Friday, October 28, 2011

Am I salt or a "quick fix"?

For those of you who know me, I am one that has always wanted to help other people.  I used to be really quick to give answers to every problem (and even now have still been too quick) I have been learning so much and even though it has been helpful to me, I need to remember that there are those that need to seek the Lord for their self and I am not to give away all my OIL, but instead lead them to the giver of OIL and cause them to want to seek for themselves.  I pray that I get better at doing this.  It is never my intention to replace the Holy Spirit in anyone’s life.  If you see me doing this, please I urge you to share with me and allow me to get back on track.  I don’t like Pride, but I don’t know if I would see it if I were under its wicked spell.  Today, I have read a passage from “Come Away My Beloved” by Frances Roberts that has reminded me once again that I NEED TO CAUSE OTHERS TO WANT to seek HIM, not ME.  I pray that this flaw in me does not harm another person and that I learn to walk in TOTAL HUMILITY and when people are around me, either I am so crazy that they feel the need to get in the Word to stay balanced, or that nothing but Truth in God’s timing comes from my mouths. May we all walk in SELF-CONTROL even when it comes to speaking the Truths of God’s Word.  Let us never hinder another’s growth.  This must be why He tells us that we need that “no man teach us” huh?  There are so many teachings out there that can cause us to stumble and we need to be learning how to learn from the Holy Spirit so that we are kept safe in His Wings.  Here is the excerpt from today:

“Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst.  But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” John 4:14

O My daughter, will I speak to you as one whose voice is lost in the noise of the crashing surf?  Or as one who calls in vain in the midst of a deep forest, where there is no ear to hear nor voice to respond?  Will you be like an instrument with broken strings from which the musician can bring forth no music?  No, I would have you be as the waterfall whose sound is continuous, as a great river whose flow is not interrupted.  You shall not sing for a time and then be silent for a season.  You shall not praise for a day and then revert to the current topics of everyday life.  You will never exhaust My supply.  The more you give, the more shall be given to you.  You are in a learning process.  I have much to share with you; yes, out of the abundance of My heart I will instruct you.  I want to teach you truths of heavenly wisdom which you cannot learn from human lips.  I will instruct you in the way that you shall go.  From whom else can you inquire?
I will bring My love and My life to you.  From where else have you any such comfort and strength?  The more often you come to Me to draw of this water of Life, the more your life will be enriched in wisdom—yes, but also in many other ways.  You need My grace so that you may share My truth with a right spirit.  You need to keep your channel straight and clear, that My blessing is not hindered as it flows through you, and that the waters may be kept pure. 
You do not indicate presumption by continually seeking My face.  Rather, you show a tendency to trust in the strength of the flesh when you do not come to Me for a gift.  Or have you mistakenly thought that your own mind had become a source of wisdom?
Beware of the snare of flattery, and beware even of well-intended praise.  Take no glory to yourself, nor compliment yourself in your achievement.  I control the waters.  I gathered them up in My fist to allow the passage of the children of Israel.  I flung them forth to down the Egyptian army.  I send forth the river of life now to refresh and bring life to those who thirst after Me.  I dry up the streams of inspiration before the feet of the proud.  Those who glory in their own thoughts shall not drink.  Those who pursue the paths of human reason shall be as a desert. 
I am not to be found there—as I was not found in the wind nor in the earthquake.  These were natural forces.  I was in the still small voice.  I Myself am the direct source and the only source of eternal life.  Every other well is dry.  Every other pursuit is vain. 
But you shall be a fountain flowing forth whose streams shall not fail, for I, the Lord your God, dwell in the midst of you.

Wow!!! For me, this is a lovely reminder to “Be still and know He is God” and to take a moment and remind myself that “I AM SO NOT”  J  Yall have a wonderful Day!

Ever felt that you had been drug into a mess by the Lord?

I am reading Job this morning and I got to this part: (Job speaking to his friend)

5 Why do you insist on putting me down, using my troubles as a stick to beat me?6 Tell it to God-he's the one behind all this, he's the one who dragged me into this mess.

Once Job had been struck, all of the junk that had been hidden deep down came out of his mouth.  He was still a man of God and yet he blamed God for all of this "mess".  Don't we all do that from time to time? Of course, He is almighty and knows how we are going to react in everything, so it's hard not to see it this way.  HOWEVER, I would love to suggest this.  JOB didn't have the Holy Spirit living in him.  We get to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to carry us in the midst of our crises'. I am by no means an expert in this area.  In fact, I feel like the more I learn, the LESS I know and that's OK..... I don't have to be the smartest, or the most knowledgable.  I just want to seek His face in the midst of the trials and then turn around and USE them to help others.  I want to walk out my identity in Jesus Christ and be all that HE has called me to be.  I want the death of the apostles and many others that have died for me to have the freedom not to be in vain.  So, as I step out of the boat and try to excercise my faith muscles, I pray that I walk in the power of the Holy Spirit and NOT MY OWN STRENGTH.  We have a purpose in this life to bring healing, JOY, PEACE, and all that the Kingdom of God has to offer others.  Keep pressing on and realize that even though God is allowing some of this pain that you are going through, it is an opportunity for you to get out of the boat and exercise your FAITH muscles!!! I am just learning to exercise my physical body, and I am having to strengthen my spiritual muscles.  I have not arrived by any means, but I shall forget what is behind and press forward to the calling that HE HAS LAID OUT FOR ME!  Love you all!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Renew your vows....

