Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I was looking back at things the Lord has shared with me over the last year or two and came upon this one from February 2011

“The same power of God that was used to deliver Israel from her bondage destroyed the idols of Egypt. This was because the spiritual yokes and fears that keep us in bondage are often linked to our idols. By this example we also can be sure that the power of God that sets His people free will threaten those who seek to keep people in bondage to them and their idols. They know that when we lose our devotion to their idols they will lose their influence and control over us.
 When I finally pressed through to get into His abiding presence the power of God has made idols that I had useless and as I yearn to set others free, there is a lot of resistance from people who don't want to give up their idols!!”

Wow, this has been really true! When I first started my walk with the Lord in 2001, I remember walking out the door and telling my ex-husband, “Don’t worry, I am not going to go getting religious on you or anything.  I just need to start going to church” Oh boy, did I not have a clue or what?  Haha.  I think back now and laugh, cry, and just plain adore the Lord that brought me to that church that day and took all my burdens off my shoulders, and then proceeded to “clean me up”  It’s truly an amazing story.  Little did I know how I would respond to such an awesome touch from the Lord.  I learned in an instant that those “Jesus Freaks” were really awesome people that had an awesome God.  J From June 17, 2001 until now, I have never turned away from the Lord.  I can’t!!  He is the one who holds me in the palm of His hands. He is the only one who has ever truly understood me and still LOVED me.  He is the one that has taken this broken vessel and has formed and is forming something glorious.  Through the power of the Holy Spirit, I have been transformed from a caterpillar to a butterfly.  Amazing!!!  That same power is the one who has caused me to want to destroy all the idols in my life.  I want to make sure that absolutely NOTHING brings me back into a place of bondage to the enemy of my soul.  See, sometimes things look good on the outside and seem to be “right” and “ok” but they lead you into a place of death and torment.  I don’t want anything to do with them.  I thought I had gotten rid of all the world when I was born again, but then, after going through some tough times, I wondered am I just overboard? I began to doubt what I felt the Lord had placed on my heart.  Did He really tell me to get rid of “secular” things? After all, my ex-husband didn’t “stand” with me on this right? Did God really say…..??? Oh what a HORRIBLE TRAP STRAIGHT FROM THE PIT OF HELL.  It took a season of getting the LIFE choked out of me to realize just how dangerous “things” had become to me.  They had become “idols” in my life and my enjoyment of them caused me to spend more time with things that brought “entertainment” than to spend my precious and valuable time with the greatest form of Entertainment ever known to man (the Lord’s ‘Presence’)  Instead of hungering and thirsting after righteousness, I was hungry for things of this “world”.  I was trapped and walking miserably thinking that this was “normal”  after all, I didn’t want to be one of “those” Christians who was out there in whoo whoo land right? OR DO I??? J  Well, I can now say with ABSOLUTE CLARITY (because the Lord delivered my mind) that I would rather stay a zealous and passionate Christian that GETS to give up ALL THE WORLD than to HAVE ALL THE WORLD and not have HIS PRESENCE. He is worth the “sacrifice” (if you can really call it that).  I refuse to go back.  I pray I have a circle of friends that will keep me accountable and that I stay hooked up with people who refuse to stop until they have ALL OF HIS FULLNESS.  We can’t make it without HIM.  Our own understanding fails us!!! We THINK we know the Word and then HE REVEALS the truth and we are blown away once again.  HE IS GOD!!!! WE ARE NOT!!! J  I only want to be LED BY HIS SPIRIT and do everything that He calls me to do in this life.  I want to praise HIM with my HEART and not just my lips.  I want to press forward and not go back.  In order to do this, I have to be willing to lay down ANYTHING HE CALLS AN IDOL IN MY LIFE.  When I do this, RELIGIOUS people get frustrated! There are people that want their “organized” “pretty” “so nice” litte boxes that they try to shove God into, but HE DOESN’T FIT!!!  YOU CAN’T CONTROL GOD!!!! He is TOO BIG and guess what.  HE IS STILL HOLY!!! He will draw you into a life where HE WILL bring you into a HOLINESS that is of HIM and NOT YOU.  HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS!!!  Why do people get mad when someone is SET FREE from idols? Because in their heart, they have said “I WILL NOT GIVE THAT UP”.  They are in a religious box and they want to try to get you to stay in that box, too.  God have mercy on their souls! I am FREE and I am REDEEMED and I will SHOUT IT FROM THE HOUSETOPS!!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Where is your citizenship??

