Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I touched it!!!

So, today I am sitting and pondering on the faithfulness of God.  I was thinking about how great the Lord is and how He has brought me through so many trials and temptations.  He has refined me in ways that I never realized.  I am so thankful that the Lord has brought me so far.  He is so stinking good.  Last September is when I began to “Move Forward”.  Earlier in that month, I saw the angel of the Lord that looked like Abraham Lincoln sitting in the left corner of our sanctuary and then later that month, was the day that there was breakthrough in the spirit for me.  It was the day they first sung “Moving Forward” at church (9/25/11).  It was the Ninth year of my salvation.  June 17, 2001 – Sept 25, 2001 = 9 years.  So, today, I had to look back at my journal because I know that is where I shifted into the new anointing that He told me I would.  I realized that there must be significance to the number 9.  So, I went to my trusted resource and this is what I have found.  The number 9 means this:  Judgment, Finality, End, End of an Age or Era, the Physical Manifestation of the fruit of the understanding (good or bad), Tribulation (Birthing of the Fruit)  WOW WOW WOW!!!!   In the last year since this time, we have had more tribulation, and hardship, but we have had more fuit and it has been lovely.  The BIRTHING of the fruit.  Everything that I had sown in the first 9 years of my born again life were now coming to fruit!!! Hallelujah!!!! I have never been the same!!!! I praise His Holy Name.  This was about the time I came into covenant with AGLOW as well.  It’s amazing how the Lord has orchestrated all my footsteps and caused me to be exactly where I need to be.  He has restored my soul!!! I am so thankful!!! I am excited to go deeper still with my Lord.  You might think I am a little cooky at times, but if you only knew what my alabaster box costed, you wouldn’t judge my cookiness.  You see, I have been delivered from so much bondage to so many things.  The Lord touched me in 2001 and I have been madly in love with Him ever since.  I have had my seasons of frustration and my fair share of mistakes, but for the most part, I have come to know that He is my Rock, Refuge and Fortrress.  I know that “no weapon formed against me will prosper”  I know that I am crucified with Christ and it is now by FAITH in the son of God that I live.  Yet, not I that live, but He that lives IN ME and THROUGH ME.  If you have never been set free, you will never realize the depth of my love for Jesus, but oh BELOVED, if you have ever had a TOUCH from the master’s hand, you know exactly what I am talking about.  You can’t help but talk about the things you have seen and heard (read Acts 4, neither could the disciples).  My Lord is so real to me that I am “ruined for the ordinary”  He is as much in love with me as I am with HIM.  I have truly been rescued.  You have no idea until you have been on this Journey with Jesus!!! When I was first born again, I had this same passion and excitement and through the cares of the world and much tribulation and trials, sometimes it was all I could do to muster up strength to stay in church.  God blessed my life and continued to hold me in the palm of His hand, but it seemed at times, I slipped further and further away and it got scary.  It felt like I was going backwards at times and I could not stand the thought of EVER GOING BACK to my old life.  It was horrible and I was a wretched miserable woman.  I had a spirit of Heaviness that NO MAN could help me with.  I was SUICIDAL at times and if it had NOT BEEN FOR THE LORD, I would NOT BE HERE TODAY.  I KNOW THIS!!! You see, He gives us a garment of Praise for the spirit of heaviness.  I praised God as much as humanly possible during all of my tribulations, but wasn’t always the greatest at it.  I sure didn’t FEEL it most of the time.  I felt miserable, all alone, and like NO ONE loved me the way I knew God loved me.  I DESPERATELY needed to touch the HEM of His garment so I could be made whole and I KNEW IT.  Well, friends, I have touched not only the HEM of His garment, but I have touched my daddy’s heart as well.  He loves me and I am one of His favorites.  YOU CAN BE, TOO!!! How great is that???? WOW!!!  Come with me on this Journey and reach for Jesus.  He wants you more than you realize.  RELIGION has bound people up by trying to make them be what RELIGION says you ought to be, but Jesus has come so that you can be FREE!!!!!!  Free to dance, Free to sing, Free to shout praises to the most High God!!!! JUMP OUT OF THE BOAT and come walk on the WATER!!!! He is the LIVING WATER!!!! If you are afraid of being undignified, I am so sorry for your loss…… You are free to be in bondage to that unfortunately as well.  I will pray that many many people will come to know the FREEDOM that Jesus DIED ON THAT CROSS FOR YOU TO HAVE!!!!  All those who BELIEVE can have the fullness of HIS GRACE!!!! Just ask HIM!!!!  Be blessed today!!!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Paul's thorn in the flesh? hmmmm just thinking out loud. :)