I have been getting a little tired lately and realized I hadn't spent enough time just sitting with the Lord.  I have been soaking His word in, but failed to soak in HIS presence. 

I just wanted to share this morning's excerpt from "Come Away My Beloved" by Frances Roberts

At that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.  He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I willl love him and manifest Myself to him" John 14:20-21

There is a day coming when you will say, "I have waited in vain for the Lord."  You will wait for Me to speak, and you will hear only the whistling of the wind.  But I tell you now, I am never silent; you are deaf.  I am always speaking; but I do not find your ear attuned to listen. 
You will sit alone in a desolate place and grieve in your loneliness; but it will not be that I have left you, but that you have become insinsitive to My presence.  Yes, if you ignore My personal nearness and fellowship and if you do not return My overtures, your perceptions will become dull, you will not be able to discern Me even though I am neaar at hand--even thoug My love for you is still as strong as before.  Do not be lukewarm, lest you be among those who are cast out of My fellowship. "How shall we escape, " it is written, "if we neglect so great a salvation?" (Hebrews 2:3).  But I ask you now: How will you survive in your private walk in the Spirit if you pay but faint heed to My nearness and do not respond in kind to the affection I offer you?
You will not be able to meet the needs of others with anything short of this.  There is no cure for the ills of humankind but what is contained in the love of God.  You cannot give to them until after you have taken it from Me.
"I will not leave you orphans" (John 14:18).  It is the intention of My heart to fellowship with you closely, I am turned away by your unresponsiveness; by your preoccupation with things and with people; by your thoughtlessness and indifferenece.
Some have lost Me by the sin of rebellion; but I warn you that you may lose Me by the subtle way of simple inattention.  Confess your coldness, and draw near to Me; and I will make My personal presence real to you again.  I will hold you close to My heart, and you will hear My voice.
Renew your vows and I will revive your minstry.  There is a life ahead for you into which you could not have enetered before.  There is a work ready for you, and I have prepared you for it.  It is too wonderful to miss.  It will be silent but powerful.
I will cause the veil to drop, and you will enter a new area of experience.  You will be given knowledge in My Spirit that is not to be found in books.  I will share with you  My thoughts, and who can tell the sum of them?  YOU will partake the Mind of Christ and of the Holy Spirit of God.  his eyes go throughout the whole earth seeking out the thoughts and intents of the hearts of men.
You will serve Me in ways you have never heard of before.  It is My work.  I have laid it out for you.  Keep clear of man's work.  Stay free to do MINE.  You will not miss it if you keep close to Me and stay sensitive to My Spirit.
No one else can do what I have reserved for you; and be very sure that if you fail., it will remain undone.  Crucify the flesh, and let the Spirit thrive.  Redeem the time, for surely these days abound with evil. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Leaky Vessels?

So, lately I have been thinking about how we have heard it said that we leak and need to be filled and filled and filled right?  Well, it has got me to thinking about how we DON'T leak the Holy Spirit out of us once we have Him right? So what do we need to get filled with?  The Holy Spirit is a person and you either have Him and His infilling or you don't right? So, I have to LOVE Amy O for giving me an analogy the other night that just goes along with so many things that He has been showing me.  She gave me and example of a plant that she has and the water has gotten stagnant because there is no outflow of water coming from the plant.  So, when I think of the "Rivers of Living Water" and how they are in us and flow from us if we believe (John 7:38), what happens if they are not flowing from us.  The water flow stops and we become stagnant.  So, I guess instead of seeing the infilling of the Holy Spirit as a RE-FILLING with what is already there, don't we need to see it as something that needs to be STIRRED up within us (2 Timothy 1:6,7).  He places the fire within us when He comes to indwell in us and we are to keep it stirred up. 
He tells us to sing to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs (Eph 5:19).  When we speak His praises, we join the heavenly choir that is singing at all times.  Even the creation praises HIM (Isaiah 55:12, 1 Chronicles 16:29-30, Psalm 66, and many more) There is nothing greater than to sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with all of creation to the Lord of Lords who has made us all!!! He is Worthy to be praised!  There is no greater God!!! When we begin to sing praises to Him, our rivers down in our belly are stirred up and before you know it, we are in the spirit and will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh (Galatians 5:16).  Seriously, I don't think it would be possible to be "sinning" while in this place.  Now, I am no theologian by any means.  I know things that the Lord has revealed to me, but I don't even speak them very eloquently, but one thing I do KNOW that I KNOW that I KNOW is that my daddy would not tell me to do something without equipping me to do it.  He tells me to "go and SIN no more" so then HE EQUIPS me to be able to do this.  I CAN NOT DO THIS IN MY FLESH, it must be IN MY SPIRIT that it is even possible.  If I walk in the spirit, I will not fulfill the lusts of this flesh.  When I get my self out of walking in the spirit, that is when I make dangerous mistakes right?  So, I will sing praises to the Lord as much as possible so that I might not stumble as much.  When I walk after this flesh, it is not pleasing to the Lord and I really mess up things, but when I walk after the spirit, there is joy, and peace, and much LOVE coming from me and all the other fruits of the spirit (Galatians 5:22). I can NOT conquer the things that He has called me to conquer in my life if I don't walk in this place.
Some of yall have known me long enough to know that I have always had extra weight.  I have never been a small person, but last year around this time, I had a worship experience that changed the way I eat and see food.  I realized this very principal of walking after the spirit and not after the flesh.  I realized that if I was in deep worship of the Lord, that I no longer craved food.  I was satisfied IN HIM.  So, as I had more worship time with Him (a couple hours in church a week is not enough!!!!)  I began to eat less and less.  When I went to Brazil on a mission trip in June, I had a "word" about my weight and I believed that I was healed and restored.  As I began to thank the Lord for my healing and praise Him for all that He was helping me with, the weight has been coming off.  It's a process, but it's not a struggle like it once was.  I have lost 40 lbs so far, and I am curious to see how much ends up coming off.  IT IS POSSIBLE WITH GOD!!!

