outcome. Remain hopeful and expectant as you waith WITH PERSEVERANCE.

If we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance- Romans 8:25

The glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as WE are one.- John 17:22

Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things (we) hope for, being the proof of things (we) do not see and the conviction of their reality. (Faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses) –Hebrews 11:1

“Jesus Calling”- by Sarah Young
I AM YOUR STRENGTH AND SHIELD. I plan out each day and have it ready for you, long before you arise from bed. I also provide the strength you need each step of the way, Instead of assessing your energy level and wondering about what’s on the road ahead, concentrate on staying in touch with Me, My Power flows freely into you through our open communication. Refuse to waste energy worrying, and you will have strength to spare.
Whenever you start to feel afraid, remember that I am YOUR SHIELD, but unlike inanimate armor, I AM ALWAYS alert and active. My Presence watches over you continually, protecting you from both known and unknown dangers. Entrust yourself to My watchcare, which is the best security system available. I am with you and will watch over you WHEREVER YOU GO.

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and He helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song, I PRAISE HIM- Psalm 28:7

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise—in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?- Psalm 56:3-4

Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. – Matthew 6:34

I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you- Genesis 28:15

His Presence is INTENSE

I got this today and was so stirred as i remember all the times He has drawn near to me. I must admit it makes me long to be in my glorified body knowing that this body can't contain the fullness until we all attain it.
Here is the e- mailed message:(Have an amazing Day with Daddy today)

Francis Frangipane:
The Intensifying Presence
We all know the unrepentant world is destined for the Great Tribulation, but as far as the living, praying Church is concerned, if we continue to climb toward the standard of Christlikeness, prior to the rapture there will be a season of great glory for true Christians.

In support of this holy goal, let me submit to you an encounter I had with the Lord in 1973. I was pastoring a small church in Hawaii and had been in a month of intense prayer and extended fasting, a time of drawing near to God. At the end of this period, I found myself awakened during the night by a visitation of the Lord. It was not as though I saw His physical features; I saw His glory and was overwhelmed by the intense fire of His presence. Immediately I was like a dead man, unable to move so much as a finger. Spiritually, however, my consciousness was heightened beyond anything I have known since. I was like one of those "living creatures" in the book of Revelation with "eyes around and within" (Revelation 4:8).

With my "inner eyes" I saw the truth about my personal righteousness. Recall, I had been in prayer and fasting; I felt good about myself. Yet suddenly the flaws in my life became unbearably vivid and utterly sinful. My iniquity was not as something I occasionally committed but as something I perpetually was. I saw many times when I could have been more loving or kind or sensitive. I also saw how selfish nearly all of my actions were.

Yet for all that was dark within me, I felt no rebuke from the Lord nor condemnation. No voice came from Heaven to convict me of my wrongs. The only voice condemning me was my own; in the light of His presence, I abhorred myself (Job 42:6, KJV).

Without any buffer of self-justification or deceit, I saw how far short of His glory I truly was. I knew why mankind needed the Blood of Christ, and no amount of personal attainment in and of itself could ever make me like Jesus. In the most profound way I understood that only Christ could live like Christ. God's plan was not to improve me but to remove me so that the Lord Jesus Himself could actually live His life through me (Galatians 2:20). In His indwelling would rest my hope of becoming like Him.

Outwardly, with "eyes around," I realized that the electrified atmosphere I felt in my bedroom was actually being broadcast from a very distant reality. Yet, though distant, the emanation of Christ's presence was like a burning fire upon my consciousness. A great procession of heavenly beings was descending through a night sky; I knew that this was a glimpse of Heaven coming to Earth.

In the forefront were angels of every class and order, each group in a splendor all its own. About a third of the way back was the Lord, and behind Him were innumerable saints. Yet I could not see into the depth of the Lord's glory, for those following Him had become part of His being.

The Lord was not only coming to judge the Earth but to fill this world with His glory. Let me repeat that, even though the Lord was far away, the radiance of His presence was a living fire upon my consciousness. The energy was almost painful.

