Friday, September 30, 2011

Am I living on overflow?

The last few days, I have been a little snappy.  All the ugly stuff that's hidden deep down in the recesses of my heart are being exposed because we are asking the Lord to expose our "junk" so we can repent from it all and be ready to start the "New Year" (God's calendar) Anyway, it's been tough and I think I had gotten so wrapped up in defeating this junk that I got my focus off of Him and therefore, there hasn't been much "overflow" of living water coming from me.  I repent publicly for this.  I have gotten short with my kids and had to repent and gotten short with my husband and had to repent.  I want to live a life worthy of honor and I want to learn a better way and walk in that better way that He has chosen for me.  I walked in MY WAY for many years and all it got me was destruction and devastation.  Why would I want to go back to that? So, this morning, I want to share what my daily reading was from "Come Away My Beloved" by Frances Roberts.  I was once again saying, "That's my Daddy!"

O My child, there is nothing that I would hold back from you.
If you will heed My Word, if you will listen to My voice.
I will surely lead you in a plain path.
Set your affections upon Me and keep them there.  Center your attention upon Me.  Yes, set your heart to follow after Me with singleness of mind. 
This will remove all doubt at every crossroad.
This will keep you continually at MY disposal.
You have already witnessed the verdure of life that has sprung forth where the waters of My Spirit have flowed. 
How can any doubt remain?
But the flesh dies hard; it is true.
Even Jesus learned obedience through suffering and self-discipline (see Hebrews 5:8)
And Paul admonished: "Endure hardship as a good soldier" (2 Timothy 2:3)
I could by adversity strip from you the comforts of life.  that I will bless you in double portion,
If of your own accord you do as the Apostle Paul and lay aside every weight, resisting the many temptations that continually beset you as you run with patience the course I set before you (Hebrews 12:1).
"Running with Patience"--
In these two words I have combined the intensity of purpose and the quiet waiting upon Me you must have, or else you will be overtaken in the race by fatigue of body and soul.
So as I have told you before, come to Me, and pour out your praise and your love and your worship.  I will bless you and guide you and use you in MY OWN GOOD TIME AND PLEASURE.


WOW!!!! He knows just right where to get me when He needs to!!! I am so thankful to have a Dad that cares so deeply for me that He won't allow me to stay in the junk of this flesh that needs to continue to be crucified as it tries to rear it's ugly head.  Forgive me!! I have been allowing Adam to be raised from the dead!!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Matthew 24:32-35

"Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When it's branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near--at the doors! Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place. Heaven and earth will passs away, but My words will by no means pass away."

As I am reading this, He begins to download to me:

He is telling us that the time is near. We are those branches that are becoming tender.  The body of Christ in UNITY together for the purpose of HIS KINGDOM. As we become united, we put forth LEAVES (which represents healing for the nations.  They will look to the church for help in these last days.  Things will look darker than ever but because of this, our lights will shine brighter than ever and they will all see Jesus. No one will have any excuse for rejecting HIM because the light will testifty of itself!

A month ago, I had a vision of a huge tree and the leaves were growing from the sides of the tree. Last night, I all of a sudden KNEW that it was representing all those that He is calling in at this time.  He is bringing healing from places where they do not normally come.  He is cleaning up the addicted, broken, and in chains because the church has been so comfortable that they are not reaching the most severely wounded people. They have been "self" absorbed.  Just like He did with Israel when He brought the gospel and power to the Gentiles, He is doing with the modern church.  Those who aren't waking up in this season (WAKE UP TIME) will be left behind this great move of God coming on the Earth and will possibly get swept away if they don't repent. God is fixing to blow our minds.  Are you hearing His song playing?  You know He is singing right?  If not, please, I URGE YOU, spend some time with your daddy and ask Him what His heart is for you in this hour.  He is coming to His bride and you need to be ready. Don't just be waiting for a SIGN to get ready. WE ARE THE SIGN!!!  The time is NOW.  This is the day, this is the hour. We are getting ready to see a huge harvest and we need to be ready! Get in HIS WORD and ask for His heart for the people.  Prepare to "sell all and give" as He tells you. "Just Do It" I KNOW THAT this was of the LORD.  I love you all.  Let everyone that needs to HEAR this, HEAR IT.  May you bless it Lord!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Garden of Fountains from "Come Away My Beloved" --Frances Roberts

The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, And strengthen your bones; You shall be like a watered garden, And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail."  ISAIAH 58:11

Behold, My hand is upon you to bless you and to accomplish all My good purpose.  For THIS HOUR I have prepared your heart, and in My kindness I will not let you fail.
Only relinquish ALL things into My hands; for I can work freely only as you release Me by complete committal--both of yourself and others.  As was written of old: "Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass" (Psalm 37:5). I will be your sustaining strength; and My peace shall garrison your mind.  Only TRUST ME--all I do is done in love.
Adversities are a necessity.  They are part of the pattern of life's pilgrimage for every individual; and who can escape them? But I say to you, that for those who walk in Me, and for those who are encircled by the interccessory prayers of My children, I will make of the suffering, yes, I will make of the trials a stepping-stone to future blessing (see 2 Cor 4:17-18)
My arms are around you, and never have I loved you more!  I will make you like a garden of fountains whose streams are fed by the Mountain Springs!


There is so much to praise HIM for.....