Now, these things are explained in the Word of God, but can't always be explained in our minds because God has a way of blowing our minds.  I am SO OK with that because I know that His Gospel isn't preached with eloquence always, but it ALWAYS has POWER to CHANGE LIVES!!! Today, I want to encourage you to get in the secret place with God and sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs and walk in the spirit.  REFUSE to walk after the flesh. All it wants is comfort and security and warmth and (me, me, me)  All of that is overrated anyway right? haha.... Let's step out of the boat where it isn't always comfortable and let the River's of Living Water flow out of YOU today!!!  There are so many in the Church waiting for the Holy Spirit to FALL ON THEM!!! He came down over 2,000 years ago and HE DWELLS IN BELIEVERS!!! He flows FROM US!!  Let the Holy Spirit flow and see God work MIRACLES for people today.  If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, YOU HAVE THE POWER OF GOD INSIDE OF YOU! YOU SHALL LAY HANDS ON THE SICK AND THEY SHALL RECOVER (MARK 16:18)  Go and preach the gospel of the Kingdom wherever you are.  Do it all for the Glory of the Lord!!!! Be blessed today and bless others!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Mind of Christ ("Come Away My Beloved- Frances Roberts)

Your faith should not be in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.  1 Corinthians 2-5

Oh My Child, give Me your mind, I shall keep it in perfect tranquility.  Give Me your thoughts.  I will keep them in peace.  If you allow other people to do your thinking for you, you will be distressed.  If you try to think for yourself, you may be in error though limited knowledge and misinformation.  But let the Mind of Christ be in you.  Let MY thinking displace and supersede your mind and YOUR reasoning, and you will be kept in peace and order, you will know exactly and precisely what is right, what is true, and what is proper course of action.
As you draw upon My Spirit for physical strength, draw also upon My Mind for wisdome, understanding, and peace of mind.  make this a habit in your life, and you will be astounded at the results, the accomplishments it will bring.  Rather than being motivated by impulse, you will be directed by Divine Intelligence.
Have I not promised that if any of you lack wisdom, you may ask of God who gives liberally and without reproach (James 1:5)? I have not left you to flounder like a rudderless ship.  I will freely share with you all of My thinking powers, just as I share of My grace for the needs of the spirit.
This is a reservoir very nearly untapped.  This is why I commanded Solomon, because he asked the highest gift.  in adding the other benefits, I gave him only things that shall surely always follow after this first. For the life truly directed by My Mind shall enjoy many other blessings in abundance.

He is Faithful!!! (from 10/12/11)

Well, tonight our church didn't have services, so I went to my sister's church so I could worship.  I needed my Daddy tonight.  I was feeling a little bogged down with a teaching that I have been trying to process through and have gotten off focus.  I needed to just take time and sit at His feet and let Him have all that.  He is so faithful to meet me right where I need Him.  I sooooo needed Him and He came near and gave me kisses tonight.  Thank you Jesus for being there when I need you!!! I have been so blessed this last year, but I know I have not seen anything compared to what I will see this year.  My entire family has been touched by the Lord and nearly all of them have decided to follow Jesus.  God, you are so good to me!!  I know it's not all about me and my world, but I am still so stinking thankful that you have allowed me to see you work in my family.  I love you dearly and I can honestly say, it has been worth all the pain!! I am now praying that you reveal the Truth deeper to me so that I don't stray from YOUR plan for my life.  I am so vulnerable right now and I am not sure why, but I am wanting to stand close to you and Hold your hand tightly so I don't sway to the left or to the right.  I want to go the narrow way and I am TRUSTING you to get me where I need to be. You have always been faithful and YOU NEVER CHANGE!! I have to remember that you are giving me the "Peace that passes UNDERSTANDING as I give you my right to understand"  :)