Then, without warning, the procession came closer, not just to me but to our dimension. It was as though a mark in time had been crossed. Instantly I was utterly overwhelmed by the intensity of the Lord's presence. I felt that I could not – no, not for another moment – bear the increase of His glory. It was as though my very existence would be consumed by the blast furnace of His radiance. And in the deepest prayer I have ever uttered, I begged the Lord to return me to my body. Instantly, mercifully, I was cocooned once again in the familiar world of my senses and my bedroom.

What it Means

Night passed into dawn and I rose early, dressed, and went outside. With each step, I pondered the vision. The Lord brought my attention to the sun as it ascended above the eastern horizon. As I looked, I saw parallels between the radiance of the sunlight and the glory of the Lord. I realized in a new way that "the heavens are telling of the glory of God" (Psalm 19:1).

I saw that even though the sun is 93 million miles from the earth, we feel its heat and live in its light. It is inconceivably far away, yet its energy is also here. It warms us and in its light our life exists. So also the expanse of the Lord's presence emanates from His glorified body in Heaven. Physically He is distant, yet at times we actually feel the out-raying of His presence here; we are, in truth, warmed by His love. The glory of Christ, like the out-raying of the sun, is "safe" as long as He remains distant from us in Heaven.

But imagine if, with each successive decade, the sun were to steadily move closer to the earth. Radiation, heat, and light would increase dramatically. With each stage of its approach, the world as we know it would radically change!

So also will this world change spiritually as the person of the Lord Jesus and His Millennial reign draw near. The radiance of His presence will increasingly pour into the spiritual realms surrounding our world. And not only the "powers of the heavens will be shaken" (Matthew 24:29; Hebrews 12), but the very world as we know it will experience dramatic changes.

If the sun drew closer, the increasing heat and light would soon be all we would think about. While the righteous are experiencing "glory and honor and peace" from His presence (Romans 2:10), the same glory will cause terrible "tribulation and distress" to the unrepentant world (verse 9). The wicked will cry to the mountains and rocks, "Fall on us and hide us." From what? "the presence" of the Lord (Revelations 6:16).
Those hardened in sin will either find grace and repent or their hardness will deepen like Pharaoh's. Yet the same sun that hardens the clay also melts the butter. So as the Lord draws nearer, the prayer of the righteous will be, "Fill us with the presence of the Lamb!" The presence of Christ will be all that fills our minds. Those who love Him will experience the increase of His pleasure; they will taste the nectar of Heaven. Whether we are for or against the Lord, everyone's mind will be flooded with thoughts about God.

As it is written,

"For behold, the day is coming, burning like a furnace; and all the arrogant and every evildoer will be chaff; and the day that is coming will set them ablaze," says the Lord of hosts, "so that it will leave them neither root nor branch. But for you who fear My name the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings; and you will go forth and skip about like calves from the stall. You will tread down the wicked, for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day which I am preparing," says the Lord of hosts. Malachi 4:1-3

Simultaneously two events will manifest on earth, they will be the result of one, eternal source. The same increasing presence that causes wrath to descend upon the wicked will cause God's glory to be seen upon the righteous. For we who fear the Lord, the "sun of righteousness" will rise with healing in its rays.

This message was adapted from a chapter in Pastor Frangipane's book, The Days of His Presence.

Francis Frangipane
Ministries of Francis Frangipane

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Daily Cross

Lately I've been going through a lot of battles. A lot of times when you're going through things people may not understand you and I am learning that that is okay. God has a perfect timing for everything and in all things God is still good and he is still God and I'm still not. Anyway I have an excerpt from a book called "The Pursuit of God" by A W Tozer That has brought me some comfort in what I have been going through inside. I yearn for Gods children to rise up and be who they are called to be. That starts with me!! Hallelujah! To the cross we go daily. Though none go with me still I will follow!

