Friday, September 30, 2011

Am I living on overflow?

The last few days, I have been a little snappy.  All the ugly stuff that's hidden deep down in the recesses of my heart are being exposed because we are asking the Lord to expose our "junk" so we can repent from it all and be ready to start the "New Year" (God's calendar) Anyway, it's been tough and I think I had gotten so wrapped up in defeating this junk that I got my focus off of Him and therefore, there hasn't been much "overflow" of living water coming from me.  I repent publicly for this.  I have gotten short with my kids and had to repent and gotten short with my husband and had to repent.  I want to live a life worthy of honor and I want to learn a better way and walk in that better way that He has chosen for me.  I walked in MY WAY for many years and all it got me was destruction and devastation.  Why would I want to go back to that? So, this morning, I want to share what my daily reading was from "Come Away My Beloved" by Frances Roberts.  I was once again saying, "That's my Daddy!"

O My child, there is nothing that I would hold back from you.
If you will heed My Word, if you will listen to My voice.
I will surely lead you in a plain path.
Set your affections upon Me and keep them there.  Center your attention upon Me.  Yes, set your heart to follow after Me with singleness of mind. 
This will remove all doubt at every crossroad.
This will keep you continually at MY disposal.
You have already witnessed the verdure of life that has sprung forth where the waters of My Spirit have flowed. 
How can any doubt remain?
But the flesh dies hard; it is true.
Even Jesus learned obedience through suffering and self-discipline (see Hebrews 5:8)
And Paul admonished: "Endure hardship as a good soldier" (2 Timothy 2:3)
I could by adversity strip from you the comforts of life.  that I will bless you in double portion,
If of your own accord you do as the Apostle Paul and lay aside every weight, resisting the many temptations that continually beset you as you run with patience the course I set before you (Hebrews 12:1).
"Running with Patience"--
In these two words I have combined the intensity of purpose and the quiet waiting upon Me you must have, or else you will be overtaken in the race by fatigue of body and soul.
So as I have told you before, come to Me, and pour out your praise and your love and your worship.  I will bless you and guide you and use you in MY OWN GOOD TIME AND PLEASURE.


WOW!!!! He knows just right where to get me when He needs to!!! I am so thankful to have a Dad that cares so deeply for me that He won't allow me to stay in the junk of this flesh that needs to continue to be crucified as it tries to rear it's ugly head.  Forgive me!! I have been allowing Adam to be raised from the dead!!

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