Rivers of Living water....(12 gates to be restored)

How many of us are sitting in pews Sunday after Sunday and never seeing God move and flow through us.  Do we know who we are? Are we really "playing church"???? This weekend has been one of really seeing the body of Christ at work.  His love being poured out and the Rivers of Living Waters flowing.  For the last couple of weeks, every where I turned, He was speaking to me about the Rivers of Living Water that flow from His People.  He has shown me that just like the ancient ruins of Jerusalem had to be rebuilt, so must our spiritual Walls be built back up as a church.  I have shared bits and pieces here and there, but this weekend there has been so many things made clear.  I have had a burden of the Lord for the body of Christ to rise and be who SHE is meant to be.  I can't explain it in words, but here is my best attempt.  I can only pray that the Lord blesses it and that there are people that read this that need to read this and that we stand up and do what we are called to do.  There are so many rivers that are clogged up!!! See, the walls in Jerusalem had 12 gates.  I believe that there has been a heart cry from the Lord and those who are hearing His heart are feeling kind of like Nehemiah and we are crying to the King that we may help rebuild the walls.  Israel (physical and spiritual Israel really) has been laid to ruins and it needs to be rebuilt.  We have the "Sheep Gate" which I believe represents the need for Pastors and leaders who are broken and do not know how to keep the sheep safe from harm.  We have many in the body of Christ that didn't enter through the door.  They have came in thorugh clibing up some other way (PERFORMANCE based instead of GOD BASED) (John 10)  I have a lot of studying to do on all the gates, but the ones that really stand out to me (because I believe I have a part in this gate restoration) is the Dung Gate and the Fountain Gate.  The Dung Gate is where all the trash was taken out and when it was clogged up, then the Fountain Gate couldn't work properly.

Reign or Complain!!! It's OUR CHOICE!!

I am in the middle of some stuff that has been tough on the flesh, but I am recognizing it as what it is….A chinning bar for me to grow up in the Lord.  All the present sufferings and trials are just mere possibilities to stretch my faith and grow up!! He is preparing us to walk totally by Faith and not depend on our finances or people or our own mindsets and to allow the spirit to be in control of our minds and Holy Spirit to be in control of our spirit.  I have to admit, my flesh has had moments where it has been throwing a fit and not liking it one bit, but I consider that the present sufferings shall not even compare to the glory which will be revealed through this.  I have had to rise up in my spirit and determine that I will not allow that flesh to rule this spirit within me.  If the WORD OF GOD says it is possible to have victory over this flesh then by golly, we shall have it! I have waited too long to say “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH” Our worst enemy is SELF!!! We are to reckon the old man DEAD (Romans 6) and that is what I am trying to walk out.  Anyway, in the last few weeks, we have been coming against things that are contrary to the Word that we know to be true.  We have had crazy days, but they have been good days.  We have come against sickness and attacks and stood on the promises of God.  We know that there will be days where we don’t see the evidence right away, but we know this:  GOD IS FAITHFUL even in the midst of an attack.  The Kingdom of God suffers violence, but the violent take it be force!  If Jesus Himself said in Luke 10:19 – 20 that He has given us authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt us, then why do we not believe it with our minds? Hmmm…. Ok, so I have been thinking this is the reason:  I HAVE ALLOWED MY FLESH TO RULE AND REIGN INSTEAD OF THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD LIVING ON THE INSIDE OF ME! Right?   I am thankful instead that God is rich in Mercy and Loving-kindness that leads me to REPENTANCE.  I am taking back what the enemy has stolen from me!!  I am declaring that Jesus Christ has overcome this world and because HE LIVES IN ME THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD, I shall be more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37).  I shall allow my spirit man to be strengthened and be in control through the power of the Holy Spirit! Come what may, I am not giving up!  Ok so anyway, I will share what happened the other day that has got me to thinking about how I view things.  I realize that for a while, I have allowed fear to creep in over things at times.  Last year around this time, my husband lost his really good paying job with benefits and had to go to work at KFC.  