This blog started out as a place where I wanted to just share all the good things my daddy was doing in the earth and how it related to me, but I have realized it has become more of a place for me to encourage others as the day draws very near.  There are people that tell me I need to share.  I feel like I share too much alread. Those of you who know me personally can testify to that huh? LOL  Anyway, I will share all that I feel able to share with everyone.  Is has been my intention to bless you by sharing my life with you.  I love yall and I pray today finds you at peace and contentment with the Lord.  He has been so faithful.  These last few days, seems like once or twice a day I see 555 on things (5:55, $5.55, 555) I have been told that the number 5 represents GRACE and oh how HE has poured an extreme amount of grace out.  Today, He woke me up (I forgot to set the alarm clock correctly) at 5:55 AM.  I love it.  I looked over at Tim and said, "God's good, it's 5:55 Tim."  I love it!!!!  I pray that the people will continue to lift Raina, Sylvia, and Chayce up as they go through this valley.  We know with all that's within us that good will and has already come out of this, but this is the season of missing him.  I pray they are able to keep their eyes on Jesus and that their inner man be lifted in strength and that they remain full of faith.  I pray that Chayce continue to have good role models throughout His life and the Lord prepare Him for the work that He wants to accomplish in their lifetime. I pray that they always allow the "joy of the Lord" to be their strength.  Lord, we thank you that you are a God who lavishly pours out your GRACE, GRACE, GRACE on us at all times.  We thank you that you know the end from the beginning and you have made a way for us!! We thank you for being our Almighty, Everlasting, Sovereign God even in the midst of turmoil.  You are our PEACE and our strength.  I ask that you begin to do a deeper work on us yet, to LOVE others as you have loved us.  Give us the ability to receive more of YOUR LOVE today so we can begin to LOVE others sacrificially.  I pray we can do these things in the hidden places of our hearts and that YOU BE GLORIFIED as we go low and serve.  Teach us YOUR ways to serve others so that we are able to serve and not always be seen as doing so.  Lord we love you!!!
Ok, now this morning I am reading Ezekiel 43 where He saw the Glory of the Lord return to the Temple.  I have such a longing for the body of Christ that can't be explained.  I am not the most eloquent speaker and really the groaning and trevailing that I am feeling can't be explained, but I DO KNOW that the Lord is getting ready to transform the body of Christ.  I have such a deep cry for this region.  I know that the Lord places each and every one of us where we are.  I know that if we are choosing to follow His direction, then He brings us to the exact place we need to be.  The Lord is getting ready to reveal His Glory in ways that we have not seen in this region.  I know this!!! There are so many of us that have been trapped in the bondage of "religion" and just like He was GRACIOUS to me and has been bringing me out of the Bondage to the legalistic, ritualistic traps, He is going to start setting many of us free.  We are fixing to be able to harvest so many lives.  I am so excited!!!  So, anyway, then I open my devotional right? I can hardly contain myself and it's only 7:30am.  haha  Anyway, here is today's devotional from "Come Away My Beloved" (Frances Roberts)

But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witneses to Me... to the end of the earth."  Acts 1:8

Behold, with a strong and mighty hand I will bring My people out.  Yes, as I brought the children of Israel out from the bondage of Egypt and Pharoah; with a yet greater from of liberation I will bring My people out from under the yoke of false prophets and the shackles of legalism.  For My people shall be a free people.  My people will obey Me, not a human leader.  My people shall not labor in vain in the straw and stubble of the works of the flesh.  My people shall walk in newness of lfe, and they shall be energized and led by My Spirit.
Through the Red Seas, through the Wildernesses, through the Jordans, through the Promised Lands of Spiritual conquest--I am with My people.  Let NO FEAR DISMAY.  let no aspect of the past be a hindrance or stumbling block.  I bring you out of dead works into living reality.  I bring you out of traditions of the past to fresh revelations of Myself in this present hour. The past I use for your instruction, but not as a blueprint of the present nor as guidance for the future.  Do not be afraid to follow Me.  Indeed, if you knew how close I am standing to the "curtain of time," you would draw very near and be fillled with expectancy.  For one of these days--SO VERY SOON--the heavens will be rolled back; the canopy of the sky as you know it will be lifted away; and the Son of Man shall be revealed in power and great glory.
Then will My Church be as a diadem upon My head, tangible evidence of My kingship and victory.  What sort of people ought you to be with such a prospect in view!
BREAK LOOSE THE FETTERS. Cast off the fears.  Walk forth in Me in the CONQUERING strength of My Holy Spirit!!!