Ephesians chapter 2
He has made us ALIVE unto HIM!!!  We are citizens of the Kingdom of God and not only citizens of this world (v 19) We are not to be comfortable here on earth.  We are walking around as foreigners (WITHOUT RIGHTS) in a land that is not our home.  While we are at home in this body, we are absent from the Lord (2 Cor 5:6) So, therefore, if we are walking in the spirit, we will be content in ALL THINGS as we go through this life living in a land where we have NO RIGHTS.  As long as we are living in a mindset that we DESERVE to be apologized to when wronged, we are not walking in our citizenship of the Kingdom of God, but instead with a mindset that is in citizenship of this WORLD.  We were never meant to walk in the bondage of this world, but instead walk in the freedom of our heavenly citizenship while living as ambassadors for the KING.  We don’t have to wait until the sweet by and by to walk in the Kingdom of God, but instead, we can be CONTENT with ALL THINGS while we are here on earth if we remember that we are citizens of a higher Kingdom already if we have been born of God.  Hallelujah!!!  Even though we have no RIGHTS in this world, we have the right to OCCUPY and bring heaven to earth.  We are AMBASSADORS in a foreign land for OUR KING.  Oh Lord, that we would be so consumed by your LOVE FOR US that we would walk in YOUR MINDSET when we are attacked.  When the very core of our being is attacked, let us walk in the nature of Jesus Christ Himself and not in the nature of Adam who has been crucified with Christ!  Let us walk in the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit and not the resurrection of Adam and his carnal nature.  Thank you Lord that we have NOT DONE THIS OF OURSELVES, but that YOU BOUGHT us with a precious price.  You poured out your precious blood of Jesus and redeemed us from the pit of despair.  Even in the smallest matters, WE CAN NOT CHANGE OURSELVES.  We totally look to you daddy!!! We depend on you for our redemption.  We depend on YOU TO CHANGE US!!! Thank you Lord for bringing us into FREEDOM!!! Thank you for the glorious inheritance of GRACE that you have bestowed upon us!!  Ok, that’s exciting stuff.  Now, as we take time to meditate on the faithfulness of God, we are brought into a place of RECEIVING GRACE from HIM.  We get our hearts into a place that is positioned under the spout of LIVING WATER.  As we allow HIM to penetrate our very beings with HIS LIVING WATER, we then begin to overflow.  THIS, BELOVED, IS HOW WE ARE TO WALK IN THE WORLD.  We are to be walking in overflow of HIS glorious grace.  We should be POURING liquid LOVE on ALL THE WORLD!!!! The world that doesn’t realize that YOU CAN’T FIX YOURSELF!!!! They are in need of a Savior!!! One who comes to dwell and cleanse and set free from sin, NOT SWEEP IT UNDER THE RUG!!!!  He loves us enough to SET US FREE!!!! We are then free to not hold anyone captive by our pitiful attitudes because we have had pain and sorrow from them.  NO!!!! IT’S NEVER THE OTHER PERSONS FAULT when we are wounded.  We have not been walking in the Spirit and allowing our flesh to stay crucified if we are offended.  Just get back up and keep walking the walk and fighting the good fight of faith!!!! In HIM, we live, move, and have our being. We have to walk in this precious faith!!! If we begin to walk in the pressures and cares of this life, then we have side stepped somehow and just need to get back on track.  Keep your eyes on Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

They didn't even smell like smoke!!!

