Ephesians chapter 2
He has made us ALIVE unto HIM!!! We are citizens of the Kingdom of God and not only citizens of this world (v 19) We are not to be comfortable here on earth. We are walking around as foreigners (WITHOUT RIGHTS) in a land that is not our home. While we are at home in this body, we are absent from the Lord (2 Cor 5:6) So, therefore, if we are walking in the spirit, we will be content in ALL THINGS as we go through this life living in a land where we have NO RIGHTS. As long as we are living in a mindset that we DESERVE to be apologized to when wronged, we are not walking in our citizenship of the Kingdom of God, but instead with a mindset that is in citizenship of this WORLD. We were never meant to walk in the bondage of this world, but instead walk in the freedom of our heavenly citizenship while living as ambassadors for the KING. We don’t have to wait until the sweet by and by to walk in the Kingdom of God, but instead, we can be CONTENT with ALL THINGS while we are here on earth if we remember that we are citizens of a higher Kingdom already if we have been born of God. Hallelujah!!! Even though we have no RIGHTS in this world, we have the right to OCCUPY and bring heaven to earth. We are AMBASSADORS in a foreign land for OUR KING. Oh Lord, that we would be so consumed by your LOVE FOR US that we would walk in YOUR MINDSET when we are attacked. When the very core of our being is attacked, let us walk in the nature of Jesus Christ Himself and not in the nature of Adam who has been crucified with Christ! Let us walk in the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit and not the resurrection of Adam and his carnal nature. Thank you Lord that we have NOT DONE THIS OF OURSELVES, but that YOU BOUGHT us with a precious price. You poured out your precious blood of Jesus and redeemed us from the pit of despair. Even in the smallest matters, WE CAN NOT CHANGE OURSELVES. We totally look to you daddy!!! We depend on you for our redemption. We depend on YOU TO CHANGE US!!! Thank you Lord for bringing us into FREEDOM!!! Thank you for the glorious inheritance of GRACE that you have bestowed upon us!! Ok, that’s exciting stuff. Now, as we take time to meditate on the faithfulness of God, we are brought into a place of RECEIVING GRACE from HIM. We get our hearts into a place that is positioned under the spout of LIVING WATER. As we allow HIM to penetrate our very beings with HIS LIVING WATER, we then begin to overflow. THIS, BELOVED, IS HOW WE ARE TO WALK IN THE WORLD. We are to be walking in overflow of HIS glorious grace. We should be POURING liquid LOVE on ALL THE WORLD!!!! The world that doesn’t realize that YOU CAN’T FIX YOURSELF!!!! They are in need of a Savior!!! One who comes to dwell and cleanse and set free from sin, NOT SWEEP IT UNDER THE RUG!!!! He loves us enough to SET US FREE!!!! We are then free to not hold anyone captive by our pitiful attitudes because we have had pain and sorrow from them. NO!!!! IT’S NEVER THE OTHER PERSONS FAULT when we are wounded. We have not been walking in the Spirit and allowing our flesh to stay crucified if we are offended. Just get back up and keep walking the walk and fighting the good fight of faith!!!! In HIM, we live, move, and have our being. We have to walk in this precious faith!!! If we begin to walk in the pressures and cares of this life, then we have side stepped somehow and just need to get back on track. Keep your eyes on Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith!!
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