I say Hallelujah!! And AMEN!!! God is good and HIS LOVE ENDURES FOREVER!!!!! Thank you Jesus!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Memorial Service for Dillon "D-Rob" Roberts

Last night we had Dillon's visitation on the 39 yard line of the high school football field.  The field was filled with many loved ones and much grief, but if you kept your eyes open, you could see God moving in the midst.  Momma was being carried by the glory of God and at one point I asked her "How you holding up, what going on?" She looked at me and with the Supernatural JOY of God in her eyes, she said "My God is up, that's whats up here!"  You could hear her say "Thank you Jesus.  Thank you Jesus" Make no mistake, this has been the hardest thing she has ever been through, but there is one that has carried her through this.  She has been a role model of God's amazing Love as she embraces the young man that is so distraught.  She is laying down her hurt and her pain for a moment to be able to minister to others.  This is WHO SHE IS.  She is a servant in every form of the word.  She lays down her life and it is HER JOY to do it.  She has been to the other side now and sees the blessing of being served.  So, now, even though it gave her joy to serve before, it will be even more glorious and passionate service from here forward.  There is a song that says it so well.  "Oh How He loves us" the part of the song I am seeing the most is this part "when all of a sudden I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by Glory, I realize just how beautiful you are and how great your affections are for me, and OH HOW HE LOVES US...."  That is the beauty of a "surrendered" Christian life.  It's the most glorious thing to behold.  God knows just what He is doing and HE DOES IT WELL.  Lord, we love you and we are thankful to be part of your master plan.  I pray that the joy of the Lord carries us through this day and that you get even more glory from this than we can ever ask, hope, think, or imagine.  Thank you for your continued PEACE on us!!!

Oh and I wanted to comment on Houser Houses post about bad things happening and people "Blaming God" but it wouldn't let me so here was my post.  :)

This is one of the hardest things to grow in.  So many people want to see the tragedies as horrible, and for a fleeting moment they are (we are human after all) but in the greater picture is what God does through the tragedy. He is faithful in the midst for sure.  This doesn't mean that He wanted the tragedy to even occur, but the world is full of evil and corruption and all through the Bible, He is a God that rescues His people from evil and corruption.  He leads them out of bondage and into glorious FREEDOM.  He longs for us to reach out to Him.  He paid the ultimate price so that we could receive LOVE from Him in the midst of the pain...... Something that has been resinating (sp?) in me the last few days:
I was talking with my husband and about how I know that God didn't take Dillon, but that Satan snatched him and even though it seems like it is God's plan, God is making so much good come of it that God even gets the glory when satan kills one of God's own.  Look at Jesus.  Satan and the "RELIGIOUS" people crucified him, but it was also HIS greatest victory and ours.  We hear it said, "if he would have known what he was doing, he wouldn't have killed Jesus"  Did God kill Jesus? NO Did God allow it?  Yes, because He knew the outcome.  God has soldiers here on earth that are willing to lay down their lives for the life of the church.  Some of us are soldiers "unaware" of who we are.  Maybe we just lost a soldier in this great war, but God is going to increase HIS numbers through this one soldier.  I firmly believe it!!! God said He is in the palm of His hands and that HE HAS HIM.  Hallelujah!!! I belive it with all that is within me!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Time is Near....and we Eagerly await our Marriage!!

Oh how I feel like I am preparing for a wedding.  For those of you who are married, you remember all the scrambling we did trying to get everything that was needed? We had to make sure our hair and make-up was just so-so and we had people in line to do their "part" for the wedding.  I feel like a wedding planner of sorts.  I have been doing the scrambling for the bride (even though I know I am part of her as well) Words can not describe the feelings that are coming with this end time generation.  You know how the Lord puts that deep knowing down inside of you when you are "born again"?  That's how I feel about my children seeing Jesus face to face.  I have a deep "knowing" within me that says HE is coming back before they pass away.  Now, I don't have it as deeply for myself, but it could be in my lifetime, but I know that I know that I know as much as I know I am born-again through the blood of Jesus that my children will see Jesus come back for HIS BRIDE.  I play a part in that.  I am seeing glimpses and I know I seem crazy at times, but for those of you who know my heart, just bear with me and see that what I am saying is true.  When I cry out for the people, my soul aches for them to return to their daddy with open arms.  I have not always been faithful to the Lord, but I am coming back to my first love and I am doing the first works.  I am a little more balanced than I was in the beginning but I know I am still a hard pill to swallow sometimes.  I am thankful that the Lord has placed my community in my heart and me in theirs.  I am truly blessed.  I have heard it said, "Go where you are celebrated, not tolerated!" I believe that to be so here!! I believe that the Lord has strategically placed His people in this region and He is getting ready to gather the harvest.  The time is short and I am getting ready for this and even now seeing them come in.  We have no time left to waste.  We are in the last minute preparations for the return of the Lord.  Be ready!!! Don't let SIN reign in your mortal bodies and if you see me leaning towards some sin that I am unaware of, PLEASE come to me and help me stay on the narrow way.  I am going to be ready and Sin will not dominate me.  I know we have a Sin Nature, but my Bible says that Jesus overcomes it in us. So, the more Jesus I have operating in me (aka through the Holy Spirit power in me) then the less likely I am to fulfill that old man.  Lets reckon the old man dead and reckon ourselves "dead to sin and alive unto righteousness"  It's time Bride.  Your wedding day draws near and you need to get your WHITE dress on.  Are you going to realize who you are and step in with me?  Here is today's devotional:

for the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God: and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God? 1 Peter 4:17