So, lately, I have had all sorts of things that my heart has been crying out for right?  Obviously, there have been some really deep times of intercession for this region and different things.  I don't always understand what God is doing in and through me.  I believe if we knew half of the things that he was doing through us, we would be so stinking puffed up with pride that we would be no earthly good right?  So, I think that is why we must glory in our infirmites.  I have been thinking about Paul's thorn in the flesh.  I have heard people say that it must have been a sickness, but I don't believe that is possible. The word used for thorn in this passage (2 Cor 12:7) is skolops, which means "splinter".  Didn't Jesus talk about people having "splinters" in our eyes?  Just a thought.  I believe the thorn Paul might possibly be talking about is indeed the weaknesses of our own stinking "flesh".  Just when I have an abundance of reveleations pouring through me and I go "WHOA, that's deep" If I allow myself to get puffed up because I am some sort of amazing person or something, I am immediately poked back to the reality that I am NOTHING without HIM and that my flesh is still NASTY and ROTTEN and totally SELFISH.  I am reminded that unless I stay crucified with Christ, I CAN DO NOTHING right.  This is why I am able to brag about the stupid things that I have gotten into EVEN WHILE SERVING THE LORD.  I have had so many mistakes, but God has been gracious through them all.  He truly sets the captives FREE and when Christ has set you free, YOU ARE FREE INDEED. He has set us free from this Body of DEATH that we are chained to through HIS PRECIOUS BLOOD.  He gives us the power to overcome this world!!! Hallelujah!!  He is worthy of all our praise if HE never did another thing for you in your life, this would be enough to praise Him for.  I could go on and on, but I was thinking this would just be something short tonight. 

These things that my heart cries out for have been with me for a long time.  I have sat on a lot of things that I felt the Lord was showing me.  I am not some super spiritual, super Christian.  Instead, I am a naturally supernatural creation of the Lord God almighty who is having a "human" experience.  You ever heard "I am not a human having a spiritual experience, but a spirit having a human experience"  That's me!! I didn't know I was a spirit until I was "born of the spirit".  I love it!! The things I say don't always make sense, but I realize that in that aspect of things, Jesus didn't always make sense either huh?  I bet He left a lot of people scratching their heads you know?  God uses the WEAK and FOOLISH things to CoNFOUND the WISE. I just love it!!!!  I, like most of the people that God uses, am not one that is eloquent of speech, but one thing I am is trusting of my Daddy!!! I am NOT AFRAID to JUMP when HE says JUMP.  Therefore, I get to see God moving in people all around me.  We have to realize that we are never going to be so perfect and that GOD USES US IMPERFECT PEOPLE!!! The more we realize how imperfect we are, it seems the more He uses us.  WOW!!! Not sure how biblically sound this all is.  Take it with a grain of salt.  I just know I am so excited to get to operate the KINGDOM OF GOD here on earth and to BE HIS AMBASSADOR.  I have all authority over the enemy in my life and in the lives of the realm of authority He gives to me as an inheritance.  I plan to keep exercising my authority and to remain submitted to His authority. I want to keep staying so full of God's Word and spending so much time with my daddy that I can't help but speak LIFE everywhere I go.  I am getting better everyday.  I am so thankful that the Lord orchestrates our footsteps and that NOTHING that I have been through will have been in vain.  Even my stupid mistakes our covered in the precious blood of the Lamb and are being turned around and used for MY GOOD!!!!  Hallelujah!!!! No other God can do that!!!!  Why would we want any other God besides Jehovah Jireh?  Jehovah Rophe?  Our King of Kings and our Lord of Lords, our lover, and our best friends, our refuge and our strength.  He is so worthy of our Praise!!! Ok, I am getting a little sleepy and need to get some rest.  I just wanted to share some thoughts.  I hope even in my ramblings that I have blessed someone out there in blog world.  Maybe one day, I will know.  Until then, I look at this blog as being a way to share things with anyone who wants to read.  :) 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Suffer the children to come to me, and forbid them not!!!