Everything in the New Testament accords with this Old Testament picture. Ransomed men Need no longer pause in fear to enter the holy of holy's. God wills that we should push on into his presence and live our whole life there. This is to be known To us in conscious experience. It is more than a doctrine to be held; it is a life to be enjoyed every moment of every day. ...
Similarly, the presence of God is the central fact of Christianity. At the heart of the Christian message is God himself waiting for his redeemed children to push into conscious awareness of his presence. That type of Christianity which happens now to be in the vogue knows this presence only in theory. It fails to stress the Christians privilege of present realization. According to its teachings we are in the presence of God positionally, and nothing is said about the need to experience that presence actually. ..
What hinders us? The answer usually given, simply that we are 'cold' will not explain all the facts. There is something more serious than coldness of heart...
What is it? What but the presence of a veil in our hearts? The veil not taken away as the first veil was, but which remains they are still shitting out the light and hiding the face of God from us.
Self is the opaque vale that hides the face of God from us. It can be removed only in spiritual experience, never by mere instruction. We may as well try to instruct Lipper see out of our system. There must be a work of God in destruction before we are free. We must invite the cross to do it's deadly work within us. We must bring our self – sins to the cross for judgment. We must prepare ourselves for an ordeal of suffering in some measure like that through which our Savior past when he suffered under Pontious Pilate.

Let us remember that when we talk of the rending of the veil we are speaking in a figure, and the thought of it is poetical, almost pleasant, but in actuality there is nothing pleasant about it. In human experience the veil is made up of living spiritual tissue; it is composed of the sentiment, quivering stuff of which are whole beings consist, and to touch it is to touch us where we feel pain. To tear it away is to injure us, to hurt ass into make us believe. To say otherwise is to make the cross no cross and death note death at all. It is never fun to die. To rip through the dear and tender stuff of which life is made can never be anything but deeply painful. Yet that is what The cross did to Jesus and it is what the cross would do to every man to set him free.
Let us beware of tinkering with our inner life, Hoping ourselves to rend the veil. God must do everything for us. Our part is to yield and to trust. We must confess, forsake, repudiate the self – life, and then reckon it crucified. But we must be careful to distinguish lazy' acceptance' From the real work of God. We must insist upon the work being done. We dare not rest content with a neat doctrine of self – crucifixion. That is to imitate Saul and spare the best of the sheep and oxen.
Insist that the work be done in very truth and it will be done. The cross is rough and it is deadly, but it is effective. It does not keep its victim hanging there forever. There comes a moment when it's work is finished and the suffering victim dies. After that is resurrection glory and power, And the pain is forgotten for joy that the veil is taken away and we have entered in actual spiritual experience the presence of the living God.

Monday, January 21, 2013

The Glory of the Latter House shall be greater than the former...

I believe that many people have been going through shaking in their lives because God shaking everything that can be shaken. I, for one, have not handled the shaking extremely well, BUT GOD Knows exactly what He is doing And I trust Him. He is our Glory and THE lifter of our heads. HIS LOVE NEVER FAILS! Anyway, This morning I get an email from Elijah List and I want to share it with you. We all know that our nation needs a turnaround. I believe it when The Lord said the Glory of the Latter house shall be greater than the former. God will move and shake and do what needs to be done to get our attention sometimes BECAUSE HE LOVES US. He said "ALL THINGS work together for the good of those who love HIM and are called according to HIS purposes"-Romans 8:28. OUR PRAYERS ARE NEVER IN VAIN. He will ALWAYS come through! HE IS OUR REFUGE AND STRENGTH in times of trouble! Our nation MUST turn back to OUR MIGHTY GOD! Here is the word from Elijah List:

Word For the Year 2013: "The Year of Spiritual Revolution!"
Revolution: (Rev'-a-loo-shen)
Merriam-Webster's Dictionary: a sudden, radical, or complete change; also a radical and pervasive change in society and the social structure, especially one made suddenly.

And from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. Matthew 11:12

Revolution Caused Freedom To Ring

Our nation was founded by wise, brave leaders who decided to start a country free from tyrannical rulers and oppression. America has those grass root values as our foundation.

