Monday, September 19, 2011

He will have no one share His Glory!!

God will share His Glory with no man.  God is restoring the church and people will be amazed at how we all come together.  He has already begun.  Are you seeing it?? If you aren't, I suggest laying upon His breast and listening to His Heartbeat.  You don't want to miss the trumpet call when the time comes.  Get everything right in your life while there is still time.  It is a precious time and a time of awe in the Lord.  We never know when our life will end, but we work while it is yet daylight.  This weekend has been a time of knowing how needed it really is.  See, we all have a God shaped hole inside of us and ONLY GOD can fill that hole.  Not drugs, not food, not alcohol, not busyness, not all our friends.  ONLY TIME IN THE PRESENCE of  a Holy God who can cleanse and restore us.  He can bring us back to purity and holiness.  Seek Him while He may be found.  That is my heart cry today.  I pray we don't ose another youth to drugs to realize that they are crying out for help and no one is hearing them.  The body of Christ needs to wake up and let the "RIVERS of LIVING WATER FLOW" How many years have you been SERVING the LORD?  How many years have you been serving YOURSELF?  Time to WAKE UP!!!! There isn't much time left.  Get on your face before the Lord and cry out for MERCY.  If you don't feel you have any deep sin within you, then PLEASE intercede for those who do!!!! If you aren't doing your part, the body is broken.  If one of us is broken, we ALL hurt!!

from devotional today:

Behold, I have put My Spirit upon you that you should cry and not keep silent.  Yes, I have spoken to you that you might know the burden of the Lord and might understand what is in My heart. 
For I love My people, My chosen and elect; and My heart grieves over them, because they are turned aside.  They have known My love; yes, they have tasted of My goodness and entered into My grace, and I have given them My salvation; but their love has grown cold and their desires have turned to others, and their ways are the paths of self-seeking and folly. 
For I am a jealous God, and I will not share My glory with another.  yes, I will pour out My goodness without restraint upon every open heart; and to all who cry out to Me, I will be gracious.
BUT MY PEOPLE HAVE NTO CRIED; they have not called.  They have been satisfied with the husks of this present world, and in an hour of indifference, they have allowed the pleasures of this life to fill that place which belongs only to Me.  yes, it has displaced My Spirit, but it does not satisfy.
O that they might reeturn to ME, for as the father awaited the return of the prodigal, so I long for my people.  my heart is lifted up with grief, and My tears flow as a fountain.  For I love them.  My soul is drawn out to them.
Return to Me and I will return to you.  Put away the IDOLS, and give Me your heart.  Lay your heart open before Me, and I will purge away the dross.  I will clease it and fill it with My glory.  You will no longer crave the leeks and the garlic of Egypt.  You will no longer feed upon chaff; but I will satisfy your soul with manna from heaven, and with milk and honey you shall be nourished. 
And your health will return to you , and your vigor, and you will serve Me with fresh energy.  You will go forth in new power, and MY JOY shall be your CONSTANT portion. Though you labor in the last hour before sunset, you shall be rewarded the same as those who preceded you( Matt 20:1-16)

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