Arise.  Get up to the rim of the chasm, and look and write what you see.  For death and destruction, darkness, and thick mists, and the cries of those who perish will rise, but there is none to hear.  there is none to answer.
As it is written: "NOW is the day of salvation" 2 Corinthians 6:2 and again: "Seek the Lord while He may be found" (Isaiah 55:6), for the night comes. Then My wrath will be poured out upon the ungodly and there will be no hand stretched forth to save.  I have called to you in mercy, and in patience I have stretched out My hands to a careless and rebellion s people.  I have spoken from heaven, and My words have been ignored.  I have cried out to them through My prophets, and their hearts have been as molten stone.
The have lifted up their voices in defiance against Me, but there will be none to deliver..  There is no salvation in their hands, but they will go down together.  They shall perish together in their folly.  Behold, the day of mercy is at an end, and the Day of Judgement has come.
Lift your eyes to the clouds, for the heavens are filled with glory, Yes, He comes with ten thousand of His saints, Lift your hearts, for you will not be afraid of those things that are coming to pass upon the earth.  For I shall gather my people to myself and in the hour of destruction, I will stretch forth My hand to deliver them.  In the hour of wrath, I will snatch away My own--My Beloved__ and the flames will not touch them.
Surely My love is deep and abiding, constant and tender.  I have not changed.  For though nation rises against nation, and though war breaks out into a universal holocaust, although humanity in its folly dashes itself to bits against the wall of the inevitable, I still have not changed.
My heart is still tender.  My thoughts toward you are still thoughs of loving-kindness.  I look upon you with a deeper love than ever before.  As the bridegroom anticipating the approaching wedding makes last-minute preparations and longs for the hour of fulfillment, so does My heart yearn for you, My bride, My Beloved.
Though you see terror on every hand, only with your eyes will you look and see the reward of wickedness.  I shall preserve you and keep you, and you shall walk with Me in white.

Monday, September 19, 2011

He will have no one share His Glory!!

God will share His Glory with no man.  God is restoring the church and people will be amazed at how we all come together.  He has already begun.  Are you seeing it?? If you aren't, I suggest laying upon His breast and listening to His Heartbeat.  You don't want to miss the trumpet call when the time comes.  Get everything right in your life while there is still time.  It is a precious time and a time of awe in the Lord.  We never know when our life will end, but we work while it is yet daylight.  This weekend has been a time of knowing how needed it really is.  See, we all have a God shaped hole inside of us and ONLY GOD can fill that hole.  Not drugs, not food, not alcohol, not busyness, not all our friends.  ONLY TIME IN THE PRESENCE of  a Holy God who can cleanse and restore us.  He can bring us back to purity and holiness.  Seek Him while He may be found.  That is my heart cry today.  I pray we don't ose another youth to drugs to realize that they are crying out for help and no one is hearing them.  The body of Christ needs to wake up and let the "RIVERS of LIVING WATER FLOW" How many years have you been SERVING the LORD?  How many years have you been serving YOURSELF?  Time to WAKE UP!!!! There isn't much time left.  Get on your face before the Lord and cry out for MERCY.  If you don't feel you have any deep sin within you, then PLEASE intercede for those who do!!!! If you aren't doing your part, the body is broken.  If one of us is broken, we ALL hurt!!

from devotional today:

Behold, I have put My Spirit upon you that you should cry and not keep silent.  Yes, I have spoken to you that you might know the burden of the Lord and might understand what is in My heart. 
For I love My people, My chosen and elect; and My heart grieves over them, because they are turned aside.  They have known My love; yes, they have tasted of My goodness and entered into My grace, and I have given them My salvation; but their love has grown cold and their desires have turned to others, and their ways are the paths of self-seeking and folly. 
For I am a jealous God, and I will not share My glory with another.  yes, I will pour out My goodness without restraint upon every open heart; and to all who cry out to Me, I will be gracious.
BUT MY PEOPLE HAVE NTO CRIED; they have not called.  They have been satisfied with the husks of this present world, and in an hour of indifference, they have allowed the pleasures of this life to fill that place which belongs only to Me.  yes, it has displaced My Spirit, but it does not satisfy.
O that they might reeturn to ME, for as the father awaited the return of the prodigal, so I long for my people.  my heart is lifted up with grief, and My tears flow as a fountain.  For I love them.  My soul is drawn out to them.
Return to Me and I will return to you.  Put away the IDOLS, and give Me your heart.  Lay your heart open before Me, and I will purge away the dross.  I will clease it and fill it with My glory.  You will no longer crave the leeks and the garlic of Egypt.  You will no longer feed upon chaff; but I will satisfy your soul with manna from heaven, and with milk and honey you shall be nourished. 
And your health will return to you , and your vigor, and you will serve Me with fresh energy.  You will go forth in new power, and MY JOY shall be your CONSTANT portion. Though you labor in the last hour before sunset, you shall be rewarded the same as those who preceded you( Matt 20:1-16)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Trying to keep our eyes on Jesus

Today was a tough day.  It could have been a lot worse. It could have been my child that was gone.  This morning I was startled first thing to learn that people had been texting us all night to let us know that one of my best friends lost her son last night.  This boy just turned 18 shortly before summertime. I immediately got dressed and drove quickly to her.  As we laid there, I wanted to do the best thing I knew to do and that was get some worship music playing and pray for peace that passes all understanding.  Often times today, I felt useless.  All I could do was stroke her hair and love on her the best I knew how, but one thing that I know is that if I could just talk about how faithful God has been during this, then maybe if she can see God's face while going through, then she will be OK.  It's so extremely painful to watch her agonize because her baby isn't coming home. I wanted to take her pain for her, and for some part, I wonder if us grieving with her helps her bear the load or not.  She is one of my dearest friends and all I could do was sit there today.  I pray that if I am ever faced with tragedy that I have friends that will help me keep my focus on Jesus in the midst of the pain. I pray that this helps her in the midst of this tragedy. She is a mighty woman of God and I don't want to imagine what my life would have been had she never entered it.  I am truly blessed to call her my friend and I am so thankful for her.