The Lord clearly told me that we are going back to the basics of the spirit of spiritual revolution which gave birth to the United States of America, founded as "one nation under God." This nation's birth came at a great cost, yet it was nothing like the cost of Calvary's Cross for our spiritual freedom.

Society lost its moral and guiding compass to be a godly nation to serve idols of pleasure rather than the heart of our Father. In 2013 we will begin returning to the heart of our founding fabric – a revolt from spiritual and moral oppression to a passionate, intimate relationship with God and true spiritual freedom.

Jesus Was the Lead Revolutionary Pioneer of His Day

This spiritual revolution will not just be sparked by the results of the darkness that many people recognize is around us (wickedness, corruption, and idolatry), but will also be caused by the core reason of religious rules forced on those who are supposed to be fulfilled by the New Covenant of Love and Great Grace! In 2013 the true Bride of Christ will have eyes and ears opened to the need for purity and allow God to prepare us for the coming of Jesus Christ.

We will see the youth crying out for the truth that only Jesus Christ can offer through a grace-based relationship. The spiritual revolution we will experience, starting this year, is an ever-increasing violent faith-attack against "religious spirits."

The real spiritual revolutionary war is the kingdom of darkness against the Kingdom of God! We will trust God with great faith knowing God always wins! It's a spiritual revolution that will help bring us into the purpose of God for our lives and completely expose evil in 2013.

The Glory of God In 2013 Will Expose and Deal With Evil In High Places

But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light. Therefore He says: "Awake, you who sleep, arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light." Ephesians 5:13-14

• The Bride of Christ will awaken, eyes of the spiritually blinded will open, ears will finally hear, and yokes of complacency will break at the altar of God's great grace.

• God will reveal all evil in high places hidden in the dark; they will be exposed to the pure light of God and the enemy will be blinded.

• We will see millions of young people running into the great love of God for a passionate, intimate relationship.

The Lord is raising up leaders to demonstrate by God's Holy Spirit and Word that God will supernaturally "turn the enemy at the gate"!

He will be a spirit of justice to him who sits in judgment, a source of strength to those who turn back the battle at the gate. Isaiah 28:6

For thus says the LORD of hosts, "Once more in a little while, I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea also and the dry land. I will shake all the nations; and they will come with the wealth of all nations, and I will fill this house with glory," says the LORD of hosts. ..."The latter glory of this house will be greater than the former," says the LORD of hosts, "and in this place I will give peace," declares the LORD of hosts." Haggai 2:6-7, 9 (NASB)

...Then Haggai said, "That is how it is with this people and this nation," says the LORD. Everything they do and everything they offer is defiled... I will overthrow royal thrones and destroy the power of foreign kingdoms. I will overturn their chariots and riders. The horses will fall, and their riders will kill each other." Haggai 2:14, 22 (NLT)

We can certainly expect to see natural and spiritual shaking in our nation and in every part of this land until America returns to our spiritual roots and a passionate love for God. The Lord God will do the shaking, and what remains is His forever.

Holy Fear and Awe of God Is Returning To His People

We are about to experience the greatest move of God this world has ever seen. This will be marked as a season of the apostles combined with the prophetic movement to produce the most unstoppable force of God with signs, wonders and miracles ever seen by humans. We are not moving indoors, but instead this move of God will be taken outdoors and on the streets.

There will be a resurgence of great outdoor meetings. People will begin to gather in parks, public meeting places, houses of prayer, and will worship God without ceasing. For this mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit, true worshippers and hungry hearts will come to public meetings and not be able to leave. Many people will be filled with the anointing of Holy Ghost fire, and mighty miracles will happen before the eyes of the world!

• Media will finally film the miraculous, showing this nation and the world God's amazing miracles.

• Children's camps will spring up in rural places and the youth everywhere will demonstrate unprecedented prophetic gifts, miracles, signs and wonders.

• Apostolic and prophetic teams will travel across America and the world; we will see nations turn to God in a day.

• Many occult workers will be invaded by the light of God's glory and be won over to Jesus Christ.

• There will be many spontaneous outpourings of God's Spirit.

