So, lately, I have had all sorts of things that my heart has been crying out for right? Obviously, there have been some really deep times of intercession for this region and different things. I don't always understand what God is doing in and through me. I believe if we knew half of the things that he was doing through us, we would be so stinking puffed up with pride that we would be no earthly good right? So, I think that is why we must glory in our infirmites. I have been thinking about Paul's thorn in the flesh. I have heard people say that it must have been a sickness, but I don't believe that is possible. The word used for thorn in this passage (2 Cor 12:7) is skolops, which means "splinter". Didn't Jesus talk about people having "splinters" in our eyes? Just a thought. I believe the thorn Paul might possibly be talking about is indeed the weaknesses of our own stinking "flesh". Just when I have an abundance of reveleations pouring through me and I go "WHOA, that's deep" If I allow myself to get puffed up because I am some sort of amazing person or something, I am immediately poked back to the reality that I am NOTHING without HIM and that my flesh is still NASTY and ROTTEN and totally SELFISH. I am reminded that unless I stay crucified with Christ, I CAN DO NOTHING right. This is why I am able to brag about the stupid things that I have gotten into EVEN WHILE SERVING THE LORD. I have had so many mistakes, but God has been gracious through them all. He truly sets the captives FREE and when Christ has set you free, YOU ARE FREE INDEED. He has set us free from this Body of DEATH that we are chained to through HIS PRECIOUS BLOOD. He gives us the power to overcome this world!!! Hallelujah!! He is worthy of all our praise if HE never did another thing for you in your life, this would be enough to praise Him for. I could go on and on, but I was thinking this would just be something short tonight.
These things that my heart cries out for have been with me for a long time. I have sat on a lot of things that I felt the Lord was showing me. I am not some super spiritual, super Christian. Instead, I am a naturally supernatural creation of the Lord God almighty who is having a "human" experience. You ever heard "I am not a human having a spiritual experience, but a spirit having a human experience" That's me!! I didn't know I was a spirit until I was "born of the spirit". I love it!! The things I say don't always make sense, but I realize that in that aspect of things, Jesus didn't always make sense either huh? I bet He left a lot of people scratching their heads you know? God uses the WEAK and FOOLISH things to CoNFOUND the WISE. I just love it!!!! I, like most of the people that God uses, am not one that is eloquent of speech, but one thing I am is trusting of my Daddy!!! I am NOT AFRAID to JUMP when HE says JUMP. Therefore, I get to see God moving in people all around me. We have to realize that we are never going to be so perfect and that GOD USES US IMPERFECT PEOPLE!!! The more we realize how imperfect we are, it seems the more He uses us. WOW!!! Not sure how biblically sound this all is. Take it with a grain of salt. I just know I am so excited to get to operate the KINGDOM OF GOD here on earth and to BE HIS AMBASSADOR. I have all authority over the enemy in my life and in the lives of the realm of authority He gives to me as an inheritance. I plan to keep exercising my authority and to remain submitted to His authority. I want to keep staying so full of God's Word and spending so much time with my daddy that I can't help but speak LIFE everywhere I go. I am getting better everyday. I am so thankful that the Lord orchestrates our footsteps and that NOTHING that I have been through will have been in vain. Even my stupid mistakes our covered in the precious blood of the Lamb and are being turned around and used for MY GOOD!!!! Hallelujah!!!! No other God can do that!!!! Why would we want any other God besides Jehovah Jireh? Jehovah Rophe? Our King of Kings and our Lord of Lords, our lover, and our best friends, our refuge and our strength. He is so worthy of our Praise!!! Ok, I am getting a little sleepy and need to get some rest. I just wanted to share some thoughts. I hope even in my ramblings that I have blessed someone out there in blog world. Maybe one day, I will know. Until then, I look at this blog as being a way to share things with anyone who wants to read. :)
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