Luke 18:16-17-They they also brought infants to Him that He might touch them; but when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them (the hungry ones) BUT JESUS called them to HIM and said "Let the little children come to Me, and DO NOT FORBID THEM, for of such is the kingdom of God.  Assuredly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.

We WILL not be able to accept the Kingdom of God unless we get as a little child and TOTALLY trust our Father completely.  Kids receive everything AS IS and they don't have the capability to reason things away because they don't agree with them. 
Shortly after I was born again, I was reading Mark 16:17-18- And these signs will follow those who believe.  In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues.  They will take up serpents, and if they drink anything deadly, it wsill by no means harm them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover"  I strongly believe that I had a revelation that the harmful poison that he was talking about was the deadly poisons coming from others mouths.  Whether it was a false doctrine or negative things that came against me.  Not that those things don't damage me on some part.  They hurt.  I have been wounded, but ultimately, because I was able to "chew the straw" and learn to "spit the sticks"  I have "received" several different truths of the word of God that I would not have been open to even hearing if I had been "AFRAID" that someone would sidetrack me (GREATER IS HE THAT IS WITHIN ME THAN HE THAT IS WITHIN THE WORLD -1 John 4:4.  I know that!!!)   .  I was gullible and I wasn't afraid.  I have sat under some things that were not truth, but because I have been as a little child when listening to leaders, I HAVE RECEIVED THE KINGDOM OF GOD and it is ALIVE AND ACTIVE WITHIN ME. I am thankful for that revelation.  Granted, I have been through a lot of heartache and it's not been an "easy road"  but my daddy has taken care of me and I totally trust HIM to get me where I need to be.  I just JUMP OUT OF THE BOAT AND ASK QUESTIONS LATER.  :)  I am not going to be bound by religion if I can at all keep from it!! He is cleansing me from all that junk and I am receiving as a little child again.  There are so many frustrations at times though.  I can't understand why we think we can keep going without God's manifest presence coming in power and glory.  How can we sit in congregations where there is no Hope and healing and restoration.  It is up to US to get up and be the KINGDOM in our congregations.  PASTORS ARE JUST RESPONSIBLE TO EQUIP US and then it is UP TO US TO RELEASE THE KINGDOM TO OTHERS. 
He often does not operate in the way that we think He should and a lot of times, we are NOT WILLING to let go of our traditions built by RELIGION and TRADITION and allow HIS KINGDOM to operate within us.  Oh God, deliver us from any religious TRASH that we have accepted as our own thoughts.  Help us to not walk breathing in the carbon monoxide that will put us to sleep and eventually KILL us.  Help us to breathe in the extra breathe of Oxygen that we need to make it Carbon Monoxide!  We are hungry for you and desperate for your touch.  We can not live, move, or have our being without your touch.  We NEED YOUR KINGDOM to COME and YOUR WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN!!!  We need to walk in your anointing and power!!! There is a dying world out there and if WE the CHURCH do not rise up and SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND YOUR RIGTEOUSNESS, we will DIE!!!  NO THINGS are worth losing the KINGDOM OF GOD.  We need to walk in the FULLNESS of your GOSPEL!!! We need to Walk in your Spirit and NOT AFTER THIS FLESH.  God grant us a Godly sorrow that will lead us into true repentance for keeping our children from coming to your kingdom.  We have settled for "religion" and it has put us to SLEEP.  There is no healing, and there is no peace, and there is NO SATISFACTION in that place.  We declare wholeness and Healing for your body Lord.  We ask that you cause us to walk as children who see your secrets.  We ask for you to cause us to be exactly what you need us to be Lord.  Lord, our children need to WRAPPED up in YOU!!! Keep us growing to that place of VICTORY Lord.  Deliver your children and draw them to you Lord. Keep us from causing them to stumble.  If we can teach them nothing else, let them LEARN TO BE A PEOPLE OF PRAISE AND NOT MURMURING AND COMPLAINING.  We have failed to do this in ourselves at times and we are so thankful that you are a God of 2nd, 3rd, and infinite chances.

