This morning, I woke up with "the Kingdom of God is within you" playing in my soul. As me and my husband did our morning reading, we went to Luke 17. Luke 17:20-21- Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, "The kingdom of God does not come with observations: nor will they say, 'See here!' or 'See there!' for indeed, the kingdom of God is within you. "
Lord we need you to open up our hearts to receive all that you would have us to receive. We often stop at less than you desire. The thief has come to "kill, steal, and destroy", but you have come that we would "Have life and have it more abundantly". We want to walk with you so closely that we no longer live, but that YOU LIVE THROUGH US. We choose your kingdom and we reject the kingdom of darkness. In Jesus Name, we will go forth and be YOUR AMBASSADORS.
Ok, so when I was first born again, the Lord planted this idea of the Kingdom of God being within me. I didn't fully grasp all that He was doing at that time, but as I have been coming out of a period when I had "fallen asleep" and MY BELOVED came and "woke me up" calling for me. I look around at the church and I yearn for the day when she KNOWS WHO SHE IS. We have such a dim look. We are not shining brightly on the hilltops as we ought to. We have been in an identity crises and it has caused our lights to be dimly lit. You see, when we are born again, the Kingdom of God is planted within us and we receive the spirit of adoption by whom we cry out Abba Father and the spirit bears witness that we are children of God(Romans 8:15-16) When we become HIS CHILDREN, it comes with an inheritance (Romans 8:17). This inheritance isn't just going to heaven someday. This inheritance is being able to abide in HIS PRESENCE and operate HIS KINGDOM NOW. We are able to reach up and connect with our Daddy and bring the Kingdom to others. There are children to be adopted out there and we as a family get to love on all those who are still out there so that God can bring the rest of the family in. We all play a part. We are all unique in that our personalities are different and He calls us to do different things in the body. However, the one thing that should remain the same for all of HIS CHILDREN is that we all have HIS KINGDOM WITHIN US. What is HIS KINGDOM? Righteousness, Peace, Joy in the Holy Spirit.
We have often quoted the "Lord's prayer" and said "On Earth as it is in Heaven". Why do you think He wanted us to pray that way? I would like to tell you that it is because He has given us all authority here on Earth to pray this prayer in HIS NAME. WE CAN BIND AND LOOSE THINGS here on Earth because HE SAID SO. We just don't know WHO or WHOSE we are. Most of us have never taken the time to soak in His presence and open up to HIS WORD to allow it to penetrate the very fiber of our being. He has so many nuggets that people aren't getting because they don't want to spend time with HIM. He is our teacher and our best friend and if we are going to DO HIS WILL on EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN, we NEED HIM in constant fellowship with us, but I will save that conversation for another time. If He told us that we are to pray that way when we pray, WHY DO WE NOT BELIEVE IT CAN HAPPEN. He said that when we pray, we are to believe whole heartedly that the thing we pray is going to happen and if a man is double minded in anything, let that man not receive anything from Him (James 1)
Oh Children of God, if you only knew WHO YOU ARE!!! You have authority over these things that come to invade earth. It is NOT HIS WILL for sickness, death, disease to be in control of our lives. We are to walk in authority over these things. I am learning and growing in this area now. I can't say I have "arrived" by no means, but like Paul said "I am forgetting all those things that are behind and I am pressing toward the mark". I can no longer sit and ignore Him and His word anymore. He is my LIFE. In HIM I live, breathe and have my being. We can't do this without coming to HIM and letting HIM TRANSFORM OUR MINDS. We in the Bible belt especially have adopted more "religion and traditions of men" than we have "the spirit of God" My heart cry is that we will walk in the Kingdom of God that is within us and that instead of wanting to go to church to "be spoon fed" we will GROW UP INTO THE MATURITY that we need. When we are babies, we get the milk, but once we get the milk and grow up, we need solid food. You know what the meat of the word is? It is to DO THE WILL OF THE FATHER. "On EARTH as it is in HEAVEN" Jesus said "My Food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work" and then goes on to tell us to LOOK AT THE FILEDS, FOR THEY ARE READY FOR HARVEST!" He died so that we could come into THIS KINGDOM. What are we doing with it???? We can't just go to church to get filled, WE MUST GO FORTH and spread this KINGDOM OF GOD WITHIN US!!! Go Forth and multiply. Don't be like the servant who kept the master's money and didn't spend it and cause INCREASE to come. :) God will bring the increase. Just go and plant the Kingdom in others!!
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