In Daniel chapter 3, I am reminded of just HOW BIG My God is!!!  As I have allowed my focus to drift from the awesomeness of my God into intercession for what is coming to the earth, I allowed fear to grip me.  So, this week, I was brought to Shadrach, Meshack, and AbedNego.  For those of you who don't know, these are the boys that REFUSED to bow down to an IDOL.  They knew how BIG their God was and they were more than willing to DIE if it meant honoring their God.  They had seen the hand of God in their lives and they had NO ROOM FOR ANY IDOLS in their lives.  Our God is a Holy God and a LOVING God and a PROVIDING God.  He is well able to provide everything that we need in times of Crises.  We run to HIM and HE IS OUR REFUGE!  We need to know this!! These boys knew it and when they refused to bow down to the idol, they were thrown in the fire.  However, even unto apparent death, they REFUSED TO BOW DOWN.  They KNEW who their God was and they KNEW that HE WOULD PROVIDE and that the Idol that they were being told to bow down to had NO POWER and their God did!!! So, when they were thrown into the fire, the LORD was immediately with them.  The fire melted the chains (or whatever they were bound up with) and they were FREE!!!! Where the spirit of the Lord is there is FREEDOM!!!! We may have to go through fire when we REFUSE to bow down to other Gods, but the FIRE brings FREEDOM!!! He says that when we walk through the fire, it shall not burn us (Isa 43:2)  Glory to God MoST HIGH!!! I am so thankful!!! These things that we are getting ready to walk through are nothing compared to the GLORY that shall be revealed in us and through us.  How do we see the miraculous power of God?  We ask because we need!!! If we never need anything, how can we trust God to provide it? We have an UNSHAKABLE GOD and He allows us to LIVE in HIS UNSHAKABLE KINGDOM.  We need to take full advantage to get HIDDEN IN HIM for this world will not be here forever, but HE WILL!! :)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Trials and Testing

So, I was listening to a podcast by Perry Stone and he was talking about 3 types of testing.  He talked about common testing, seasonal testing, and the Hour of testing.

The common testings were things like tempers, slips of the tongue, and various depressions and such.  Most of us get stuck in these types of tesgings.  We fail often times, but thankfully, we get to take a re-test.  I have taken them often, unfortunately. 

Next, there is a seasonal testing.  These things come after you have been set free from something and it hasn't been a temptation and then all of a sudden, you have such a crazving for these things.  They are things like old habits broken, broken addictions, Sicknesses that come every year at the same time, etc.

Then, we all go through an HOUR of testing.  This is the big one.  This is the wham bam slam of testings.  When things come against you one right after the other.  This is the one that nearly brings you down.  This hour can come upon you when you are at your weakest.  Satan tries to take you out with these. 

The enemy shoots these arrows at you to kill, steal, or destroy your life, but God has given us abundant life.  He has given us major weapons that will help us to not only overcome these testings, but actually get on the offensive end against satan.  In Roman times, the shields would be made out of leather and they would have to soak them in WATER and then rub them with OIL so they could repel the fiery darts from the enemy.  Wow!! How neat is that.  When we are washed by the water of the Word and full of the anointing of the Holy Spirit (oil), we are able to go through these testings and still have joy! We are human and will not always be perfect for sure, but the Lord has not left us weak and defenseless against the enemy of our souls.  He wouldn't be a very loving daddy if that were the case.  No, instead, he has given us a wonderful helper that bears us up when we are in a season of testing.  If we have NOT QUENCHED the Holy Spirit, He quickens our mortal bodies so that we are able to come through refined by the testing and not DESTROYED.  Hallelujah!!! 2 Corinthians 4:8 says "We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair;"  There are COUNTLESS scriptures that give us HOPE that we can get through ANYTHING when we are walking in the Spirit and not after the flesh.  We are to only believe it possible.  ALL THINGS are possible to him who believes.  We need to look up to Him who gives us strength and keep on pressing.  We CAN'T give up!!! We have come too far.  When you have come out of your hour of testing, don't forget those who might be going through theirs and stand in the gap to pray in faith for them.  We should all be united with Jesus when praying for others in their hour's of testing.  I guarantee Jesus isn't praying "Father, don't let them go through pain.  Father, don't let them lose all their worldly "stuff"  No, He is more likely praying Father, keep their faith strong and when they have come through this hour of testing, let them strengthen their brethren in unity against the enemy.  Let this season glorify me in their lives or something to that effect.  :)  I am so thankful that when I am going through "stuff", that Jesus Himself is praying for me.  :)  (Romans 8:34) .