What the Enemy Meant For Bad, God Is Turning For Good

As far as I am concerned, God turned into good what you meant for evil. He brought me to the high position I have today so I could save the lives of many people. Genesis 50:20

When America seemingly chose the plan of evil over the plan of God, I asked the Lord for a word, and He clearly said to me, "It is not over yet; I am not through with America!"

This is going to be a year that initiates the greatest spiritual turnaround our nation has ever experienced! Just like with Joseph's life, the past experiences taught us that God brings good from evil for those who trust and love Him. Trust the Lord now and experience the greatest breakthrough and a new life in God like never before. It is not over for America yet! The true Bride of Christ will be purified, blessed and prepared for Jesus' return.

John Mark Pool
Word to the World Ministries

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Devotional from "Jesus Today" by Sarah Young

"You belong to Me. I have chosen you and called you out of darkness into My marvelous light. The fact that you belong to Me – now and forever – Provides a firm foundation for your life. This connection with Me can protect you from feeling cut off or a drift in your ever changing world. Many people attach themselves to hurtful people or harmful things because they yearned to escape their aloneness. BUT, since you are mine you are NEVER alone. I chose you before the creation of the world, and you are a permanent member of My Royal Family.
You used to walk in spiritual darkness before you trusted me as your Savior. I personally brought you out of that darkness into my light – so that you might proclaim my praises. This is a delightful privilege and responsibility. I have entrusted you with the task of telling others about My awesome qualities. To carry out this assignment effectively, you need to delve into the riches of
Who I AM by studying my Word. You also need to delight yourself in me. Then the JOY of my presence will shine from your face as you tell others about me."

You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, his own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. – 1 Peter 2:9

Praise be to the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, he has blessed us in the heavenly rounds with every spiritual blessing in Christ for He chose us in him before the Creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. – Ephesians 1:3 – 4

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. – Psalm 37:4

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Between "Bethel" and "Ai"

And I was reading Genesis 13 a few weeks ago, Verses three and four stood out to me. It says that Abraham traveled back to the area where he had been before between Bethel and Ai. He had previously built an altar in this place and as he came back to this place and called upon the name of the Lord. It doesn't seem like a very big detail when you just read it like that but when you realize what the names mean in that very passage it rocks your world and make You want to sacrifice praise to God no matter what you are going through. We are all on a journey in this life and it is about getting to know our Father God. We GET TO BE IN HIS PRESENCE only because the precious blood of Jesus!! We get totally wrecked by God and our lives are NEVER
The same! Hallelujah!!
Anyway, we all have times where we go back to the place that we came from between Bethel (the house of God) and Ai (heap of ashes). It is in that very place where we first called upon the name of the Lord. Our lives may be in a heap of ashes at that moment and we realize that somehow someway we have totally made a mess that we can't fix ourselves. So, we call out for rescue and because of Gods amazing grace, our lives are restored. We are brought from the ash heap to the place where God dwells-His house-which in the New Testament is HIS CHURCH. We seem to be okay for a while but then every now and then, The Lord leads us through a season where we are brought right back to this very same place and we are reminded that The Lord is still The Lord is still Lord Over our heap of ashes . Hallelujah! I pray that we grow more mature in our knowledge of Him and realize that HE TRULY IS LORD OVER ALL! let this day be the year that we truly SURRENDER ALL TO JESUS and be WHO He has created us to be! This Journey with Jesus is the greatest adventure we could ever be on. EVERYTHING we go through is just a way to get to know Him more. WOW!!! So if you have ever been to the place of the heap of ashes and things you though would last forever are now all burned up and you haven't quite made it to the house where God dwells, just keep on this journey with Jesus and you will see BEAUTY soon! He promises to give you BEAUTY for those ashes! NEVER GIVE UP!!  Quitting is not an option in the Kingdom of God!!