So, anyway, this morning around the breakfast table, we talked about the bronze serpent being lifted up.  As I am thinking about this, it strikes me, "Is this what he meant by 'They shall take up serpents' ?
Anyway, we all took turns praising His Holy name and things that we are thankful for and as we lifted up the name of Jesus, there was joy and my kids received a little teaching because it was God being lifted up and NOT US!! They are hungry for HIM!!! As the children of Israel looked upon the bronze serpent, they were healed and as we look into your eyes Jesus, we are made whole and restored.  Thank you Jesus for allowing us to look into your precious face and see your smile on us.  Thank you for breaking down our PRIDEFUL attitudes and causing us to walk in your statutes.  You are Worthy of All our praise.  We will praise you and even be undignified if we have to be because there is NO GOD LIKE YOU!!!! You are the only one who can work "ALL THINGS TOGETHER FOR OUR GOOD"  You are faithful!!!!  Your promises are Yes and Amen!!  Help us teach our kids to be hungry to sit at your feet and to LOVE YOU Jesus!!!! Help us to never hinder them to come into your presence and to let you LOVE ON THEM!!!  Help us to raise up passionate children for you!!! Children who are on fire and who know the power of walking in your kingdom authority.  Help us to never cause our children to be full of wrath.  We have messed up as a family, but we are repenting as a family and asking that you help us correct anything that we may have messed up. Thank you Jesus!!!!

Thank you all for reading my rants on here.  I hope at times I can encourage others.  I don't always feel like I make sense of half of the things I rattle about, but I feel that I can at least share my heart and hopefully encourage someone who might be just as messed up as I have been to turn their eyes to Jesus as I lift HIM up.  If I can manage to exalt HIM far above myself, then SOMEONE can be drawn to the one who LOVES them deeply, madly, and passionately.  May the Lord Bless you and keep you, and make His face to SHINE upong you!!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Kingdom of God is within you!!

This morning, I woke up with "the Kingdom of God is within you" playing in my soul.  As me and my husband did our morning reading, we went to Luke 17.  Luke 17:20-21- Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, "The kingdom of God does not come with observations:  nor will they say, 'See here!' or 'See there!' for indeed, the kingdom of God is within you. "

Lord we need you to open up our hearts to receive all that you would have us to receive.  We often stop at less than you desire.  The thief has come to "kill, steal, and destroy", but you have come that we would "Have life and have it more abundantly".  We want to walk with you so closely that we no longer live, but that YOU LIVE THROUGH US.  We choose your kingdom and we reject the kingdom of darkness.  In Jesus Name, we will go forth and be YOUR AMBASSADORS. 