Friday, September 16, 2011

a Soldier??

Today, I have been having STRONG urges to go and get something sweet and I hadn’t had a lot of extra time so I thought I had better take a praise break and come against this with the Word and praise. Since I was wanting something “sweet”, I can think of nothing sweeter than spending time with my daddy. So, I am taking this moment and reminding my flesh that it’s dead to sin and alive unto righteousness and a Holy boldness was rising up in me. I can’t really explain it fully yet. I know that the Lord is changing me in so many ways and I shall not fully comprehend them all right away. I just “KNOW” that something is very different in me and that the more closely that I walk in total dependence on Him, the more freedom, from all the bondages that have held me down, I am experiencing. I am an anointed woman of God and satan doesn’t like for us to know who we are. There are some who will say that he cannot touch you if you have the blood line drawn, but the TRUTH of the matter is he is allowed to touch whatever we have not kept CRUCIFIED. How many things I have yet to declare DEAD!!May the Lord God Almighty reveal them all. I am so extremely thankful for the Word of God being sharper than a two edged sword and for Him being my rear guard as I follow His leading. I am thankful that He can keep us from stumbling as we get down on our knees and declare our need for His help. With God, nothing is impossible and I thank Him that He has filled me with the Holy Ghost and given ME the POWER to overcome any obstacle that comes my way. I can’t explain what He has been doing in me, but I know that the favor of God rests on my life and that He is going to use our family to do GREAT AND MIGHTY exploits. I know also, that we had better keep our ADAM’s CRUCIFIED with Christ and quit allowing them to be raised from the DEAD. We are DEAD to sin and alive unto RIGHTEOUSNESS. If you are not walking in the power of God over your life, then EARNESTLY cry out for Him to fill you with
His Precious Holy Spirit and to burn away everything that is not of Him. Any other Spirit might need to be questioned. Don’t be AFRAID to be uncomfortable. God doesn’t bring us down a road filled with tulips and daisies. He brings us to the CROSS and then, only then will we be brought to the place where the POWER of God that raised Christ from the dead will dwell in us. Ok, so after getting stirred up, I want to share the devotional that reminded me today to keep on fighting the good fight of faith! KNOW WHO YOU ARE. There is a battle going on and you are in it if you are a blood bought saint of God!

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Ephesians 6:17
My people shall not go mourning, for I the Lord will be their rejoicing and their song. They will not be a complaining people, for I will take away the murmuring from your streets. Will I lead into the battlefronts an army of weeping women? Will I ask the fainthearted to war? NO, but I shall give My people brave and courageous spirits, and I will make them strong of heart. I will give them the spirit of the martyrs, for they will be MY Witnesses of resurrection power. They shall be stalwart. They shall be steadfast. And I will remove from the ranks those who are timid and those who desire comfort and security. My way is a way of sacrifice, and the rewards are not in worldly honors. So take upon you the full armor of God: the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the loins girded with truth, feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, having the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit. Yes, My people, this is a hand-to-hand combat. You shall stand against the foe face-to-face. You will not turn in retreat lest you be slain; for there is not armor to protect the back. The coward will perish. You have not wrestled in any measure such as He, the Lord Jesus. You are not prepared to enter into this conflict as long as you are absorbed in the luxuries and the personal comforts of normal life. For every soldier must give first place to his obligation to the armed forces, and second place to his own private life and wishes. Even so you must do, if you would be My followers. Even so did Jesus during His earthly ministry. His entire life was subordinated to the Father’s will.
As it is written, “Even Christ did not please Himself” (Romans 15:3). How dare you risk allowing the flesh to manifest its desires? They can be only evil continually. No good thing can come out of a deceitful heart. As the old hymn says, “The arm of the flesh will fail you—you dare not trust your own.”
Only that which is generated within you by the Spirit of God can bring forth righteousness; “do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove that what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (Romans 12:2)

If Jesus Christ Himself didn't seek comfort, then I want to aim in the uncomfortable direction! Ok, now I don’t know about you, but I KNOW that I am called to be a soldier for the Lord. I HAVE SOME CATCHING UP TO DO. How about you???? Follow me, as I follow Christ!!!! Be blessed in the Lord today and always! Love yall!!!

Bended Knee or Standing?

When we first come to the Lord, we are often taught of our authority and how much power the blood of Jesus gives us over Satan.  That is good and that is much needed, but as I am reading James Goll's "Prophetic Intercessor"  He makes a good point that we are first to learn how to bend the knee before we need to go standing 10 feet tall and bullet proof in the devil's face.  I need to continually let my heart depend upon His Strength and upon HIS guidance.  I repent this morning for not bending the knee in my heart and for trying to do things once again in my own strength.  Lord, I come to you humbled and I ask that you show us what needs to be done to be victorious over the matters pressing into our family and into our realms of influence.  We need you, first and foremost, and all else is not that important unless you have given us the task.  So, as we come to you, on bended knee and broken in our flawed sense of "knowing what to do", we ask that you give us clear instructions. We need you and we know that we are not going to be victorious without you.  Thank you for never giving up on us when we get "10 feet tall and bullet proof" and remind us often that we are only Victorious as long as we stay on bended knee seeking your face and keeping our eyes on you.  Lord, we don't know what to do.  We don't even have a clue most of the time.  We sure don't have the strength apart from you, so we will keep our eyes on YOU and you will lead us and bring us where we need to be.  Thank you GREAT SHEPHARD that you know exactly what we need and when we need it and you are already going before us and preparing the way.  May we be doing the same for you!!! I pray we continue to prepare the way for you to come back in great victory in the body of Christ.  We love you Lord, and we will see you face to face soon!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