Friday, January 4, 2013


This morning I have woke up extremely exhausted for some reason. I have been overcoming several challenges lately, But sometimes the more you overcome the more you realize just how much you still have yet to Overcome. I believe this is part of the negative thinking that I am now tackling with a vengeance. It has went around in my mind for way too much time and it is time for my mind to be totally renewed. Anyway, this morning I opened my devotional and this is what it says it is from "Jesus today" by Sarah Young:

I will fight for you; you need only to be still. I know how weary you are, my child. You have been struggling just to keep your head above water, and your strength is running low. Now is the time for you to stop striving and let me fight for you. I know this is not easy for you to do. You feel as if you must keep struggling in order to survive, but I am calling you To rest in me. I am working on your behalf; so be still, and know that I am God.

Quieting your body is somewhat challenging for you, but stilling your mind may often seem downright impossible. In your striving to feel secure, you have relied too heavily on your own thinking. This struggle to be in control has elevated your mind to a position of autonomy. So you need to ask the intervention of the Holy Spirit. Ask him to control your mind more and more – soothing you from the inside out. Take time to rest in the shadow of the Almighty while I fight for you.

The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. – Exodus 14:14

Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! – Psalm 46:10

The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace. – Romans 8:6

He who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. – Psalm 91:1

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Taking back what the thief stole

According to Proverbs 6:31, the thief must pay back and restore 7 times what he stole. Now we have but one thief who came to kill, steal, and destroy. If we really are taking back all that he stole, can you imagine what the 7 times greater must look like in our thoughts? My mind has been one of the greatest battlefields, but we are, as TD Jakes said this week "one thought away from a great reformation in our lives" I had been thinking about this scripture over the last few months and how The Lord has been causing me to begin to take back things that were stolen from me (my children's respect being one of the main things). Some because I was an innocent victim, but some of them because I made poor choices and some because I just wasn't wearing the "ARMOR OF GOD" that was given to me.
This week, the focus is in my thoughts. I have been attempting to "think brilliantly"as Graham has told us at "Aglow". TD Jakes is speaking about not becoming a "dumbed down" thinker. The enemy came in and tricked me into thinking that my lack of "analyzing" was a good thing because I used to "analyze" everything. I was full of faith and still analyzed. Over the years, I had some mental attacks on my mind through situations, sicknesses, and sometimes just plain sin. Somewhere in that season, I let my mind grow slow and fell into believing the lie that it might never get any better. However, I am now in the process of taking back what the enemy stole and I really believe that my greatest days are ahead. I am TRUSTING GOD IN THIS SEASON. I know there are rough times coming, BUT GOD has plans and ideas and strategies to overcome EVERY EVIL that comes our way. HE STILL SAYS "LET MY PEOPLE GO".
As the darkness surrounds us in this world, it's almost as if HE is allowing us to see with clearer vision. God is absolutely amazing!!! We really are "one thought away from reformation" HALLELUJAH!!! Anyway, this is exciting to me as I enter lots of changes coming. God is confirming this Word to me nearly everywhere I go and I can't deny that He is really revealing this clearly. He is so good at that!! I love it! Today, I choose to serve my Daddy by allowing Him to expand my mind to make room for the 7 fold return of my "brilliant" mind that God gave me. I KNOW who the thief was and he has been clearly revealed. I require recompense from tge enemy. I know mercy is poured out to flesh and blood, but 7 fold recompense is required from the main thief!

After writing all this, I read the Elijah List for today. God is really doing BIG THINGS IN ME AND MY WHOLE FAMILY!!! I am attaching this if you want to read further. Have an awesome day!!!
How To Possess the Hope of a Good Future
Erase the Borders of Limitation

Memory is the expression of imagination. It is ability to retain or recall things or events that have been imagined or experienced in the past. Memory lost is the obsession or passionate dream one fails or refuses to remember.

Foresight is the act of looking forward with a careful, thoughtful regard for the future. It is the ability to imagine things that can take place in the future. The imagination finds pleasure when it sees something that is new or exceptional. The presence of the Holy Spirit teaches our spiritual eyes of faith to see this way into the invisible. God grants us visionary access to walk into a reality that is superior to the natural realm where we exist most of the time.

