Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Great Revival Coming!!!

You know lately, all I can think about is the GREAT REVIVAL that is coming on the Earth.  I have been thinking about how the Glory of God is going to be revealed in the church.  I long for the body to come into alignment and do her job.  See, I had treated my body in a disrespectful manner for so long and wasn't able to function properly either.  I know that when we don't play by the rules, we get weak and worn out.  I know that there is a standard by which we must abide in order to be vibrant and healthy.  If there is one part of the body out of order, it puts a strain on the rest of the body.  We are defenseless against the traps of the enemy if not for the Grace of God.  So, as my body has been being restored, He has been placing a passion for the body of Christ herself to be restored and get ready.  The bridegroom is coming soon and there will be a wedding.  There will be many who were invited to attend that are not ready when He comes. He is then going to send people to gather the ones that weren't originally invited to attend.  They will gladly come.  Are you one of the ones that isn't ready?  I pray not.....  I pray that we all take the time to search our hearts and ask the Lord to reveal any hidden things in us.  I have had sooooooo much hidden in my heart and during this "season of repentance"  He has done a mighty work in me.  He has restored my soul along with my body.  He has given me a love that I never knew I could have.  See, perfect love casts out fear.  I am no longer afraid to speak what I am hearing HIM say.  I love people too much to see them miss HIM.  I want to at least throw out a lifeline.  I started out this way when I was first born again and I had this passion, but somewhere I let anger and bitterness and resentment come in and it controlled me for some years.  I thank God that He has been rich in mercy and has restored to me my FIRST LOVE.  I shall never be the same.  I have hurt people along the way and He is allowing me to repair damage even now.  He is faithful.  I don't always have it altogether, but I promise you that my heart is towards the Father and I long for Him.  I thank God for the precious blood of Jesus that allows me to ABIDE IN HIM!!!  Oh Beloved, come to the wedding.  There is great revival coming to you soon!! Will you come forth when He calls your name? 
Yesterday, thoughts of revival for the body consumed me and I felt at times that I would just explode thinking about the moment of seeing it come to pass.  I get so excited to see others come into complete freedom.  Glory!!!  I even had to text my pastor and a friend to make sure I wasn't getting too overboard, but was told that they were excited as well.  Then, this morning when i thought today might be a little more settled I read this: (Oh Beloved, He is coming sooner than we think, but for now I will just love HIM)

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End," says the Lord, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty." Revelation 1:8

Behold, you stand on the threshold of a new day.  For I have truly great things in store for you. Yes, you have not power to conceive what I am about to do.  For I will bring to pass a new thing.  you will rejoice exceedingly.  you have heard of the showers, but I say to you: I will send a mighty downpour.  Many have cried out to Me from hungry hearts and have received of my fullness and seen My glory; but I say to you : In the day of the great deluge which is coming many will come to know the reality of My power who have until now not even dreamed of such a thing.
Many who are scoffers and many who are honest doubters will find themselves swept away on the swelling tide of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  For this is the time of the last great outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  For this is the time of the last great outpouring.  This is the day of preparation for the coming of the Lord.  Many shall rejoice together in the Spirit's work who are now at sword's point over doctrinal disputes and barriers of tradition.
But let your heart be encouraged; for a new day is dawning; a day of repentance and a day of gathering for My people.  For they shall not continue to be barricaded and isolated behind walls of prejudice.  I am the Lord, and I will be worshipped in spirit and in truth, and not in the bigotry of sectarianism and narrowness of denominationalism.  The World is waiting for a robust Church to minister to its needs, and how can an ailing, dismembered Body bring healing to a sick and dying world?
Surely I will pour out My spirit, and by prophecies, by signs and wonders, by many different types of miracles, and by healings, I will reaffirm the veracity of MY WORD and bring the message of the Gospel of Redemption to many who would otherwise never give heed.  I am the Alpha and the Omega.  Stand firm in ME.  NEVER WAVER.
Be faithful regardless of apparent failures and discouragements; for MY WORD shall surely be fulfilled and your eyes shall see revival in proportions such as never before witnessed in the history of the human race.
Keep your eye on the end of the course.  Victory is secured already.  Do not let the hurdles cause you consternation.  Stay in the running.  Truly, I am at your side.  According to each day shall your strength be, and the race is not won by the swift, but the obedient shall receive the prize.


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