Our income (which was already lower middle class) was dropped by 20,000 a year.  We then had to cut out all ideas of having college money saved up or Christmas present money or any other savings for that part and we had to cut costs drastically. So, we were brought low in this perspective and have been reminded that GOD IS FAITHFUL!!  He has always been Jehovah Jireh (the Lord who provides) and HE WILL ALWAYS BE!!! This week was the lowest we had been in a while.  We had went to Cracker Barrel on Friday night and then took a fellow who needed some extra love with us to Burgess Falls and to the Big E’s BBQ in Rickman on Saturday night thinking we had plenty to do what we needed.  Technically, we had it in there, but we got a little lower than I like to see the account get so I was a little concerned.  We haven’t been to faithful to keep up with our register everyday so it was a little scary until I made sure that we had enough to cover the outstanding debits.  So, when fear tried to come and I heard things like “you were so stupid to go out with your family to Cracker Barrel and why did you go out this weekend?” I had to stop and rebuke myself (YES, MYSELF) See I don’t think Satan has authority over my thought life.  I have been set FREE from the power of the enemy and he no longer controls that part of me!! I know that I have been controlled by him (through my own foolish choices to let SELF reign) but not this time!!! I said out loud “Staci, you need to suck it up and go on.  Your God is faithful and He has never depended on your wise choices to bring you provision. You have everything you need to do what you are called to do.  Lord, I praise you for being my Jehovah Jireh.  I thank you that we are the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus and that you will withhold no good thing from those that love you! I thank you that you are teaching us a more disciplined life and I thank you that you are FAITHFUL even if I am not.”  I just began to worship Him for being our provider and remind myself WHO HE IS AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN.  I began to remind myself of all the times I foolishly spent money when I was married before and that we were making even less back then and God still provided miraculously.  He is still the same God yesterday, today, and FOREVER.  We came through that and we will come through this.  I asked for His wisdom in this situation and let HIM have it.  I thank you Lord that you can be trusted with all that I have because it is ALL YOURS anyway.  All I can do is seek you and do what you call me to do.  That is not changing here!  Well, then about an hour or so later, Tim calls me and tells me that a 300.00 Dr. Bill that we owed is being written off and we don’t owe it!  WOW!!!! Was that God teaching me or what???!!! I believe what He taught me was that it doesn’t depend on my abilities to handle the money as much as it depends on my belonging to HIM.  I am HIS and HE IS MINE.  He provides for HIS OWN.  If He didn’t, He would be a liar and THAT HE IS NOT!!! My daddy owns the cattle on a thousand hills and takes care of me.  Hallelujah!!! I am learning to REIGN WITH HIM and I am starting with my mind and my voice.  We need to declare with our mouths the oracles of the Lord.  We don’t need to be passive against the enemy of our souls.  If someone were coming into your house and robbing everything you had, would you just sit there quietly and not protect your family and all your blessings?  Why do we stand by quietly while the enemy comes in.  When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord raises a standard against him, (WE HAVE THE SPIRIT OF GOD IN US) We, by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT,  need to be raising a standard of the Lord against the enemy when he comes. We need to keep away from grumbling and complaining about our situations and recognize them as opportunities to build faith muscles!!! Amen??  I am going to get there someday.  I may stumble in the process, but I am going to suck it up and go on.  I have been around this mountain once before, and I am determined to get to the top this time with my daddy cheering me on all the way.  He is my greatest cheerleader.  Since Him and the cloud of witnesses that surround us are watching me, I am going to run my race with endurance and keep my eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith.  I am one blessed woman of God.  Oh beloved, that we would search His heart and see that He is a good Father who takes care of HIS babies and His teens, and His adults!!!  We are all precious to Him!!! So, then today, I am reading “Come Away my Beloved” by Frances Roberts and want to share this one.  May you all have a blessed day and may your hearts be drawn to the Father today:


Let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.  Hebrews 13:15

Call My people to repentance.  Call them to their knees for prayer and fasting, for confession and vigilance—for this is a strategic hour.  The enemy is rejoicing already over his anticipated victories.  You can disappoint him and thwart his evil designs if you lay hold on the throne of God in steadfast, believing prayer. 
Yes, you must do even as the devil has done and anticipate your victories.  You can do MORE than the enemy at this point.  You can claim the victories in the Name of Jesus, and all that you claim in that all powerful Name is sealed in Heaven before it comes to pass on earth.  The enemy is defeated, even before the actual battle.
Lay hold of this, My people.  This is not only a glorious truth in which to rejoice, but it is absolutely vital to your victory.  How do troops go to battle in earthly warfare?  No without preparation, ample ammunition, and intensive training.  I do not expect you to meet your adversary unequipped, unarmed, or undisciplined.  Do not count on Me to deliver you by some kind of magic.  I give you orders and you must obey; otherwise you will suffer intolerable defeat.  You do not face light skirmishes in which you can look for easy victories.  I remind you that you are not contending with flesh and blood and matching wits with me; you are being ambushed and facing open attack from the very enemy of your souls, Satan himself.
He is not out to torment. He is out to destroy; not to hurt you, but to crush you.  Your strength is no match for him.  You must learn how to lay claim to the throne of God.  I have met him and won already as I hung on the cross.  Now YOU must find the way of victory yourselves—each one individually—so that My victory already won can become a present victory in operation for you. 
Do not cry to Me in the hour of crisis and distress as though I would extend some miracle in answer to prayer.  Of course, I do answer prayer, and I can perform miracles and bring deliverance, but if I do this, I have only rescued one of My own out of trouble while you have won no victory at all!  I want to teach you how to circumvent the enemy—to drive him out of the arena; how to subdue kingdoms and how to truly reign in the kingdom of heaven.  I want you to experience Jerichos, not Ais.  You must be over comers if My work is to be accomplished.
You are not qualified to be used for My purposes as long as you are being harassed by the enemy and I  keep needing to rescue you from a constant parade of distressing predicaments.  You are more than conquerors as the apostle Paul said, and it was by My Spirit that Paul was taught this (see Romans 8:37)
Rise up, then, and lay claim to the power that is yours, because I am in you, and you are in Me, and as I was in the world, so are you.  I was victorious, and you too may be victorious.  I withstood every encounter with the devil, and you too can stand against him.  I healed the sick and wrested tortured bodies out of the grip of evil forces, and you too can do the same. 
Learn to reign, for I have made you to become kings and priests.  I have intended that you should come into that place where you share My authority so I will be able to manifest My glory through you.  This is My greatest joy—to lift you out of the enemy territory and seat you in the heavens with Me.  And where am I?  At the right hand of the Father who sits upon the throne.  He has invested in Me all power in upon the throne.  He has invested in Me all power upon the throne.  He has invested in Me all power in heaven and earth and under the earth; and you are seated with Me, far above all principalities and powers.  Through Me you have inherited all.  And you can lay claim to that inheritance now because I have already died.  Because I have already died, you can enter in now.  You do not gain an inheritance when you die, but when the testator dies.  Take it, My people.  It is yours now.  It is yours because of Calvary.  When you think of Calvary you think of My love; and this indeed is the tie—in between Calvary and this sharing of My throne life.  I want you with Me.  I want you seated beside Me because I want you near Me.  Because I love you.
Where do you expect to see a queen?  Beside the king.  I have not spoken of you as a queen, but you are my Bride.  A queen is subordinate to a king, and he reigns while she merely stands nearby.  No, ours is a closer relationship, for I have vested you with authority also.  You reign with Me if you recognize your privilege to do so, and if you move out in the power of the Spirit into that realm where I want you to live and move and, yes, to have your very being.  For I would have a people who live in Me continually, not moving in and out of this place at will.  I would have you live continually in the center of the kingdom of God, just as I have placed the Kingdom within the very center of your being.  You bring this kingdom into operation in your own life by an act of faith, yes, by a constant attitude of faith.  In the last days, I will have a people through whom I can manifest My glory.  There are works I must yet do through My body, the Church, which I could not possibly have accomplished through My own physical body in My earthly ministry.  I am even now bringing this body together, uniting the individual members, breathing My breath into it, empowering it with gifts and ministries in order that through it I may do My work—so that when the time comes for Me to take the Church out of the world, I may be able to say again, “It is finished” (John 19:30).
Know that there are also sufferings yet to be accomplished in the body of the Church that I was not able to suffer on the cross.  Did Paul not write that you fill up “what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ” (Colossians 1:24)? Be patient, hold steady through the days that lie ahead, and know that the trials and suffering are working toward a consuming glory.
Praise Me, O My people, praise Me.  Praise Me out of a heart full of love.  Praise Me for every blessing and every victory.  Yes, praise me when the most difficult thing to do is to praise.  This is the victory that overcomes the world, even your faith, and praise is the voice of faith.  It is faith rejoicing for victories claimed in advance.  The song of praise is made of the very fabric of things hoped for.  It becomes evidence of unseen things.  It is the raw material in My hands from which I fashion your victories.
Give it to Me.  Give Me much.  Give to Me often.  I dwell in the midst of the praises of My people.  I dwell there because I am happiest there.  As surely as you make Me happy with your praising, you will make the enemy most unhappy.  He has no power whatsoever over a praising Christian.  He cannot stand against a praising Church.  This is the most powerful weapon you can use against him.  So praise is like a two-edged sword: One side brings health to your own spirit while the other side cuts down the enemy!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

God is ALWAYS speaking!! We just need to receive the frequency. :)

Excerpt from “Developing a Supernatural Lifestyle” by Kris Vallotton:

Remember, the Lord is more determined and excited to speak to us than we are to hear from Him.  In fact, God is always speaking, but He is not human and His first language is not English!  I don’t mean that God can’t speak in a human language.  I am simply saying that there are languages that are common to the spirit world but are not perceivable in the natural realm at all.  If the only equipment we have for listening to God is our natural ears and eyes, we will not be able to distinguish most of the activity of Heaven.  God is always speaking. 
For example, in the room we are in right now, there is music playing all around us.  But even if we were to close our eyes and listen carefully, we wouldn’t be able to hear it.  However, by simply turning on a radio, we would be able to perceive what was there all along.  The reason, of course, is that our human bodies were never designed to perceive radio waves.  Radio receivers turn radio waves into sound waves so we can perceive and understand them.

If we are hungry and humble, we can ask the Lord for the gifts of the Spirit and he will give them to us. 