Ok, so when I was first born again, the Lord planted this idea of the Kingdom of God being within me.  I didn't fully grasp all that He was doing at that time, but as I have been coming out of a period when I had "fallen asleep" and MY BELOVED came and "woke me up" calling for me.  I look around at the church and I yearn for the day when she KNOWS WHO SHE IS.  We have such a dim look.  We are not shining brightly on the hilltops as we ought to.  We have been in an identity crises and it has caused our lights to be dimly lit.  You see, when we are born again, the Kingdom of God is planted within us and we receive the spirit of adoption by whom we cry out Abba Father and the spirit bears witness that we are children of God(Romans 8:15-16) When we become HIS CHILDREN, it comes with an inheritance (Romans 8:17).  This inheritance isn't just going to heaven someday.  This inheritance is being able to abide in HIS PRESENCE and operate HIS KINGDOM NOW.  We are able to reach up and connect with our Daddy and bring the Kingdom to others.  There are children to be adopted out there and we as a family get to love on all those who are still out there so that God can bring the rest of the family in.  We all play a part.  We are all unique in that our personalities are different and He calls us to do different things in the body.  However, the one thing that should remain the same for all of HIS CHILDREN is that we all have HIS KINGDOM WITHIN US.  What is HIS KINGDOM?  Righteousness, Peace, Joy in the Holy Spirit. 

We have often quoted the "Lord's prayer" and said "On Earth as it is in Heaven".  Why do you think He wanted us to pray that way?  I would like to tell you that it is because He has given us all authority here on Earth to pray this prayer in HIS NAME.  WE CAN BIND AND LOOSE THINGS here on Earth because HE SAID SO.  We just don't know WHO or WHOSE we are.  Most of us have never taken the time to soak in His presence and open up to HIS WORD to allow it to penetrate the very fiber of our being.  He has so many nuggets that people aren't getting because they don't want to spend time with HIM.  He is our teacher and our best friend and if we are going to DO HIS WILL on EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN, we NEED HIM in constant fellowship with us, but I will save that conversation for another time.  If He told us that we are to pray that way when we pray, WHY DO WE NOT BELIEVE IT CAN HAPPEN.  He said that when we pray, we are to believe whole heartedly that the thing we pray is going to happen and if a man is double minded in anything, let that man not receive anything from Him (James 1)

Oh Children of God, if you only knew WHO YOU ARE!!!  You have authority over these things that come to invade earth.  It is NOT HIS WILL for sickness, death, disease to be in control of our lives.  We are to walk in authority over these things.  I am learning and growing in this area now.  I can't say I have "arrived" by no means, but like Paul said "I am forgetting all those things that are behind and I am pressing toward the mark".  I can no longer sit and ignore Him and His word anymore.  He is my LIFE.  In HIM I live, breathe and have my being.  We can't do this without coming to HIM and letting HIM TRANSFORM OUR MINDS.  We in the Bible belt especially have adopted more "religion and traditions of men" than we have "the spirit of God"  My heart cry is that we will walk in the Kingdom of God that is within us and that instead of wanting to go to church to "be spoon fed" we will GROW UP INTO THE MATURITY that we need.  When we are babies, we get the milk, but once we get the milk and grow up, we need solid food.  You know what the meat of the word is?  It is to DO THE WILL OF THE FATHER.  "On EARTH as it is in HEAVEN"  Jesus said "My Food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work" and then goes on to tell us to LOOK AT THE FILEDS, FOR THEY ARE READY FOR HARVEST!"  He died so that we could come into THIS KINGDOM.  What are we doing with it???? We can't just go to church to get filled, WE MUST GO FORTH and spread this KINGDOM OF GOD WITHIN US!!! Go Forth and multiply.  Don't be like the servant who kept the master's money and didn't spend it and cause INCREASE to come.  :)  God will bring the increase.  Just go and plant the Kingdom in others!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Living in the OVERFLOW of the Love of God

