Thursday, December 15, 2011

They didn't even smell like smoke!!!

In Daniel chapter 3, I am reminded of just HOW BIG My God is!!!  As I have allowed my focus to drift from the awesomeness of my God into intercession for what is coming to the earth, I allowed fear to grip me.  So, this week, I was brought to Shadrach, Meshack, and AbedNego.  For those of you who don't know, these are the boys that REFUSED to bow down to an IDOL.  They knew how BIG their God was and they were more than willing to DIE if it meant honoring their God.  They had seen the hand of God in their lives and they had NO ROOM FOR ANY IDOLS in their lives.  Our God is a Holy God and a LOVING God and a PROVIDING God.  He is well able to provide everything that we need in times of Crises.  We run to HIM and HE IS OUR REFUGE!  We need to know this!! These boys knew it and when they refused to bow down to the idol, they were thrown in the fire.  However, even unto apparent death, they REFUSED TO BOW DOWN.  They KNEW who their God was and they KNEW that HE WOULD PROVIDE and that the Idol that they were being told to bow down to had NO POWER and their God did!!! So, when they were thrown into the fire, the LORD was immediately with them.  The fire melted the chains (or whatever they were bound up with) and they were FREE!!!! Where the spirit of the Lord is there is FREEDOM!!!! We may have to go through fire when we REFUSE to bow down to other Gods, but the FIRE brings FREEDOM!!! He says that when we walk through the fire, it shall not burn us (Isa 43:2)  Glory to God MoST HIGH!!! I am so thankful!!! These things that we are getting ready to walk through are nothing compared to the GLORY that shall be revealed in us and through us.  How do we see the miraculous power of God?  We ask because we need!!! If we never need anything, how can we trust God to provide it? We have an UNSHAKABLE GOD and He allows us to LIVE in HIS UNSHAKABLE KINGDOM.  We need to take full advantage to get HIDDEN IN HIM for this world will not be here forever, but HE WILL!! :)

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