Lately, I have been more in tune to the Lord than ever, but I am realizing that HUMILITY is much needed when trying to operate in the Supernatural lifestyle that EVERY believer in the Lord Jesus Christ is destined to walk in.  We need to remember that these “Gifts” of the Spirit were never meant for US!!!!! Contrary to popular Christian mindsets, this life is NOT ABOUT US and US getting to the sweet by and by.  We are meant to walk “Naturally Supernatural” so that we can see people set free wherever we go.  If we are the BODY OF CHRIST, why aren’t HIS HANDS HEALING?  Because as the body, we have been sick.  We have been too self-centered.  We have allowed ADAM nature to be the one in control instead of the HOLY SPIRIT because we have allowed FEAR and not FAITH to control our minds.  Well, I for one am attempting with all the strength that is within me to continue to OVERCOME this world.  If JESUS lives in me and HE HAS OVERCOME THIS WORLD, then I CAN TOO THROUGH HIM because the WORD SAYS, “I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO GIVES ME STRENGTH”.  There are too many wounded people out there and they need FREEDOM!!!  How can we share what God’s heart is for them if we are not listening?  If we are in the middle of Wal-Mart and someone needs a person to pray for him or her, how will we know if we continue to be so SELF ABSORBED?  I am challenging all of us to begin to seek the Lord like never before and to rise up and change the worldly culture around us with the LOVE OF CHRIST.  Let’s walk in the MIND OF CHRIST that has been given to us! Let’s BELIEVE that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever!!  The devil still wants to Kill, Steal, and Destroy, BUT GOD still wants to give LIFE AND LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY!!! Hallelujah!!! Now, I realize that sometimes I may seem a little crazy and off balance (and sometimes I can be) but please seek the Lord for yourself and see that HE IS GOOD.  He says try HIM and see that He will not open the windows of Heaven and pour out a blessing so big that you cannot contain it.  HE WAS, HE IS, and HE ALWAYS WILL BE the HEALER.  We, as the body of Christ have been SICK, but God is HEALING the church.  I AS A CHRISTIAN have not LOVED the way I should, I have not used the gifts and talents that HE has given me to the best of my ability.  I have not taught others to do the same.  I am learning and I am growing.  I encourage you today.  Come with me!!! Follow me as I follow Christ and if I am not following Him, please come to me with Love and help me.  J  I love you all and I am looking forward to this region being transformed!!! Pray that you come to the VICTORY that is in Christ Jesus!!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Great Revival Coming!!!

You know lately, all I can think about is the GREAT REVIVAL that is coming on the Earth.  I have been thinking about how the Glory of God is going to be revealed in the church.  I long for the body to come into alignment and do her job.  See, I had treated my body in a disrespectful manner for so long and wasn't able to function properly either.  I know that when we don't play by the rules, we get weak and worn out.  I know that there is a standard by which we must abide in order to be vibrant and healthy.  If there is one part of the body out of order, it puts a strain on the rest of the body.  We are defenseless against the traps of the enemy if not for the Grace of God.  So, as my body has been being restored, He has been placing a passion for the body of Christ herself to be restored and get ready.  The bridegroom is coming soon and there will be a wedding.  There will be many who were invited to attend that are not ready when He comes. He is then going to send people to gather the ones that weren't originally invited to attend.  They will gladly come.  Are you one of the ones that isn't ready?  I pray not.....  I pray that we all take the time to search our hearts and ask the Lord to reveal any hidden things in us.  I have had sooooooo much hidden in my heart and during this "season of repentance"  He has done a mighty work in me.  He has restored my soul along with my body.  He has given me a love that I never knew I could have.  See, perfect love casts out fear.  I am no longer afraid to speak what I am hearing HIM say.  I love people too much to see them miss HIM.  I want to at least throw out a lifeline.  I started out this way when I was first born again and I had this passion, but somewhere I let anger and bitterness and resentment come in and it controlled me for some years.  I thank God that He has been rich in mercy and has restored to me my FIRST LOVE.  I shall never be the same.  I have hurt people along the way and He is allowing me to repair damage even now.  He is faithful.  I don't always have it altogether, but I promise you that my heart is towards the Father and I long for Him.  I thank God for the precious blood of Jesus that allows me to ABIDE IN HIM!!!  Oh Beloved, come to the wedding.  There is great revival coming to you soon!! Will you come forth when He calls your name? 
Yesterday, thoughts of revival for the body consumed me and I felt at times that I would just explode thinking about the moment of seeing it come to pass.  I get so excited to see others come into complete freedom.  Glory!!!  I even had to text my pastor and a friend to make sure I wasn't getting too overboard, but was told that they were excited as well.  Then, this morning when i thought today might be a little more settled I read this: (Oh Beloved, He is coming sooner than we think, but for now I will just love HIM)

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End," says the Lord, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty." Revelation 1:8