This morning, I sit and seek the Lord's help with my current situation.  I have had some physical issues with my Thyroid and hormones so I haven't been the loveliest of creatures (that's mild I guess).  Anyway, instead of serving with the overflow, everything the last couple of weeks has been more draining.  I have been "doing" all the right things, (spending time in the word, sitting at His feet, worshipping, etc.....)  But it has been the attitude of my heart that has kept me from really receiving God's love that causes me to overflow.  So, it all finally came to a head the last two days (the longest meltdown I have had in FOREVER) I was discontent and dissatisfied with everything it seemed. It seemed that I had poured the life out and there was never any gratitude.  Instead, there was complaining and murmuring and no one wanting to take care of themselves.  *NOTE: this was my skewed perception, but not reality for the most part.  Anyway, because I hadn't been receiving the inflow and I was still trying to outflow, I was getting drained.  So, today, I just want to LOVE Him and let Him heal my heart.  I am needing my daddy to comfort me like only He can.  Only my daddy can give me LIFE and FREEDOM.  He is my Refuge and He is my strength.  If I walk in any bitterness or unforgiveness, I STOP THE FLOW OF THE SPIRIT.  I can't afford to do that.  I have to stay in the LIFE giving flow of the Holy Spirit in order to serve others out of overflow.  No matter what the reactions of the people that I serve, I MUST BE IN RIGHT SPIRIT.  I don't believe I have been!  I have grumbled and complained and allowed this flesh to rise up.  NOT GOOD!!  So, I come this morning because I am truly repenting for the attitude of my heart to my daddy.  You want to know how good HE IS?  Of course, we know that when we come to Him and CONFESS our faults, HE IS FAITHFUL AND JUST and forgives us and CLEANSES us from all unrighteousness.  He is Righteous in that and Justifies me "just as if" I never sinned. That's worth SHOUTING the praises all day long!!! However, I am thinking He is JUST as well.  Because He is Just, He uses the precious blood of Jesus to cause me to learn in this and grows me up.  Hallelujah!! He is worthy of all our praise!! 
 WOW!! My daddy knows just what I need just when I need it.  I love Him!!! He is going to the very root and healing my innermost parts.  See, HE FLOWS TO US so we can then flow to others.  As we are able to RECEIVE from HIM, we can then flow to others even when they are ungrateful.  This also helps us because when we are ungrateful, we know that there is still a LOVE that flows to us if we take time to receive it.
So, anyway, after all this, I open "Come Away My Beloved" by Frances Roberts and I read this:

"All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth, To such as keep His covenant." Psalm 25:10

My children, there is no good thing that I would withhold from you.  I have not left you to fend for yourselves nor to make your way by your own devices.  I am the Lord your God.  I am your provider and your defender.  I care for you with a deep and tender love.  I am all-wise and all-powerful and will be your defense against every onslaught of the enemy.
Anticipate My help.  I will not fail you.  Look down at the path before you.  You will see the print of My feet.  "I will go before you and make the crooked places straight" (Isaiah 45:2).  I will make the path ready for you as you follow.  It is a joy to My heart when My children rely on Me.  I delight in working things out for you, but I delight even more in you yourself than in anything I do to help you.  Even so, I want you to delight in Me just for Myself, rather than in anything you do for Me. 
Service is the salvage of love.  It is like the twelve baskets of bread that were left over.  The bread that was eaten was like the fellowship mutually given; and the excess and overflow was a symbol of service.  I do not expect you to give to others until you have first eaten.  I will provide you with plentiful supply to give if you first come to receive for your own needs. 
This is not selfishness.  It is the Law of Life. Can the stalk of corn produce the ear unless first it receives its own life from the parent seed?  No more can you produce fruit in your ministry unless you are impregnated with divine life from its source in God Himself.  It was from the hands of the Christ that the multitudes received bread.  From His hands you also must receive your nurture, the Bread of Life to sustain your health and your life.
This is His love-covenant with you.  It is the message of John 15:4; "Abide in Me, and I in you.  As the Branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the Vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. " This abiding is a love relationship, and this is why service is the salvage of love.
Service will be futile and burdensome unless it springs from an overflowing heart.  Overflowing not with good intentions and condescending self-righteousness, but overflowing with the love of God.  This you do not have of yourself, nor can you give, however much you might desire to do so.  You will posses this love only as you wait upon Me and take time to absorb it from Me, like a quiet flower takes life from the warm rays of the sun.
Your heart will be cold otherwise.  For your ready ardor and natural sympathy and common kindness will soon be cooled by the chill winds of ingratitude and others' unlovely reactions.  Do you thing the love of Jesus was always well received?  Would He not have brought His ministry to an abrupt end on many an occasion if He had needed the appreciation of people to motivate His loving service?
Have you read the reaction of the religious people to the recital of His miracle-working power in Luke 4?  The exhibition of God's love draws forth emotions in the unregenerate heart that are nothing short of murderous at times.  In other cases, God's love is met by callous indifference and criminal ingratitude, as with the nine lepers who never returned to express so much as a word of thanks for their deliverance from a walking death (see Luke 17:12-19).
In the face of divine love being poured forth on Calvary--The holy, sinless God Himself dying for sinful, depraved, undeserving humanity--what is the reaction?  Gratitude?  Love? Contrition?  No! Hate lashes out in jeers and mocking.  Violence and cruelty flow forth like a river and mingle with the very blood that was spilt for their redemption!
No.  Human kindness will never be enough.  It will never fill the twelve baskets with fragments.  There will never be any crumbs left over for others unless you first eat from your own personal love feast with the Savior.
Let Him fully satisfy your soul-hunger, and then you will go fort with a full basket on your arm.
Twelve baskets there were (see Matthew 14:20).  One for each disciple. There will always be the multitudes to be fed, but the few called to minister.  This is by My own arrangement.  As the Scripture says; "My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment" (James 3:1).
Many are called, Few are chosen.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