Once we gain God's vision for our future, then we are able to prophesy it into existence. If we will take a leap into the future, boldly decree the things we see from God's perspective, He will establish them for us. The Holy Spirit reveals knowledge that supersedes the rationale of carnal reasoning and possesses an internal power that transforms us from the inside out.

Focused faith will cause one to realize the profound possibilities that exist in the invisible realm. Faith gives us access to the invisible realms of the spirit so we can erase the borders of limitation. The fundamental fact of existence is that faith and trust in God is the firm foundation that makes life worth living. The world was called into existence through faith in an unseen God. He commanded creative words to reveal the concealed and bring it forth into being.

Faith is the Spiritual Substance

Faith that is mixed with hope brings forth the fertile ground of a new reality out of the invisible realm of nothingness. Faith reveals the plans God has concealed in His heart. When we maintain our focus on the Lord, we are able to rest in hope, knowing we have a good inheritance. When we bless the Lord, the Holy Spirit gives us counsel and shows us the path of abundant life. Entering God's presence releases the fullness of joy so we can experience the pleasures of God forevermore.

The curious soul yearns to explore innovations and pioneer the unknown. The unknown is an open door that invites us to participate in engineering a new life. In sculpting our brilliant futures, we will encounter the unexpected as we dwell in and walk through dimensions that are beyond our control.

This season of discovery brings us to the realization that our steps are ordered by the only, all-knowing, powerful, loving God. He pours out grace, mercy and revelation knowledge to empower us to embrace the new journey every morning. Creative ideas flood the imagination, bringing gratification and delightful surprise to the ardent searchers, as they behold amazing sights that have never before been possessed, documented or even known in existence.

Faith is the spiritual substance that brings proof to the unseen eternal realm of promise and possibilities. Faith makes real the things we hope for. Faith is the proof of what we cannot see. The things we see were made by God, Who cannot be seen with our natural eyes. Faith must see through the eyes of understanding with an enlightened heart. Faith in God's Word enables our mind to be renewed by the Spirit to think like God. When our minds and hearts are renewed by hearing the words of the Holy Spirit, we become doers of the Word.

Revelation is the meat of the Word, illuminated by the Holy Spirit, that comes to us as rhema, or a "now" expression of God. Faith moves us into the now. God's Word lays a broad, strong foundation in our life for Him to build upon. God dwells in earthen vessels (see 2 Corinthians 4:7). God wants to set up His habitation within us. When God possesses us, we will imitate Him. We reflect or imitate that which we believe. Faith will cause the invisible power of the Kingdom of God to manifest in and through our life.

A Hope and a Future

God the Father grants us the Spirit of Wisdom so we can discern the future. We are instructed to have faith in God. We must also have the faith of God to see mountains removed from our life. God does not doubt. He knows and believes that the things He says will be done – they will come to pass. Therefore we must adopt this powerful, godly life principle.

Whatever we ask, when we pray, believe that we receive it and we will have it. To receive answers to our prayers, we need to pray in the name and character of God. Pray and believe that you have God's answers. See things through God's perspectives of grace. When we agree with the grace in God's heart, He will give us the desires of our heart. When sin abounds the world is terrorized, but when God's grace thrives the world is given a hope in a future.

If we do not agree with God's supernatural ways and plans, our imagination moves out of the higher realms of the Spirit and into the inferior natural realms of doubt and unbelief. When doubt reigns, faith is then limited to the temporal, that which we see with our natural eyes or know in our intellect. Unbelief sets a narrow limit on our achievement by defining what we believe is possible, so nothing great can be accomplished.

When we worship God in Spirit and in truth, we are able to see with the eyes of our spiritual imagination. Faith allows us to access what is available in the realms of the invisible. Once we imagine a thing, it can be drawn into actuality. Holy Spirit opens the realms of vision so we can see His heart's desire and speak them into existence. We become the channel the Holy Spirit flows through to bring Heaven to earth. When we give expression to the move of the Holy Spirit, His presence and power will manifest on earth. The greatest power in the universe is love.

Dr. Barbie L. Breathitt
Breath of the Spirit Ministries