Behold, you stand on the threshold of a new day.  For I have truly great things in store for you. Yes, you have not power to conceive what I am about to do.  For I will bring to pass a new thing.  you will rejoice exceedingly.  you have heard of the showers, but I say to you: I will send a mighty downpour.  Many have cried out to Me from hungry hearts and have received of my fullness and seen My glory; but I say to you : In the day of the great deluge which is coming many will come to know the reality of My power who have until now not even dreamed of such a thing.
Many who are scoffers and many who are honest doubters will find themselves swept away on the swelling tide of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  For this is the time of the last great outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  For this is the time of the last great outpouring.  This is the day of preparation for the coming of the Lord.  Many shall rejoice together in the Spirit's work who are now at sword's point over doctrinal disputes and barriers of tradition.
But let your heart be encouraged; for a new day is dawning; a day of repentance and a day of gathering for My people.  For they shall not continue to be barricaded and isolated behind walls of prejudice.  I am the Lord, and I will be worshipped in spirit and in truth, and not in the bigotry of sectarianism and narrowness of denominationalism.  The World is waiting for a robust Church to minister to its needs, and how can an ailing, dismembered Body bring healing to a sick and dying world?
Surely I will pour out My spirit, and by prophecies, by signs and wonders, by many different types of miracles, and by healings, I will reaffirm the veracity of MY WORD and bring the message of the Gospel of Redemption to many who would otherwise never give heed.  I am the Alpha and the Omega.  Stand firm in ME.  NEVER WAVER.
Be faithful regardless of apparent failures and discouragements; for MY WORD shall surely be fulfilled and your eyes shall see revival in proportions such as never before witnessed in the history of the human race.
Keep your eye on the end of the course.  Victory is secured already.  Do not let the hurdles cause you consternation.  Stay in the running.  Truly, I am at your side.  According to each day shall your strength be, and the race is not won by the swift, but the obedient shall receive the prize.


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What is YOUR mind sowing?

Yesterday the Lord showed me Moses being a leader that never dealt with His anger and it caused HIM not to be able to enter into the Promised Land.  It caused Him to be disobedient to the Lord and therefore He worked towards that goal and never got there because He never dealt with His anger.  This was tough for me because I struggle with this.  As I was seeking Him, I just became so remorseful that I have had any anger at all and asked Him to reveal His truth to me.  I want to be totally set free from anything that would hinder my growth as I enter into this “NEW YEAR”  He told me that I had gotten angry with Him before my ex-husband left home and I had never truly repented for that.  It caused bitterness to form in my soul and I haven’t walked in freedom from that since the day I became angry.  So, yesterday, with much weeping and repentance, I laid it down and asked for HIS restoration.  I am on the upward climb now and this morning, this was my devotional.  I must repent that I have blabbed too quickly trying to help other people come out of the pits when I myself hadn’t totally gotten out of the pit myself.  Now, He has still allowed me to see people rescued, but now, HE IS RESTORING ME. I am so thankful that the Holy Spirit is shining a light on this one! He is so faithful.  I encourage all of you to look at your own hearts today and seek Him about anything that might be hidden in your hearts that you don’t realize and take the time with Jesus today to truly REPENT (regret the Sin) and He can bring Rivers of Living water to refresh your souls today.  May the Lord bless you all and keep you today!!!

He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully…He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness.  2 Corinthians 9:6, 10

How can I give you healing for your body while there is anxiety in your mind?  So long as there is disease in your thoughts, there will be disease in your body.  You need many things, but one thing in particular you must develop for your own preservation and that is an absolute confidence in My loving care.
It is written, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Only when your mind is at rest can your body build health.  Worry is an actively destructive force.  Anxiety produces tension, and tension is the road to pain.  Fear is devastating to the physical well-being of the body.  Anger throws poison into the system that no antibiotic can ever counteract.
“Be sure your sin will find you out”, the Bible states (Numbers 32:23).  One of the most common ways that hidden sin is revealed is through the maladies of the body.  Resentments and ill will bring about more arthritis than is caused by wrong diet.  More asthma is caused by repressed fury than by pollen or cat fur.
There was no illness in the body of Jesus because there was no sin in His soul.  There was weariness as a natural result of labor and sacrificial service, but there was no undue fatigue and exhaustion brought on by anxiety.
Ten minutes of unbridled temper can waste enough strength to do a half day of wholesome work.  Your physical energy is a gift from God, entrusted to you to be employed for His glory.  It is a sin to take His gift and dissipate it through the trap doors of the disposition’s evil emotions.
Do not condemn others for jeopardizing their health by harmful habits and wasting their energies on vain pursuits while you undermine your health by unworthy emotions.  You waste time by entertaining such things as self-pity and remorse and evil surmising when you might be keeping your mind in an attitude of praise and faith.  Your mind could be constructively employed, but instead you allow this to be a period of destructive action.
You cannot risk giving your thoughts free rein.  They will never choose the right path until you bridle them and control them by your own disciplined will.  You are master of your own house.  You do not have to invite into your mind the foul birds of evil thoughts and allow them to nest there and bring forth their young.
Whatsoever you sow in your secret thought life, that you will reap.  Sow love and kindness, and you shall be rewarded openly.  Sow charity and forgiveness, and you shall reap in kind.  Sow generosity and gratitude, and you shall never feel poor.  Sow hope, and you shall reap fulfillment.  Sow praise, and you shall reap joy and well-being and a strong faith.  Sow bountifully, and you shall reap bountifully.  Sow! You shall see your seed and be satisfied.

I don’t know about yall, but I myself am going to be more disciplined in my thoughts.  I know we aren’t perfect, but if we sow enough God thoughts, then when the enemy comes in and sneaks one of His in, we won’t be devastated because we have enough faith built up to quench the dart. This is a huge area of bondage to MOST Christians at some point in their walk.  Have you got to the other side of this?  If you have, Please give me some encouragement.  I know God is doing mighty things.  I want to hear from you!!!