I am going deeper still.....

You know I have been on this journey with Jesus for 10 years now.  He never ceases to amaze me!  I went through a period of about 7 years of this in what I call a wilderness place. I am on the other side of this wilderness now and am victorious!  However, I am going deeper still.  I am determined that MY LIFE will not be in vain.  I will accomplish everything that He calls me to with HIS STRENGTH.  The devil will not get the victory for my life!! So, I am at a place where I am called to go deeper still.  Just when I thought I was getting too deep right?  LOL God has a way of always taking us out of our comfort zones and then bringing us deeper still and then providing HIS COMFORT!  He is so faithful!!!! So, anyway, I am growing in the area of following the spirit and not the flesh.  My mind being the battlefield.  For those who know me, you know I have failed to filter what is in my mind from coming out of my mouth.  I am pretty transparent.  What you see is what you get.  If I am failing inside my mind or my heart, you will know it because I expose myself through my mouth.  :(  This is a double edged sword.  Anyway, this morning, I am sharing my heart with you.  My sister-in-law's mother has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Liver Cancer.  Now, I believe we can see a miracle in this.  I don't believe it is God's will that she has the cancer.  I believe that God says for US TO PRAY "On Earth as it is in Heaven"  There is NO CANCER IN HEAVEN.  I believe that we are here on earth to PRAY and BELIEVE in faith and we have a direct connection to Jehovah Rophe (our healer) So, I am believing for a healing of body, soul, and spirit.  God is already moving in this situation.  Thank you Jesus for your stripes, by which we WERE healed (Isaiah 53:5)  I believe you paid for Dean's healing already and I believe it is up to us to rebuke the cancer.  I might be a little too bold in this, but I am willing to look like a fool to see your glory revealed in this.  We love you Lord!  We thank you for your healing! I praise you for your FAITH that you give to us all liberally.  We will give you all the glory!!! No matter what happens!! We will do our job, and we will wait for you!

This morning's devotional scripture:  SO GOD!!!!

"Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him"
1 Corinthians 2:9

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Are we taking 1/2 our pills or all of them??