“Then the lame shall leap like a deer, and the tongue of the dumb sing. For waters shall burst forth in the wilderness, And streams in the desert. The parched ground shall become a pool, And the thirsty land springs of water” Isaiah 35:6-7

Behold I have placed within you a spring of living water. For My Spirit shall be a continual flowing forth of life from your innermost being. This I have promised to all My children, and this you may experience as you claim it by faith. All My promises are received by faith. None are gained by merit, nor are they awards for human achievements.
It is My Life I am giving you. It is not an emotions; it is not a virtue, though these may subsequently follow. It is Myself. Divine grace, heavenly love, infinite unbeckoned and irrepressible out of the depths within you because My Spirit has taken residence there.
If there is dryness within your soul and you do not have this life flowing forth, you need not grieve or chide yourself for being empty. Fill up the empty place with praise. Through praise you may open to Me the gates to your soul’s temple. The King will enter and bring His glory. The Rose of Sharon shall bloom in your heart, and His fragrance will be shed abroad.
For the promise of the Father is to all who believe, yes, to all who are called, even those who are far off (see Acts 2:39). And this promise is the gift of the indwelling presence of My Holy Spirit, promised to all who have been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, who have repented of their sins and received remission (See Acts 2:38)
Yes, I say to you, it is a gift. It is written: “How much more will your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him” (Luke 11:13)! Ask, and you shall receive, and your JOY SHALL BE FULL>
As surely as a door is opened in response to a knock; as surely as that which is lost is found by the one who searches after it; and as surely as one who makes a request receives that for which he has asked; even so, in similar fashion, and with corresponding simplicity, I will give to you, My child, the Holy Spirit for no other reason than because you have asked Me to do so. I have not placed this blessing beyond your reach, for it is My desire that you shall have it.
How can My Church be victorious without the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit filling each believer? You thwart My purposes and block My path when you do not avail yourself of this, My provision. Do you suppose I can accomplish My will through a powerless body? For each Christian is to be a channel through which My blessings may flow, and how can you be open to My blessings if you are filled with yourself? Only to the degree that you allow My Spirit to flow in will “self” be driven out.
The open heart shall be filled. The sin confessed shall be forgiven. The hunger after righteousness shall be satisfied. Be as a little child. I will be to you a loving Father. You shall have what you desire because I love you. Let this be your hope, and your faith shall be rewarded. My power is not reserved for a few selected saints. It is available to all, and it is available to YOU. Ask!!!

Oh beloved, that we would EARNESTLY desire to be filled with HIS SPIRIT. He tells us to earnestly seek after the gifts that He has for us. It’s time that we realize that this life is NOT ABOUT US and it is ALL ABOUT HIM. When we do, we will realize that there is nothing at all wrong with us seeking after the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. The gifts are for those we are ministering to. Yes, they make room for us and they take us down paths that we would not have trodden otherwise. Yes, it is an amazing ride and we are blessed as we step out and do the will of our father. This is a minor part. God is working through us to do great exploits and miracles that we cannot imagine so that HIS LOVE can touch those lives that are impacted for the Kingdom of God. Lord, help us to humble ourselves in a righteous manner. Help us to always see that humility isn’t saying “I couldn’t possibly do that” but instead saying “I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST” You are worthy of all the glory Lord. Help us to go and spread your Glory where you desire it to be spread and refrain from the places you do not desire. Thank you Lord for holding us in the palm of your hand!

Monday, September 12, 2011

We all have a commission!!! We say "Yes Lord, we delight to do thy will"

I am just meditating on the faithfulness of God and how amazing He is to speak to us about impending dooms or about future victories if we continue to "press in and not give up".  About a month and a half ago, I was listening to a Perry Stone teaching and he was talking about this Theshuvah season being a time of repentance and how the Jews have a fasting season and deep repentance.  Then, on about the 30th day into this season, there is a "window of Heaven" opened up and a season of "answered prayer" begins.  I had also heard Bob Jones speaking about coming to the Lord during this season every year and how the Lord speaks to Him about the coming year.  He writes down the prophetic words that the Lord gives Him and they always come to pass.  My husband and I were so stirred in the Spirit by this Theshuvah teaching so we prayed and asked the Lord what we were to do.  Now, for those of you who have been with me through thick and thin know how I have went through a long season of not having a whole lot of outwardly profound miracles in my life until this past year.  I have had blessings come my way, but I have operated in a LOT of fear that was not of God..  During this season of Theshuvah, we are not watching regular TV programs.  We have blocked all the regular channels from the kids and our rooms.  We are spending more time in prayer and journaling everything we receive from the Lord.  This 40 day season started Aug 31 and runs through October 10th.  I was thinking that the 10 days of Awe was when I would see prayers for my family, friends and church and leaders, but the Lord has already been so good to me.  I have seen my children get hungry for the Lord.  I have taken away the natural food that they were getting and they are replacing it with the presence of God.  I love it!!! I know I shared yesterday about Josh's vision, but I don't think that I shared about Mikayla's vision.  She said " Mom, I felt like I was on TV preaching the gospel",  to which I told her "WOW" I have been speechless so many times lately.  I know, so hard to believe huh?  Speaking of getting quiet, I need to go get some rest.  I want to leave you with tonight's devotional from Frances Roberts' "Come Away My Beloved":

And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to ever creature."

