Friday, September 16, 2011

a Soldier??

Today, I have been having STRONG urges to go and get something sweet and I hadn’t had a lot of extra time so I thought I had better take a praise break and come against this with the Word and praise. Since I was wanting something “sweet”, I can think of nothing sweeter than spending time with my daddy. So, I am taking this moment and reminding my flesh that it’s dead to sin and alive unto righteousness and a Holy boldness was rising up in me. I can’t really explain it fully yet. I know that the Lord is changing me in so many ways and I shall not fully comprehend them all right away. I just “KNOW” that something is very different in me and that the more closely that I walk in total dependence on Him, the more freedom, from all the bondages that have held me down, I am experiencing. I am an anointed woman of God and satan doesn’t like for us to know who we are. There are some who will say that he cannot touch you if you have the blood line drawn, but the TRUTH of the matter is he is allowed to touch whatever we have not kept CRUCIFIED. How many things I have yet to declare DEAD!!May the Lord God Almighty reveal them all. I am so extremely thankful for the Word of God being sharper than a two edged sword and for Him being my rear guard as I follow His leading. I am thankful that He can keep us from stumbling as we get down on our knees and declare our need for His help. With God, nothing is impossible and I thank Him that He has filled me with the Holy Ghost and given ME the POWER to overcome any obstacle that comes my way. I can’t explain what He has been doing in me, but I know that the favor of God rests on my life and that He is going to use our family to do GREAT AND MIGHTY exploits. I know also, that we had better keep our ADAM’s CRUCIFIED with Christ and quit allowing them to be raised from the DEAD. We are DEAD to sin and alive unto RIGHTEOUSNESS. If you are not walking in the power of God over your life, then EARNESTLY cry out for Him to fill you with
His Precious Holy Spirit and to burn away everything that is not of Him. Any other Spirit might need to be questioned. Don’t be AFRAID to be uncomfortable. God doesn’t bring us down a road filled with tulips and daisies. He brings us to the CROSS and then, only then will we be brought to the place where the POWER of God that raised Christ from the dead will dwell in us. Ok, so after getting stirred up, I want to share the devotional that reminded me today to keep on fighting the good fight of faith! KNOW WHO YOU ARE. There is a battle going on and you are in it if you are a blood bought saint of God!

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Ephesians 6:17
My people shall not go mourning, for I the Lord will be their rejoicing and their song. They will not be a complaining people, for I will take away the murmuring from your streets. Will I lead into the battlefronts an army of weeping women? Will I ask the fainthearted to war? NO, but I shall give My people brave and courageous spirits, and I will make them strong of heart. I will give them the spirit of the martyrs, for they will be MY Witnesses of resurrection power. They shall be stalwart. They shall be steadfast. And I will remove from the ranks those who are timid and those who desire comfort and security. My way is a way of sacrifice, and the rewards are not in worldly honors. So take upon you the full armor of God: the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the loins girded with truth, feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, having the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit. Yes, My people, this is a hand-to-hand combat. You shall stand against the foe face-to-face. You will not turn in retreat lest you be slain; for there is not armor to protect the back. The coward will perish. You have not wrestled in any measure such as He, the Lord Jesus. You are not prepared to enter into this conflict as long as you are absorbed in the luxuries and the personal comforts of normal life. For every soldier must give first place to his obligation to the armed forces, and second place to his own private life and wishes. Even so you must do, if you would be My followers. Even so did Jesus during His earthly ministry. His entire life was subordinated to the Father’s will.
As it is written, “Even Christ did not please Himself” (Romans 15:3). How dare you risk allowing the flesh to manifest its desires? They can be only evil continually. No good thing can come out of a deceitful heart. As the old hymn says, “The arm of the flesh will fail you—you dare not trust your own.”
Only that which is generated within you by the Spirit of God can bring forth righteousness; “do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove that what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (Romans 12:2)

If Jesus Christ Himself didn't seek comfort, then I want to aim in the uncomfortable direction! Ok, now I don’t know about you, but I KNOW that I am called to be a soldier for the Lord. I HAVE SOME CATCHING UP TO DO. How about you???? Follow me, as I follow Christ!!!! Be blessed in the Lord today and always! Love yall!!!

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