I was less than 4 years old in the Lord when my hour of testing came.  I remember sitting at a service in Cookeville, and the prophet that was speaking came straight to me in a crowd of about 200 people and said "You are getting ready to face Goliath.  You need to get your stones ready"  Ok, now I had no clue what was about to happen, but guess who stuck her face in the scriptures and sought the Lord with everything that she had?  haha.  I did everything I could to get edified and ready for whatever was coming.  I prayed and fasted more than ever.  I didn't really know how to take the word.  Then about a month later, It all started with my 250.00 puppy having seizures and dying.  Then, my brother was sent to IRAQ, my Father got sick and died, I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (which I DON"T HAVE NOW. Thank you Jehovah Rophe), Then, my previous husband, and myself began to have arguments and it became more and more violent until he finally left and wasn't allowed back unless he got help.  I didn't think I would ever have a divorce after I became a Christian.  It was devastating, It stumbled me, but then it wasn't over yet.  My grandma got sick and died.  All this happened within a 2 year period.  I was never really strong before when it came to handling hard things.  I had always been very FRAGILE.  I didn't realize that I could go through all of this and come out stronger than I have ever been.  Through all of this, the Lord held me tight.  I made some stupid mistakes during this time, but I never left the Lord.  I knew that if anyone could help me during all of this, my daddy God could.  Sure enough, even though I didn't handle things the best way, God was faithful and brought me through the fire.  The Water of the Word and the anointing of the Holy Spirit that is on my life was enough!!! Hallelujah!! The Lord gave me a warning before all of this came and I am so greatful.  He has blessed me so dearly.  I have more than I had before I went through my hour of testing.  The Lord is faithful and kind and gracious and altogether LOVELY!!! So, when you are tempted to think of me being a crazy woman who just praises the Lord too much, let me remind you that my "alabastar box" cost me a lot.  I am willing to go through the fire with the Lord if that is what it takes to be able to use me for HIS SERVICE!  :)  Ok, I am getting sleepy so I guess I will wrap this one up.  Have a wonderful evening or day or whatever time you might be reading this.  Just remember, the Lord is faithful and HE IS WORTHY OF SO MUCH PRAISE!!!

God orchestrates our footsteps (sometimes we are unaware)

I love the way that God orchestrates our footsteps even when we are unaware at times.  He sets up all kinds of divine appointments for us to be able to minister HIS love to others.  Sometimes, we don't realize He has done it, but if we are always careful to keep our hearts pure in devotion to Him, we will reach out seemingly naturally.  If it's in our hearts and we are flowing over with love and devotion to our Lord, we can't help but release the Kingdom of God to them.  We are fountains of LIVING WATER meant to be placed in the DRY PLACES so that thirsty people can get a drink.  So, recently, my husband felt a knudge to go visit with a fellow brother in his church with a congregation of about 20 people or so.  I really didn't want to miss my church this Sunday since I knew our pastor was doing a sermon on the Kingdom of God, so I said (begrudgingly and very whiney I hate to admit) "Oh man, ok if we need to go there, we will go." We got up that Sunday morning and secretly, I was hoping that the Lord would give us an out and let us go to our own church, but nope.  Thankfully, I have a wonderful husband that doesn't listen to my "flesh" crying out and knows that when the spirit is leading, we go regardless of what our "flesh" wants to do in these cases.  We went! We got there and it didn't take very long to see that God had been in control the whole time! God orchestrates our footsteps and we may not always get 3 signs and a lightening bolt from Heaven to confirm which direction to go, but HE is faithful and blesses our work when it is our delight to do HIS WILL.  He is so amazing.  He knows exactly who we are going to come into contact with and has already made the paths straight.  Our job is to "seek first the Kingdom of God"!  He has a plan and we need to be willing to lay down our lives and give them to Him.  The old song goes "I have decided to follow Jesus, I have decided to follow Jesus, No turning back, NO turning back.  Though none go with me, still I will follow........"  I love that!! Have you decided?  I have been in all kinds of places from totally disobedient when I didn't know it was him talking to me, to unknowingly disobedient to totally obedient with a grudge and total obedience with a merry heart.  I have to say I was much happier and saw so much more fruit when I obeyed with a merry heart, but that doesn't always happen in me.  I am growing though.  I don't murmur and complain like I used to do.  Now, it just takes thoughts usually.  As soon as I know that it's Him saying it, I am usually very quick to obey.  It shouldn't take Him telling me specifically.  I need to stay crucified and continually "live in the spirit"  Anyway,  I want to say that this day that we went to this church, the Lord moved and we saw some blessings out of it.  Go out and follow your daddy today!!!! He has big plans for you!!!! He will lead your steps even if you don't know it yet!!