Today, I repent for not trusting God with my whole heart on the matter of the new task at hand. I have questioned Him many times, "Why use me Lord? There are so many others in our church that are more eloquent and knowledgable" This has been unworthiness talking and it is because I haven't been totally trusting HIM to do this. I have been "trying to figure it out" This morning, this is what I read:
Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2
Return to me; for I have sought after you, but you have continued on in pursuit of your own ways. I have called to you, but you have disregarded Me. I have placed obstacles in your path, hoping that you would stop and consider and ask of Me, but you have obstinately and determinedly forged on ahead. Hav eyou learned no wisdom? Have past lessons fled your mind? Are My dealins with you forgotten? O stubborn and rebellious child, has My love no longer the pwer to melt your heart? Have My words that you once so treasured become of no value to you ? Put down your anxieties, and trust Me for everything. You need nothing but what I am fully able to supply, with no effort on your part. I do not ask all My children to live in so complete a degree of trust, but I require it of you, because you cannot please Me with anything less. You are weary, and you should be strong. You are encumbered, and I would have you free. You are hindered by undue concers, when you should be abounding in joy. Come back to My perfect will, and finish the task I have assigned you.. Anything else is SIN. What may be legitimate for another is not so for you. Come close to Me, and I will minister to you and revive your spirit. So shall you go on, enen though the climb is steeper than ever before.
Then Josh comes out of the shower and says, "Mom, I had a vision while I was in there" He says ,"I saw dry ground with cracks in it and then the water was coming up out of the cracks because Jesus was raising His hands and He looked at me and said, Josh you have these in you. They are called the Rivers of Life"
Then Mikayla comes to me and says "Mom, I found a good bible verse that you need to read" Jeremiah 42:3 (PRAY) that the Lord your God may show us the way in which we should walk and the thing that we should do.
My God is good and He is faithful and True!!! He is doing the work!!!!
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