My child, do not chafe at the bit.  It is I who have put it in your mouth.  I would have led you by My eye, but you have been willful and stubborn.  You question My direction because it is not the common way.  But I would have you take a path that is quite different from the paths of your friends, and it is because I would bring you into a place in Me and a ministry in which they have no part. 
Do not hesitate,m and do not falter.  Move in and do so quickly, for I say to you , the hours is LATE.  There is great urgency because of the swiftly gathering darkness; yes, this is even the hour of which it is written that none shall be able freely to do My work.  It is as when a great storm breaks suddenly and each person is fully bent upon finding his own personal place of safety.  Even so it is coming to pass, that in this hour you should be gripped with one consuming purpose--to find the place I have for YOU.
I have deliberately put thorns in your nest in order to drive you forth.  I understand your reluctance, but I shall surely deal with you until you break out of your bondage.  The enemy will hinder you in every way imaginable if you give him any room to stand.  Rebuke every detaining circumstance in My name, and keep yourself covered  by the blood of Jesus.
Your heart will grow cold unless you keep it close to Mine.  Your love shall be turned to indifference unless you keep the cross before your eyes. 
The Saviour loves the dying world and the lost sinner no less today than He loved them the day He hung on Calvary, bleeding and dying for their redemption.  His grace is still as rich as His compassion is still as deep.  He has not become weary, nor has He turned His attention to other interests.  The preaching of the gospel remains His will, and the salvation of souls is His chief concern.  So also should it be yours,m and nothing else should be permitted to take precedence over evangelism in your life.
Be diligent.  Confess your lack and repent of your negligence.  The shall I give you a fresh anointing and a new commission.  I will give you the tongue of an evangelist and will send you to reap precious souls, Jesus, the Christ, shall be your theme, and you will uplift Him, and He will draw the lost to Himself.  The hour is upon you.  Do not look back.  Go straight forward and allow nothing to drain you or turn you aside.  my purposes can only be fulfilled as you give.  Me your undivided loyalty.
There has never been a day like this.  No past past experiences can be compared to it.  It is as though in history there have been crests in the waves, but that which is ahead is like a tidal wave by comparison!!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Another Amazing Weekend on the Walk to Emmaus!!

God showed Himself mightily this weekend!  There were several men set free from oppression and addictions.  The men were on fire when they gave their testimonies tonight. I want yall to pray for a pastor from Nairobi, Kenya who was on the walk this weekend.  He and another guy that was on the walk are going back to Sudan to rescue another pastor who has been held captive by Al Quaida.  The Lord is going to send a wall of fire around them and they will be protected.  Please pray for their families' peace during this time.  I pray that the joy of the Lord be their strength!  I praise God for this group of men that came through on this walk.  I can't say that I have had a more excellent time with the Lord than this weekend's testimonies of what the Lord did. Thank you Daddy!!!

I repent for not trusting you with my whole Heart Lord!

Today, I repent for not trusting God with my whole heart on the matter of the new task at hand.  I have questioned Him many times, "Why use me Lord?  There are so many others in our church that are more eloquent and knowledgable"  This has been unworthiness talking and it is because I haven't been totally trusting HIM to do this.  I have been "trying to figure it out" This morning, this is what I read:

Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.  Romans 12:2

Return to me; for I have sought after you, but you have continued on in pursuit of your own ways.  I have called to you, but you have disregarded Me. I have placed obstacles in your path, hoping that you would stop and consider and ask of Me, but you have obstinately and determinedly forged on ahead.  Hav eyou learned no wisdom?  Have past lessons fled your mind?  Are My dealins with you forgotten?  O stubborn and rebellious child, has My love no longer the pwer to melt your heart?  Have My words that you once so treasured become of no value to you ?  Put down your anxieties, and trust Me for everything.  You need nothing but what I am fully able to supply, with no effort on your part.  I do not ask all My children to live in so complete a degree of trust, but I require it of you, because you cannot please Me with anything less.  You are weary, and you should be strong.  You are encumbered, and I would have you free.  You are hindered by undue concers, when you should be abounding in joy.  Come back to My perfect will, and finish the task I have assigned you..  Anything else is SIN.  What may be legitimate for another is not so for you.  Come close to Me, and I will minister to you and revive your spirit.  So shall you go on, enen though the climb is steeper than ever before. 

Then Josh comes out of the shower and says, "Mom, I had a vision while I was in there"  He says ,"I saw dry ground with cracks in it and then the water was coming up out of the cracks because Jesus was raising His hands and He looked at me and said, Josh you have these in you.  They are called the Rivers of Life"

Then Mikayla comes to me and says "Mom, I found a good bible verse that you need to read"  Jeremiah 42:3  (PRAY) that the Lord your God may show us the way in which we should walk and the thing that we should do.

