For those of you who know me, I am one that has always wanted to help other people. I used to be really quick to give answers to every problem (and even now have still been too quick) I have been learning so much and even though it has been helpful to me, I need to remember that there are those that need to seek the Lord for their self and I am not to give away all my OIL, but instead lead them to the giver of OIL and cause them to want to seek for themselves. I pray that I get better at doing this. It is never my intention to replace the Holy Spirit in anyone’s life. If you see me doing this, please I urge you to share with me and allow me to get back on track. I don’t like Pride, but I don’t know if I would see it if I were under its wicked spell. Today, I have read a passage from “Come Away My Beloved” by Frances Roberts that has reminded me once again that I NEED TO CAUSE OTHERS TO WANT to seek HIM, not ME. I pray that this flaw in me does not harm another person and that I learn to walk in TOTAL HUMILITY and when people are around me, either I am so crazy that they feel the need to get in the Word to stay balanced, or that nothing but Truth in God’s timing comes from my mouths. May we all walk in SELF-CONTROL even when it comes to speaking the Truths of God’s Word. Let us never hinder another’s growth. This must be why He tells us that we need that “no man teach us” huh? There are so many teachings out there that can cause us to stumble and we need to be learning how to learn from the Holy Spirit so that we are kept safe in His Wings. Here is the excerpt from today:
“Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” John 4:14
O My daughter, will I speak to you as one whose voice is lost in the noise of the crashing surf? Or as one who calls in vain in the midst of a deep forest, where there is no ear to hear nor voice to respond? Will you be like an instrument with broken strings from which the musician can bring forth no music? No, I would have you be as the waterfall whose sound is continuous, as a great river whose flow is not interrupted. You shall not sing for a time and then be silent for a season. You shall not praise for a day and then revert to the current topics of everyday life. You will never exhaust My supply. The more you give, the more shall be given to you. You are in a learning process. I have much to share with you; yes, out of the abundance of My heart I will instruct you. I want to teach you truths of heavenly wisdom which you cannot learn from human lips. I will instruct you in the way that you shall go. From whom else can you inquire?
I will bring My love and My life to you. From where else have you any such comfort and strength? The more often you come to Me to draw of this water of Life, the more your life will be enriched in wisdom—yes, but also in many other ways. You need My grace so that you may share My truth with a right spirit. You need to keep your channel straight and clear, that My blessing is not hindered as it flows through you, and that the waters may be kept pure.
You do not indicate presumption by continually seeking My face. Rather, you show a tendency to trust in the strength of the flesh when you do not come to Me for a gift. Or have you mistakenly thought that your own mind had become a source of wisdom?
Beware of the snare of flattery, and beware even of well-intended praise. Take no glory to yourself, nor compliment yourself in your achievement. I control the waters. I gathered them up in My fist to allow the passage of the children of Israel. I flung them forth to down the Egyptian army. I send forth the river of life now to refresh and bring life to those who thirst after Me. I dry up the streams of inspiration before the feet of the proud. Those who glory in their own thoughts shall not drink. Those who pursue the paths of human reason shall be as a desert.
I am not to be found there—as I was not found in the wind nor in the earthquake. These were natural forces. I was in the still small voice. I Myself am the direct source and the only source of eternal life. Every other well is dry. Every other pursuit is vain.
But you shall be a fountain flowing forth whose streams shall not fail, for I, the Lord your God, dwell in the midst of you.
Wow!!! For me, this is a lovely reminder to “Be still and know He is God” and to take a moment and remind myself that “I AM SO NOT” J Yall have a wonderful Day!
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