Luke 18:16-17-They they also brought infants to Him that He might touch them; but when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them (the hungry ones) BUT JESUS called them to HIM and said "Let the little children come to Me, and DO NOT FORBID THEM, for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.
We WILL not be able to accept the Kingdom of God unless we get as a little child and TOTALLY trust our Father completely. Kids receive everything AS IS and they don't have the capability to reason things away because they don't agree with them.
Shortly after I was born again, I was reading Mark 16:17-18- And these signs will follow those who believe. In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues. They will take up serpents, and if they drink anything deadly, it wsill by no means harm them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover" I strongly believe that I had a revelation that the harmful poison that he was talking about was the deadly poisons coming from others mouths. Whether it was a false doctrine or negative things that came against me. Not that those things don't damage me on some part. They hurt. I have been wounded, but ultimately, because I was able to "chew the straw" and learn to "spit the sticks" I have "received" several different truths of the word of God that I would not have been open to even hearing if I had been "AFRAID" that someone would sidetrack me (GREATER IS HE THAT IS WITHIN ME THAN HE THAT IS WITHIN THE WORLD -1 John 4:4. I know that!!!) . I was gullible and I wasn't afraid. I have sat under some things that were not truth, but because I have been as a little child when listening to leaders, I HAVE RECEIVED THE KINGDOM OF GOD and it is ALIVE AND ACTIVE WITHIN ME. I am thankful for that revelation. Granted, I have been through a lot of heartache and it's not been an "easy road" but my daddy has taken care of me and I totally trust HIM to get me where I need to be. I just JUMP OUT OF THE BOAT AND ASK QUESTIONS LATER. :) I am not going to be bound by religion if I can at all keep from it!! He is cleansing me from all that junk and I am receiving as a little child again. There are so many frustrations at times though. I can't understand why we think we can keep going without God's manifest presence coming in power and glory. How can we sit in congregations where there is no Hope and healing and restoration. It is up to US to get up and be the KINGDOM in our congregations. PASTORS ARE JUST RESPONSIBLE TO EQUIP US and then it is UP TO US TO RELEASE THE KINGDOM TO OTHERS.
He often does not operate in the way that we think He should and a lot of times, we are NOT WILLING to let go of our traditions built by RELIGION and TRADITION and allow HIS KINGDOM to operate within us. Oh God, deliver us from any religious TRASH that we have accepted as our own thoughts. Help us to not walk breathing in the carbon monoxide that will put us to sleep and eventually KILL us. Help us to breathe in the extra breathe of Oxygen that we need to make it Carbon Monoxide! We are hungry for you and desperate for your touch. We can not live, move, or have our being without your touch. We NEED YOUR KINGDOM to COME and YOUR WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN!!! We need to walk in your anointing and power!!! There is a dying world out there and if WE the CHURCH do not rise up and SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND YOUR RIGTEOUSNESS, we will DIE!!! NO THINGS are worth losing the KINGDOM OF GOD. We need to walk in the FULLNESS of your GOSPEL!!! We need to Walk in your Spirit and NOT AFTER THIS FLESH. God grant us a Godly sorrow that will lead us into true repentance for keeping our children from coming to your kingdom. We have settled for "religion" and it has put us to SLEEP. There is no healing, and there is no peace, and there is NO SATISFACTION in that place. We declare wholeness and Healing for your body Lord. We ask that you cause us to walk as children who see your secrets. We ask for you to cause us to be exactly what you need us to be Lord. Lord, our children need to WRAPPED up in YOU!!! Keep us growing to that place of VICTORY Lord. Deliver your children and draw them to you Lord. Keep us from causing them to stumble. If we can teach them nothing else, let them LEARN TO BE A PEOPLE OF PRAISE AND NOT MURMURING AND COMPLAINING. We have failed to do this in ourselves at times and we are so thankful that you are a God of 2nd, 3rd, and infinite chances.
So, anyway, this morning around the breakfast table, we talked about the bronze serpent being lifted up. As I am thinking about this, it strikes me, "Is this what he meant by 'They shall take up serpents' ?
Anyway, we all took turns praising His Holy name and things that we are thankful for and as we lifted up the name of Jesus, there was joy and my kids received a little teaching because it was God being lifted up and NOT US!! They are hungry for HIM!!! As the children of Israel looked upon the bronze serpent, they were healed and as we look into your eyes Jesus, we are made whole and restored. Thank you Jesus for allowing us to look into your precious face and see your smile on us. Thank you for breaking down our PRIDEFUL attitudes and causing us to walk in your statutes. You are Worthy of All our praise. We will praise you and even be undignified if we have to be because there is NO GOD LIKE YOU!!!! You are the only one who can work "ALL THINGS TOGETHER FOR OUR GOOD" You are faithful!!!! Your promises are Yes and Amen!! Help us teach our kids to be hungry to sit at your feet and to LOVE YOU Jesus!!!! Help us to never hinder them to come into your presence and to let you LOVE ON THEM!!! Help us to raise up passionate children for you!!! Children who are on fire and who know the power of walking in your kingdom authority. Help us to never cause our children to be full of wrath. We have messed up as a family, but we are repenting as a family and asking that you help us correct anything that we may have messed up. Thank you Jesus!!!!
Thank you all for reading my rants on here. I hope at times I can encourage others. I don't always feel like I make sense of half of the things I rattle about, but I feel that I can at least share my heart and hopefully encourage someone who might be just as messed up as I have been to turn their eyes to Jesus as I lift HIM up. If I can manage to exalt HIM far above myself, then SOMEONE can be drawn to the one who LOVES them deeply, madly, and passionately. May the Lord Bless you and keep you, and make His face to SHINE upong you!!!
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