My God is good and He is faithful and True!!! He is doing the work!!!!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Oh Lord, Let us cherish your Words!!

Reading this afternoon's devotional.  *once a day wasn't enough for me so I figure I will do several a day.  This is what it says and this is my heart cry.  I want to hear the bridegroom calling for me.  I want to have my ear attentive and the sins in my life eradicated.  It's not enough to "cover" the sin, but Lord expose those dark areas that seem to be hidden from even me!  Help your bride come to a place where we are walking in your pur and righteous judgements and in the Holy fear of You daddy!  Come and burn us up and let us Burn with your fragrance.  Yall be blessed:  (Come Away my Beloved- Frances Roberts)
O My children, obey My words.  Do not wander in unbelief and darkness, but let the Scripture shine as a light upon your path.  my Word shall be life to you, for My commandements are given for your health and preservation.  The will guard you from folly and guide you away from danger. 
Hide My commandments in your heart, and make them the law of your life.  Cherish My words, and take not lightly the least of them.  I have not given them to bind you, but to bring you into the life of  greatest joy and truest liberty.
I have asked you to give, in order that I may bless you more.  I have challenged you to pray, so that I may respond and help you.  I have asked you to rejoice, in order to keep you from being swallowed up by anxieties.  I have asked you to be humble, to protect you from the calamities that fall upon the proud.  I have asked you to forgive, in order to make your heart fit to receive My forgiveness.  I have asked you not to love the world, for I would have you released from unnecessary entanglements, free to follow Me. 
Sanctification is accomplished in no one by accident.  Learn My rules, and put them into practice consistently, if you desire to see progress in the growth of your soul.  Holiness is not a feeling--It is the end product of obedience. Purity is not a gift--it is the result of repentance and serious pursuit of God.

I don't know about yall, but lately I am getting a revelation of God's Holiness and I am not seeing myself as very Holy.  I am seeing myself totally undone and in need of Him desperately.  May the fear of the Lord be the beginning of Wisdom being revealed in me.  Amen!  Love you all!

Friday, September 9, 2011

9/9/11 God speaks through "Walk on with Me" Francis Roberts

I have a new challenge that the Lord has recently put before me to do something that literally scares the bejeebies out of me.  I know, "what in the heck is a bejeebie, right?"  Who knows, but anyway, I know that anytime something scares me, I will do it afraid if I know that the Lord's hand is upon it.  I am growing in that area and am willing and that is all that matters.  He has told me clearly that I am to do this thing.  However, this morning as I was praying and reading, I kept questioning anyway (sometimes I am stubborn like that).  God, how am I supposed to tell people what this is?  I have so many question and I don't know if I have overstepped you.  I feel like I am making this too complicated and I need you to quiet my soul.  So I began to praise Him for taking me once again out of my "comfort zone"  so that I can be stretched.  He LOVES to do that. My reputation is the only thing at stake if I stumble and really?  That doesn't even need to be a concern for me.  I don't have to have the approval of man.  Now, I know that because I serve a mighty God that I will grow in favor with HIM and with man, but I don't NEED the approval to live because I get my approval from my DADDY.  He loves me and I am the APPLE OF HIS EYE.  :)  Anyway, still I was having an anxious morning and I opened my "Come Away my Beloved" devotional by Francis Roberts.  Here is today's devotional (I might share a lot of these):

Make me walk in the path of Your commandments, For I delight in it. (Psalm 119:35)

My child, the path of duty is before you.  It may look rugged, but it is the only way of divine blessing.  Choose some other way, and you shall find only disappointment and frustration of soul.  Weariness shall overtake you on the smoothest road, if it is not the pathway of My ordained will.  Be not deceived by doubts and be not detained by fears. Move into the center of My purposes for you.  You shall find glorious victories are waiting for you, and recompenses far exceeding every sacrifice. 
Be obedient:  You will bring joy to My heart.  neith the applause nor the scorn of others should be of any consequence to you.  My approval is reward enough, and without this, any other satisfaction is not worthy of your pursuit. 
Walk on with ME.  I will be very near to give you support and encouragement, so you have nothing to warrant your fears.  The will vanish as you obey.

WOW!! So after reading this, I can't help but say THANK you daddy once again for calming my fears and knowing my anxious thoughts and making a way before I ever had them.  I am a truly blessed woman and I know who my daddy is.  I am becoming more and more confident of this very thing "He who began a good work in me will complete it"  Hallelujah!  I pray that each and every one of you know who your daddy is.  If He is God, I am thankful, but if it is not God, then it is the Devil and I pray for you to repent and turn towards God and cry out!!! He longs to be with His children and He has made a way through the precious blood of Jesus!!! He is loving and kind, but also strong and to be feared.  He reminds me about that song as I say that.  "Daddy's Hands"  It says "Daddy's hands were soft and kind when I done right, Daddys hands were big and strong when Id done wrong, Daddy's hands weren't always gentle, but I learned to understand, There was ALWAYS LOVE in Daddy's hands"  I didn't have a daddy growing up so I am thankful that God has picked me up and called me HIS own.  He is a loving God and He is a wonderful Father.  He loves you more than you will ever Know.....  Be blessed today and ask Him to show you His heart for you!