Friday, October 21, 2011

Rivers of Living water....(12 gates to be restored)

How many of us are sitting in pews Sunday after Sunday and never seeing God move and flow through us.  Do we know who we are? Are we really "playing church"???? This weekend has been one of really seeing the body of Christ at work.  His love being poured out and the Rivers of Living Waters flowing.  For the last couple of weeks, every where I turned, He was speaking to me about the Rivers of Living Water that flow from His People.  He has shown me that just like the ancient ruins of Jerusalem had to be rebuilt, so must our spiritual Walls be built back up as a church.  I have shared bits and pieces here and there, but this weekend there has been so many things made clear.  I have had a burden of the Lord for the body of Christ to rise and be who SHE is meant to be.  I can't explain it in words, but here is my best attempt.  I can only pray that the Lord blesses it and that there are people that read this that need to read this and that we stand up and do what we are called to do.  There are so many rivers that are clogged up!!! See, the walls in Jerusalem had 12 gates.  I believe that there has been a heart cry from the Lord and those who are hearing His heart are feeling kind of like Nehemiah and we are crying to the King that we may help rebuild the walls.  Israel (physical and spiritual Israel really) has been laid to ruins and it needs to be rebuilt.  We have the "Sheep Gate" which I believe represents the need for Pastors and leaders who are broken and do not know how to keep the sheep safe from harm.  We have many in the body of Christ that didn't enter through the door.  They have came in thorugh clibing up some other way (PERFORMANCE based instead of GOD BASED) (John 10)  I have a lot of studying to do on all the gates, but the ones that really stand out to me (because I believe I have a part in this gate restoration) is the Dung Gate and the Fountain Gate.  The Dung Gate is where all the trash was taken out and when it was clogged up, then the Fountain Gate couldn't work properly.

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