Lately for the past month or so I have been feeling a little sluggish again and even had some moodiness the last few days.  I wondered if being late taking my thyroid medicine would have caused me to be a little off balance.  I didn't see a reason for the mishaps so I went on and assumed I just hadn't allowed myself to be led by the Spirit.  Then, I opened my new prescription bottle and it said, take ONE pill per day and I realized that I had still been splitting my pills in half because my previous dose required it.  Talk about a goof up.  However, I saw that I have been doing that as a Christian many times as well.  You see, when I was first born again, I was ON FIRE and was so touched by the Lord and healed emotionally and physically in such a way that I didn't care who saw me or saw how crazy in love with JESUS I was.  Through the years I LEARNED through other's examples how NOT TO BE TOO STIRRED UP.  I learned how to Fit into the box (Well, as much as I could be anyway)  I even heard people say that when we are first born again, we might need to be locked up for a little bit until we get toned down.  I was a little crazy.  I have to admit.  :)  Anyway, then I had yet another life altering experience and once again, I have become that crazy lady.  I am not as rough as I was before, but the passion is sometimes overwhelming to other people.  I took the WHOLE PILL and now instead of just being crazy, I am crazy for Jesus with purpose!! :) I KNOW that HE is the only way!  I have NO DOUBTS that He LOVES ME and when I just sit and think that He now uses me to help others experience HIM, it BLOWS MY MIND.  He is SO GOOD!!! So stinkin good!!
Anyway, back to my point right?  So, this pill that we take? We come to Jesus and we belong to Him right?  But then what? How many don't go forward to become a "Friend of God"? We have to cultivate any relationship that we have.  We must have the relationship with HIM or we just have RELIGION, which will kill you.  We must LEARN from Him and allow HIM to teach us and LEAD us.  He gives us the Holy Spirit which gives us the boldness to be a witness for HIM.  The Holy Spirit leads us to FOLLOW CHRIST AND NOT THE FLESH if we submit to HIM.  If we want to live a life of Victory in the Lord, we MUST take the WHOLE PILL and not just half.  If we only take half, we are only half made well and we can not serve our purpose in HIM.  I encourage you today, take the WHOLE PILL of God and don't just stop at the altar.  Go on to be all He has called you to be and grow in your relationship with your daddy!! He will not disappoint you.  He will even cause the EVIL that has been done to you to work for YOUR GOOD.  How good is that? WOW!! To know that everything that satan intended to destroy you with is now your weapon against Him?  Only God can cause that to work~!
The Bible says, "they overcame him by the BLOOD OF THE LAMB and the WORD OF THEIR TESTIMONY and they did not love their lives unto death"  We get the blood applied to our lives and we speak what God says and we don't love our lives unto death and THEN WE OVERCOME satan.  Whoo Hoo.  Go forth and speak what God has put in you!!! You SHALL OVERCOME.  I will share what I got this morning from "Come Away My Beloved" by Frances Roberts. 

Finally, my brethre, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.  Ephesians 6:10
Do not be intim idated by anyone, but speak forth My Word as I give it to you.  You have written freely and fearlessly.  now speak in the same way.  Your spoken word must be brought into conformity with the work I have done within you.  This you need for your own strength.  For the house divided against itself cannot stand; neither can you so long as you bear one testimony in your heart and another with your lips.
You are not pleasing Me but trying to please men.  They will detect your inconsistency in spite of your best efforts, for in one way or another, the truth will break through.  You need not say all that is in your heart, but you must either speak the truth or be silent.  If you cannot bring yourself to speak the truth without apology, then speak nothing.
let the life and witness of Jesus Christ be your guide.  If you are willing to attempt to emulate His honesty, I will come to your aid to give you the wisdom also; so that the answer may be not only tru but forceful.  For you wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the unseen opposition of satanic forces.  These may at times be arrayed against your soul even through your dearest friends, so that you may have to reply as Jesus did to Peter on one occasion (Mark 8:33)\
Do not set out to covert the whole world to your convictions but rather to hold your own convictions inviolable against the forces of the oppoistiion.  I will be with your and guard your mouth.  Trust ME.

OK that was a tough one!  Be blessed!